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The Number 14 By: Mari I chose this number because its my lucky number I also chose it because it doesn't have to many factors and its not prime.

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Presentation on theme: "The Number 14 By: Mari I chose this number because its my lucky number I also chose it because it doesn't have to many factors and its not prime."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Number 14 By: Mari

3 I chose this number because its my lucky number I also chose it because it doesn't have to many factors and its not prime.

4 Math facts about 14 The factors of 14 are 1,2,7,14 14 would be a bad first move in the factor game because the opponent would get 10 14 is a even and composite number.14 is a deficient number 14 / \ 7 x 2

5 Connections between 14 and my world My sister is 14. We went back to visit Brazil on the 14th of December for Christmas. My cousin Alice is 14 months old. I have 14 posters in my room. My mom went to New York for the first time when she was 14. My dad has lived in 14 cities

6 Historical facts about 14 Norwegian Roald Amundsen became the first explorer to reach the south pole In December 14 1911. World War II ended in August 14 1945. Princess Grace Kelly died in a car accident in France on the 14th of September 1982. President Lincoln was assassinated in April 14th 1865

7 Social/cultural facts about 14 The French national day celebration is celebrated on the 14th of July. French president in Loubet opens the Paris international exhibition on the 14th of April 1900 Noah Webster publishes his American dictionary of the English language on the 14th of April 1828


9 Is 14 deficient perfect or abundant? Deficient Perfect Abundant



12 8 4 25 How Many Factors Does 14 Have?



15 14 is a Good First Move In A the Factor game. True False



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