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Integrative Physiology I: Control of Body Movement

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1 Integrative Physiology I: Control of Body Movement
Chapter 13 Integrative Physiology I: Control of Body Movement

2 Skeletal muscle reflexes The integrated control of body movement
About this Chapter Neural reflexes Autonomic reflexes Skeletal muscle reflexes The integrated control of body movement Control of movement in visceral muscles

3 Neural Reflexes Table 13-1

4 Somatic Motor Reflexes
Monosynaptic and polysynaptic somatic motor reflexes (a) A monosynaptic reflex has a single synapse between the afferent and efferent neurons. Sensory neuron Stimulus Receptor Spinal cord Integrating center Skeletal muscle Somatic motor neuron Target cell effector One synapse Efferent neuron Response Figure 13-1a

5 Somatic Motor Reflexes
(b) Polysynaptic reflexes have two or more synapses. Synapse 1 Spinal cord Integrating center Sensory neuron Stimulus Receptor Interneuron Synapse 2 Target cell effector Efferent neuron Response Figure 13-1b

6 Autonomic Reflexes Some visceral reflexes are spinal reflexes
no brain involvement, or brain modulated “bashful bladder” / toilet training / goose pimples Sensory neuron Stimulus Receptor CNS integrating center Preganglionic autonomic neuron Response Postganglionic autonomic neuron Target cell Autonomic ganglion Figure 13-2

7 Skeletal Muscle Reflexes
Proprioceptors are located in skeletal muscle, joint capsules, and ligaments Proprioceptors carry input sensory neurons to CNS CNS integrates input signal Somatic motor neurons carry output signal Alpha motor neurons α Effectors are contractile skeletal muscle fibers extrafusal muscle fibers

8 Muscle spindle Golgi tendon organ Joint receptors Proprioceptors
Response to stretch Within muscle fibers as intrafusal fibrer Automonic with gamma motor neurons Golgi tendon organ Muscle tension especially during isometric Relaxation reflex - protective Joint receptors Are found in capsules and ligaments around joints

9 Proprioceptors Muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs are sensory receptors in muscle Extrafusal muscle fibers Alpha motor neuron Muscle spindle Golgi tendon organ Tendon (a) Figure 13-3a

10 Spindle fibers: Sense stretch
Proprioceptors Gamma motor neurons Spindle fibers: Sense stretch To CNS Tonically active sensory neurons Central region lacks myofibrils. Gamma motor neurons from CNS Muscle spindle Intrafusal fibers Extrafusal fiber (b) Muscle spindle Figure 13-3b

11 Proprioceptors Extrafusal muscle fibers Afferent neuron Capsule
Sensory neuron Collagen fiber Tendon (c) Golgi tendon organ Figure 13-3c

12 Muscle spindles monitor muscle length and prevent overstretching
1 1 Extrafusal muscle fibers at resting length 3 Sensory neuron endings 2 2 Sensory neuron is tonically active. Intrafusal fibers of muscle spindle Sensory neuron 3 Spinal cord integrates function. Alpha motor neuron Spinal cord 4 Alpha motor neurons to extrafusal fibers receive tonic input from muscle spindles. 4 5 5 Extrafusal fibers maintain a certain level of tension even at rest. (a) Spindles are firing even when muscle is relaxed. Figure 13-4a

13 Muscle Spindles Figure 13-4b

14 Alpha-Gamma Coactivation
(a) Alpha-gamma coactivation 1 1 Alpha motor neuron fires and gamma motor neuron fires. Muscle shortens 1 2 Muscle length 2 Muscle contracts. 3 Intrafusal fibers do not slacken so firing rate remains constant. 2 3 Stretch on centers of intrafusal fibers unchanged. Firing rate of afferent neuron remains constant. Action potentials of spindle sensory neuron Muscle shortens 1 Time Figure 13-5a

15 Without Gamma Motor Neurons
(b) 1 1 Alpha motor neuron fires. Muscle shortens Muscle length 3 2 Muscle contracts. 2 4 Less stretch on intrafusal fibers Action potential 3 Less stretch on center of intrafusal fibers Action potentials of spindle sensory neuron 4 Firing rate of spindle sensory neuron decreases. Muscle shortens Time Figure 13-5b

16 Muscle Reflexes Help Prevent Damage
Muscle spindle reflex Sensory neuron Spindle Spinal cord Add load Motor neuron Muscle (a) Load added to muscle. Figure 13-6a

17 Muscle Reflexes Help Prevent Damage
Figure 13-6b

18 GTO’s Figure 13-7

19 Movement Types of movement Reflex Voluntary Rhythmic

20 CNS Integrates Movement
Spinal cord integrates spinal reflexes and contains central pattern generators Brain stem and cerebellum control postural reflexes and hand and eye movements Cerebral cortex and basal ganglia Voluntary movement

21 CNS Integrates Movement
Table 13-3

22 CNS Control of Voluntary Movement
Figure 13-10

23 CNS Control of Voluntary Movement
Feedforward reflexes and feedback of information during movement Figure 13-13

24 Progressive neural disorder
Parkinson’s Disease Progressive neural disorder Characterized by abnormal movements, speech difficulties, and cognitive changes Loss of basal ganglia that release dopamine

25 Moves products in hollow organs Controlled by ANS
Visceral Movement Moves products in hollow organs Controlled by ANS Some create own action potentials

26 Skeletal muscle reflexes
Summary Neural reflexes Somatic reflexes, autonomic reflexes, spinal reflexes, cranial reflexes, monosynaptic reflex, and polysynaptic reflex Autonomic reflexes Skeletal muscle reflexes Extrafusal muscle fibers, alpha motor neurons, muscle spindles, intrafusal fibers, gamma motor neurons, muscle tone, and stretch reflex

27 Skeletal muscle reflexes (continued)
Summary Skeletal muscle reflexes (continued) Alpha-gamma coactivation, golgi tendon organs, myotatic unit, reciprocal inhibitions, flexion reflexes, crossed extensor reflex, and central pattern generator Integrated control Reflex movement, postural reflexes, voluntary movement, rhythmic movements, corticospinal tract, basal ganglia, and feedforward reflexes Control of movement in visceral muscles

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