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Unit 1 Scientific Approaches Chapter 1 History. Comparative psychology- concerned w/ ani beh Ethology- branch of biology studying ani beh Behavioral ecology-

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Scientific Approaches Chapter 1 History. Comparative psychology- concerned w/ ani beh Ethology- branch of biology studying ani beh Behavioral ecology-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Scientific Approaches Chapter 1 History

2 Comparative psychology- concerned w/ ani beh Ethology- branch of biology studying ani beh Behavioral ecology- interaction bt/wn ani w/each other and enviro

3 Old dead guys! 300 BC Aristotle organized living things by complexity, named them by genus and species Genus= group, species=unique properties

4 More old dead guys! 16th and 17th cent Lots of studies in anatomy and physiology Descartes researched that ani beh is governed by laws and principles 18th cent Linnaeus- system of classification

5 Up to 19th cent Early 19th cent Lamarck- evolution (all species descended from older, from simple to more complex) 19th cent Darwin- changed views from anthropocentric (humans center of everything) to we evolved too

6 Go Darwin, Go Darwin! Book “Origin of Species” produced a mechanism to support theory of evolution Natural selection- ani and humans live in same universe, all related by common ancestors

7 More dead old guys Mendel- studied genetics, reinforced theory of evolution William James- “Principles of Psychology”, human consciousness Lloyd Morgan- comparative psych on ani beh, simplest explanation is best John Watson- founded school of behaviorism, learning processes, rats

8 Ethology Branch of bio, studies ani beh w/in environ Field studies on ani beh in natural environ FAP- fixed action patterns, innate, present in all members of species Triggered by a sign stimulus Ex: color during mating triggers aggression in males

9 Behavioral ecology Evolutionary principles of adaptation Environments are interacting systems Sociobiology- social behaviors of animals

10 Animal classification Taxonomy- classifying and naming animals Indicate relationships Most important characteristics KPCOFGS Genus- group Species- can interbreed and produce viable offspring

11 Animal behavior Why do they do that? What is accomplished? What is provided by this behavior? Functional- due to evolution Purposeful- future planning, consciousness Proximate (mechanical) causes- immediate circumstances that evoke beh

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