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Business Siting With Raster GIS Robert Cheetham, Avencia Incorporated.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Siting With Raster GIS Robert Cheetham, Avencia Incorporated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Siting With Raster GIS Robert Cheetham, Avencia Incorporated

2 Background

3 Objectives Contribute to Job Growth in Philadelphia Adaptable to many types of clients – Retail, Hospitality, Restaurants, Offices, Warehouses Customizable Ability to generate multiple versions of model results Ability to use results to filter available properties Desktop functionality in a browser Simple User Interface

4 Why locate there?

5 Proximity to Transit Lines Why locate there?

6 Proximity to Transit Lines High Density of College Grads Why locate there?

7 Proximity to Transit Lines High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales Why locate there?

8 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales Why locate there?

9 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Why locate there?

10 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Why locate there?

11 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone How did you find the site? Business siting is about making a choice based on the composite of several location based decision variables

12 DecisionMaps City of Philadelphia







19 REX Real Estate Metric







26 How does Raster GIS Work?

27 How does it work? City of Philadelphia

28 How does it work? Broken into a grid of cells City of Philadelphia

29 How does it work? City of Philadelphia Broken into a grid of cells Each cell has a value for any given layer of information

30 How does it work? City of Philadelphia Broken into a grid of cells Each cell has a value for any given layer of information

31 How does it work? City of Philadelphia Broken into a grid of cells Each cell has a value for any given layer of information

32 How does it work? City of Philadelphia Broken into a grid of cells Each cell has a value for any given layer of information 1 This cell based approach enables us to combine layers using a process called map algebra

33 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Using our example from earlier Business siting is about making a choice based on the composite of several location based decision variables

34 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Create a series of raster layers

35 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Create a series of raster layers

36 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Create a series of raster layers

37 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Create a series of raster layers

38 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Create a series of raster layers

39 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Assign weights to raster layers x 2 x 4 x 5 x 2 x -2

40 Proximity to Transit Lines High Per Capita Income High Density of College Grads High Density of Home Sales In An Economic Incentive Zone Assign weights to raster layers x 2 x 4 x 5 x 2 x -2 + Output Decision Raster

41 Derive Output Raster Proximity to Transit Lines x 2 High Per Capita Income x 2 Density of College Grads x 4 Density of Home Sales x 5 Economic Incentive Zone -2


43 What Weve Learned Early client feedback paid off downloads integration with other efforts Example of what can be accomplished once a server-based GIS infrastructure is in place Web services saved a lot of time on basics Decision-making processes are often fuzzy and we need map processes that accommodate this ArcGIS Server has been a powerful platform on which to develop some sophisticated functionality

44 Next Steps Demographic/Segmentation Reporting – (Business Analyst Online) Public web deployment Integration with commercial real estate listings service Encapsulation of basic process into a web service for integration into departmental applications – school siting

45 Business Siting With Raster GIS Robert Cheetham, Avencia Incorporated,

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