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Politics/World Issues President Nixon is reelected John Edgar Hoover dies Richard Nixon resigns as President in 1974 while facing charges for impeachment.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics/World Issues President Nixon is reelected John Edgar Hoover dies Richard Nixon resigns as President in 1974 while facing charges for impeachment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics/World Issues President Nixon is reelected John Edgar Hoover dies Richard Nixon resigns as President in 1974 while facing charges for impeachment for the Watergate scandal. Lyndon B. Johnson died

2 Economy The oil crisis in 1973 was caused when Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), during the Yom Kippur War. It was also announced that the price for Oil would increase drastically. Datsun 210 $3,869 Dodge Colt $4,785 Warm Leather Lined Boots $39.99 From Prices for clothes and fashions in the 70s Car 8 Track Stereo Tape Player $38.99 CB Radio $147 Medium Eggs 25 cents per dozen From Food Prices In The 70s Miracle Whip $1.09 King Size Bean Bag Chair $19.99 Porcelain Kitchen Sink $9.88 Quartz Alarm Clock $12.97

3 Technology The 70's were the start in many ways of the Electronics and digital revolution. The 70's also saw the beginning of the Home Computer As people realized the power of these new home computers a new use was found and that was the beginning of the video game. Barcode ----- 1973 USA E-Mail ----- 1971 USA Floppy Disk ----- 1971 USA by Alan Shugart Genetic Engineering ----- 1973 USA by S Cohen and H Boyer Ink Jet Printer ----- 1976 USA In Vitro Fertilization ----- 1978 England "test tube baby" Laser Printer ----- 1975 USA LCDs ----- 1970 England by George Gray - Liquid Crystal Display Microprocessor ----- 1971 USA MRI Scanner ----- 1977 USA by Raymond Damadian Personal Computer ----- 1975 USA Space Station ----- 1973 USA Skylab

4 Fads/Fashion Mood Rings, Lava Lamps, Rubik's Cube, Sea Monkeys, Smiley Face Stickers, String Art, and Pet Rocks Wildest fad was streaking nude through very public places Men sported shoulder length hair and non- traditional clothing became the rage

5 NC in the 1970s The Republican Party, appealing to conservatives, became a force in North Carolina for the first time since the nineteenth century In early February, 1971, downtown Wilmington, N.C. was a war zone. Shots rang through the streets, traffic was blocked, and citizens were barricaded in a church.

6 NC in the 1970s North Carolina held its first presidential primary election on May 6, 1972. Prior to 1972 In early March, 1972, former North Carolina Governor Terry Sanford entered the race.

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