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Secondary PARCC Practice Tests Instructional Implications.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary PARCC Practice Tests Instructional Implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary PARCC Practice Tests Instructional Implications

2 Session Outcomes Participants will: Explore the design and content of sample PARCC items in ELA and Mathematics. Determine how the design and content of the PARCC assessment will impact classroom instruction.

3 Questions Please feel free to ask questions at any time during the session. If we are unsure about the answer, we will put the question in the PARKING LOT and consult a MSDE representative.

4 Home Screen






10 Who are we? MS Teachers HS Teachers Support Teachers – Special Education, Enrichment, etc… Principals/Assistant Principals Central Office Staff Other…


12 Assessment Tutorial As you go through the tutorial, consider: How does the tutorial address UDL? How does the PARCC assessment differ from MSA/HSA? What tools might teachers have to show students how to use?

13 PARCC Tutorial At your own pace, go through the PARCC tutorial to familiarize yourself with the available tools. Click on TUTORIAL

14 PARCC Tutorial Debrief How does the tutorial address UDL? How does the PARCC assessment differ from MSA/HSA? What tools might teachers have to show students how to use?

15 Types of Accessibility Features and Accommodations 15

16 Accessibility Features for All Students on the Computer-Based Test Mode 16 Accessibility Features for All Students Assigned the Computer-Based Test Mode Audio Amplification Blank/Scratch Paper (provided by test administrator) Eliminate Answer Choices Flag Items for Review General Administration Directions Clarified (by test administrator) General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated (by test administrator) Text Highlighter Tool Headphones or Noise Buffers Line Reader Magnification/Enlargement Device Pop-Up Glossary Redirect Student to Test (by test administrator) Writing Tools

17 Accommodations Link accessibility-features-and-accommodations- manual For more information go to the website:

18 Purpose of the Practice Tests Why would you use the practice tests as a part of instruction? Format Types of Assessment Items Message to Students Professional Learning


20 Thinking About Math As we explore the content of the math items, think about… Which mathematical practices would students apply to each test item to reach proficiency? What are the implications for instruction? What kinds of instructional activities should be implemented in the classroom before students take the PARCC assessment?

21 What is available from PARCC for Math? Sample Items – Includes items from Grades 6-8, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II with some performance based tasks. Practice Tests – Current tests are end of year (task type 1 – machine scoreable) and available for Grades 6-8, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II

22 SAMPLE ITEMS Take a look at the available sample math items for Grades 6-8 and/or high school. Click on SAMPLE ITEMS

23 PRACTICE TEST Current practice tests are end-of-year (EOY). Let’s take a look at some examples from the practice test. –The examples represent some of the focus clusters

24 Non-Calculator and Calculator Grade 7 Sample Items What do you notice?

25 Non-calculator Example #1

26 Non-calculator Example #2

27 Non-calculator Example #3

28 Calculator Example#1

29 Calculator Example #2

30 Time to Explore Now, take a look at the available math items in the practice tests for middle and/or high school. Click on Practice Tests and choose Mathematics Choose a grade level/course to view.

31 PARCC for Mathematics What are the implications for instruction? What kinds of instructional activities should be implemented in the classroom before students take the PARCC assessment?

32 Brain Break!!!


34 ELA PBA Format

35 PBA Simulation The example we will look at is from the tenth grade Performance Based Assessment. There are three sections: literary analysis, research simulation, and a narrative task. Click on PRACTICE TESTS

36 The Test 1-7: Literary analysis 8-17: Research simulation 18-23: Narrative task Read/view the texts, and answer the questions. Discuss the skills and knowledge required by students to respond to the questions and essay.

37 Focus Question – ELA What kinds of instructional activities should be implemented in the classroom before students take the PARCC assessment? Consider this question as you preview the ELA practice tests. Click on the Practice Test Tab and choose ELA. Scroll down to find your grade level.

38 PARCC for ELA As you analyze the knowledge and skills required by these examples, what are the implications for instruction how do they differ from recent instructional practices?

39 Additional Resources Achieve the Core Better Lesson CAST http://www.cast.org Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) Great Public Schools (GPS) Network MSDE Blackboard Learn ReadWorks Teaching Channel

40 Putting it all Together…

41 As you analyze the knowledge and skills required by the EOY and PBA examples, what are the implications for instruction and how may it differ from recent instructional practices?

42 Talk About… Now that we have identified three resources (the tutorial, sample items, and practice tests) and explored the PARCC website, how can you share this information with others at your school?

43 Thank you! Questions?

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