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Relate text to background knowledge to enhance comprehension and retain key ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Relate text to background knowledge to enhance comprehension and retain key ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relate text to background knowledge to enhance comprehension and retain key ideas

2 Learned Knowledge vs. Experiential Knowledge Learned = Make a connection to something you learned in school or from a text (I know…) Experiential = Make a connection to a personal experience (This reminds me of…)

3 Type of Connection Viable = Connected information from students background knowledge that adds information to the text. Connection is NOT related to an important aspect of the text. Focused = Connected information from students background knowledge that adds information to the text. Connection IS related to an important aspect of the text. Its OK to abandon connections!

4 Making Connections Text-to-Text = Connect the text you are reading to a different text Text-to-Self = Connect the text you are reading to yourself Text-to-World = Connect the text you are reading to what happened or is currently happening in the world

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