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Chapter 54 Ecosystem Dynamics

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1 Chapter 54 Ecosystem Dynamics
AP Biology Chapter 54 Ecosystem Dynamics

2 LE 54-2 Tertiary consumers Microorganisms and other detritivores
Secondary consumers Primary consumers Detritus Primary producers Heat Key Chemical cycling Sun Energy flow

3 10% Rule of Energy

4 LE 54-4 Open ocean Continental shelf 65.0 125 24.4 5.2 360 5.6 Estuary
Algal beds and reefs 0.3 0.1 1,500 1.2 2,500 0.9 Upwelling zones Extreme desert, rock, sand, ice 500 0.1 4.7 3.0 0.04 Desert and semidesert scrub Tropical rain forest 3.5 90 0.9 3.3 2,200 22 Savanna Cultivated land 2.9 900 7.9 2.7 600 9.1 Boreal forest (taiga) Temperate grassland 2.4 800 9.6 1.8 600 5.4 Woodland and shrubland Tundra 1.7 700 3.5 1.6 140 0.6 Tropical seasonal forest 1.5 1,600 7.1 Temperate deciduous forest Temperate evergreen forest 1.3 1,200 4.9 1.0 1,300 3.8 Swamp and marsh Lake and stream 0.4 2,000 2.3 250 0.3 10 20 30 40 50 60 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 5 10 15 20 25 Key Percentage of Earth’s surface area Average net primary production (g/m2/yr) Percentage of Earth’s net primary production Marine Terrestrial Freshwater (on continents)

5 Fig: 54.5 Productivity of the Earth (Based on Chlorophyll Density)

6 (millions of cells/mL) (millions of cells per mL)
LE 54-6 30 21 Long Island Shinnecock Bay 19 5 15 4 11 Great South Bay Moriches Bay 2 Atlantic Ocean Coast of Long Island, New York 8 Phytoplankton 8 7 Inorganic phosphorus 7 6 6 (millions of cells/mL) Phytoplankton 5 Inorganic phosphorus (µm atoms/L) 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 4 5 11 30 15 19 21 Station number Great South Bay Moriches Bay Shinnecock Bay Phytoplankton biomass and phosphorus concentration 30 Ammonium enriched Phosphate enriched Unenriched control 24 18 (millions of cells per mL) Phytoplankton 12 6 Starting algal density 2 4 5 11 30 15 19 21 Station number Phytoplankton response to nutrient enrichment

7 Fig:54.7

8 Rachel Carson

9 Plant material eaten by caterpillar 200 J 67 J Cellular respiration
Feces 33 J Growth (new biomass)

10 Fig: 54.11 Pyramids of Energy Production

11 Fig: 54.14 Pyramids of Numbers (Think about how much each consumer eats over its lifetime.)

12 bog at Silver Springs, Florida.
LE 54-12a Trophic level Dry weight (g/m2) Tertiary consumers Secondary consumers Primary consumers Primary producers 1.5 11 37 809 Most biomass pyramids show a sharp decrease in biomass at successively higher trophic levels, as illustrated by data from a bog at Silver Springs, Florida.

13 Primary consumers (zooplankton) Primary producers (phytoplankton) 21 4
LE 54-12b Trophic level Dry weight (g/m2) Primary consumers (zooplankton) Primary producers (phytoplankton) 21 4 In some aquatic ecosystems, such as the English Channel, a small standing crop of primary producers (phytoplankton) supports a larger standing crop of primary consumers (zooplankton).

14 Fig: 54.13 Pyramids of Numbers

15 LE 54-17a Transport over land Solar energy Net movement of
water vapor by wind Precipitation over land Precipitation over ocean Evaporation from ocean Evapotranspiration from land Percolation through soil Runoff and groundwater

16 LE 54-17b Higher-level consumers Primary consumers Carbon compounds
CO2 in atmosphere Photosynthesis Cellular respiration Burning of fossil fuels and wood Higher-level consumers Primary consumers Carbon compounds in water Detritus Decomposition

17 LE 54-17c N2 in atmosphere Denitrifying bacteria Nitrogen-fixing
Assimilation Denitrifying bacteria NO3– Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules of legumes Decomposers Nitrifying bacteria Ammonification Nitrification NH3 NH4+ NO2– Nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria Nitrifying bacteria

18 LE 54-17d Rain Geologic uplift Weathering of rocks Plants Runoff
Consumption Sedimentation Plant uptake of PO43– Soil Leaching Decomposition

19 Harvesting

20 Sources for Acid Precipitation

21 Fig: 54.22

22 Effects of Acid Precipitation

23 LE 54-23 Herring gull eggs 124 ppm Lake trout 4.83 ppm
Concentration of PCBs Smelt 1.04 ppm Zooplankton 0.123 ppm Phytoplankton 0.025 ppm

24 Rachel Carson

25 Fig: 54.24 Rising CO2 and rising temperature

26 Two CIO molecules react, forming chlorine peroxide (Cl2O2).
Chlorine from CFCs interacts with ozone (O3), forming chlorine monoxide (CIO) and oxygen (O2). Chlorine atoms O2 Chlorine O3 CIO O2 Sunlight causes Cl2O2 to break down into O2 and free chlorine atoms. The chlorine atoms can begin the cycle again. CIO Cl2O2 Two CIO molecules react, forming chlorine peroxide (Cl2O2). Sunlight

27 Fig: 54.28 Ozone hole over Antarctica in dark blue

28 LE 54-28 October 1979 October 2000

29 Melting Antarctic Ice

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