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Photosynthesis Chapter 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis Chapter 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis Chapter 8

2 Organisms that use Photosyntheis
Anozygenic Purple bacteria Green sulfur bacteria Green nonsulfur bacteria Heliobacteria Oxygenic Cyanobacteria Some algae All land plants

3 Where does photosynthesis happen?

4 Parts of the Chloroplast
Thylakoid Membrane – where photosystems are found Grana Chlorophyll Stroma


6 3 Stages of Photosynthesis
1. Capturing energy from sunlight 2. Using the energy to make ATP and to reduce the compound NADP+ to NADPH 3. Using the ATP and NADPH to power the synthesis or organic molecules from CO2 in the air

7 Story Time- History of Photosynthesis
Helmont Priestly Jan Ingen-Housz F.F. Blackman C.B. van Niel

8 Pigments Photons- Short wavelength vs Long Wavelength
Can cause photoelectric effect

9 Chlorophyll Absorption Spectra
Chlorophyll b Both can’t absorb nm…what color do you think this is?

10 Accessory Pigments Caroteniods- ex Beta-carotene Phycobiloproteins

11 Photosystem Organization
Antenna Complex Reactions Ceneter

12 Antenna Complex Captures photons from sunlight and channels them to the reactions center chlorophylls

13 Reaction Center Figure 8.10
In plants water serves as an electron donor, when water is oxidized oxygen is released along with two protons

14 Light-Dependant Reactions
Primary Photoevent Charge Separation Electron Transport Chemiosmosis ALL OCCUR IN THE THYLAKOID MEMBRANE!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 Photosystems Chloroplasts have two photosystems…sulfur bacteria have 1 what does this suggest. Photosystem nm Photosystem nm Cytochrome b6-f complex Cyclic vs noncyclic


17 Video Break Photosystems

18 And Now for a Video Break
Photosynthetic Electron Transport System and ATP Synthase

19 So What is made? For every Electron Pair 1 molecule of ATP is made…but this is not enough to drive carbon fixation…how do they cope? NADPH is also Made

20 Carbon Fixation Converts inorganic carbon into organic molecules
Calvin cycle 3 phases Carbon Fixation Reduction Regeneration of RuBP



23 Calvin Cycle Calvin Cycle

24 Photorespiration Releases CO2 Reduces the yield or photosynthesis
As Temperature rises C3 respiration becomes less favorable

25 Coping with High Temperatures
C4 pathway- Captures CO2 in one cell and the decarboxylation occurs in an adjacent cell. Corn, sugarcane, grasses. CAM pathway- stomata open during the night and close during the day Cacti, pineapples, and some other plants


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