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Life Chemistry and Energy

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1 Life Chemistry and Energy
2 Life Chemistry and Energy

2 Chapter 2 Life Chemistry and Energy
Key Concepts 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy

3 Enduring Understanding
2.A. Growth, reproduction, and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter. (The concept of free energy will be discussed in detail during Chapter 6)

4 Essential Knowledge 2.A.1. All living systems require constant input of energy. 2.A.3. Organisms must exchange matter with the environment to grow, reproduce, and maintain organization.

5 Assessment Test of Chapter 2

6 Like any profession, the study of biology has its own language.
Word Roots Like any profession, the study of biology has its own language. Nouns constructed with components – prefixes and suffixes – of definite purpose and meaning. What follows may be useful to you in understanding the construction and meaning of scientific vocabulary.

7 kilo - a thousand (kilocalorie: a thousand calories)
Word Roots hydro - water; - philos loving; - phobos fearing (hydrophilic: having an affinity for water; hydrophobic: having an aversion to water) kilo - a thousand (kilocalorie: a thousand calories) Instructor’s Guide for Campbell/Reece Biology, Seventh Edition

8 Word Roots carb - coal (carboxyl group: a functional group present in organic acids, consisting of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and a hydroxyl group) enanti - opposite (enantiomer: molecules that are mirror images of each other) hydro - water (hydrocarbon: an organic molecule consisting only of carbon and hydrogen)

9 thio - sulfur (thiol: organic compounds containing sulfhydryl groups)
Word Roots iso - equal (isomer: one of several organic compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures and, therefore, different properties) sulf - sulfur (sulfhydryl group: a functional group that consists of a sulfur atom bonded to an atom of hydrogen) thio - sulfur (thiol: organic compounds containing sulfhydryl groups)  

10 di - two (disaccharide: two monosaccharides joined together)
Word Roots con - together (condensation reaction: a reaction in which two molecules become covalently bonded to each other through the loss of a small molecule, usually water) di - two (disaccharide: two monosaccharides joined together)

11 macro - large (macromolecule: a large molecule)
Word Roots glyco - sweet (glycogen: a polysaccharide sugar used to store energy in animals) hydro - water; - lyse break (hydrolysis: breaking chemical bonds by adding water) macro - large (macromolecule: a large molecule) meros - part (polymer: a chain made from smaller organic molecules)

12 poly - many (polysaccharide: many monosaccharides joined together)
Word Roots mono - single; - sacchar sugar (monosaccharide: simplest type of sugar) poly - many (polysaccharide: many monosaccharides joined together) tri - three (triacylglycerol: three fatty acids linked to one glycerol molecule)

13 Word Roots bio- life (bioenergetics: the study of how organisms manage their energy resources) endo- within (endergonic reaction: a reaction that absorbs free energy from its surroundings) ex- out (exergonic reaction: a reaction that proceeds with a net release of free energy)

14 kinet- movement (kinetic energy: the energy of motion)
Word Roots kinet- movement (kinetic energy: the energy of motion) therm- heat (thermodynamics: the study of the energy transformations that occur in a collection of matter)

15 Word Roots ana - up (anabolic pathway: a metabolic pathway that consumes energy to build complex molecules from simpler ones) cata- down (catabolic pathway: a metabolic pathway that releases energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones)

16 Chapter 2 Opening Question
Why is the search for water important in the search for life?

17 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Living and nonliving matter is composed of atoms.

18 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Like charges repel; different charges attract. Most atoms are neutral because the number of electrons equals the number of protons. Dalton—mass of one proton or neutron (1.7 × 10–24 grams) Mass of electrons is so tiny, it is usually ignored.

19 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Element—pure substance that contains only one kind of atom Living things are mostly composed of 6 elements: Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Nitrogen (N) Oxygen (O) Phosphorus (P) Sulfur (S)

20 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
The number of protons identifies an element. Number of protons = atomic number For electrical neutrality, # protons = # electrons. Mass number—total number of protons and neutrons

21 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
A Bohr model for atomic structure—the atom is largely empty space, and the electrons occur in orbits, or electron shells.

22 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Actual atomic structure is far more complicated than the Bohr model - electron clouds, quantum mechanics, electron configurations, etc.

23 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Behavior of electrons determines whether a chemical bond will form and what shape the bond will have.

24 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Octet rule Atoms with at least two electron shells form stable molecules So they have eight electrons in their outermost (valence) shells.

25 Figure 2.1 Electron Shells

26 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Atoms with unfilled outer shells tend to undergo chemical reactions to fill their outer shells. Stability attained by sharing electrons with other atoms or by losing or gaining electrons. The atoms are then bonded together into molecules.

27 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Chemical bond An attractive force that links atoms together to form molecules. There are several kinds of chemical bonds. ANIMATED TUTORIAL 2.1 Chemical Bond Formation

28 Table 2.1 Chemical Bonds and Interactions

29 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Ionic bonds Ions are charged particle that form when an atom gains or loses one or more electrons. Cations—positively charged ions Anions—negatively charged ions Ionic bonds result from the electrical attraction between ions with opposite charges. The resulting molecules are called salts.

30 Figure 2.2 Ionic Bond between Sodium and Chlorine

31 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Ionic attractions are weak, so salts dissolve easily in water. More about dissolving later…

32 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Covalent bonds Covalent bonds form when two atoms share pairs of electrons. The atoms attain stability by having full outer shells. Each atom contributes one member of the electron pair.

33 Figure 2.3 Electrons Are Shared in Covalent Bonds

34 Covalent Bonds

35 Animation – Ionic and Covalent Bonds

36 Van der Waals Interactions
Occur when transiently positive and negative regions of molecules attract each other

37 Van der Waals Interactions
Molecules with partially negative and positive regions: Their electrons are constantly moving Can be moments when electrons accumulate by chance in one area of a molecule. At that moment, a regions of negative charge is created, and positive region opposite.

38 Van der Waals Interactions

39 Student Misconceptions
COMMON MISCONCEPTION The simplified models of the atom electron shells, and covalent bonding can be confusing if you take them too literally. Please understand that: Atoms do not have defined surfaces. Electrons do not travel in planetary orbits around the nucleus of the atom. Shared electron pairs are not paired spatially in covalent bonds. Electron shells represent energy levels rather than the position of electrons.

40 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Carbon Carbon atoms have four electrons in the outer shell Can form single covalent bonds with four other atoms.

41 Figure 2.4 Covalent Bonding (Part 1)

42 Figure 2.4 Covalent Bonding (Part 2)

43 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Properties of molecules are influenced by characteristics of the covalent bonds: Orientation—length, angle, and direction of bonds between any two elements are always the same. Example: Methane always forms a tetrahedron. VIDEO 2.1 Methane: A three-dimensional model

44 Video 2.1 Methane: A three-dimensional model

45 Video 2.2 Starch: A three-dimensional model

46 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Strength and stability—covalent bonds are very strong; it takes a lot of energy to break them. Multiple bonds Single—sharing 1 pair of electrons Double—sharing 2 pairs of electrons Triple—sharing 3 pairs of electrons C H C C N N

47 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Degree of sharing electrons is not always equal. Let’s review the implications of this in terms of Electronegativity Hydrogen bonds Specific heat capacity Polar and nonpolar covalent bonds Cohesion and adhesion Heat of vaporization Solvent

48 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Degree of sharing electrons is not always equal. Electronegativity—the attractive force that an atomic nucleus exerts on electrons It depends on the number of protons and the distance between the nucleus and electrons.

49 Table 2.2 Some Electronegativities

50 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
If two atoms have similar electronegativities, they share electrons equally; a nonpolar covalent bond. If atoms have different electronegativities, electrons tend to be near the most attractive atom; a polar covalent bond

51 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds Attraction between the δ– end of one molecule and the δ+ hydrogen end of another molecule forms hydrogen bonds. Special kind of interactive force of attraction between a hydrogen atom, H, and the nonbonding electrons of a second, very electronegative F, O, or N

52 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds Do not involve the sharing or transfer of electrons. Relies on the attraction of partial opposite charges. Important in the structure of DNA and proteins.

53 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds  + + H –

54 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds Can occur between different molecules as long as there are areas of partial opposite charges. Within a cell, weak, brief bonds between molecules are important to a variety of processes. For example, signal molecules from one neuron use weak bonds to bind briefly to receptor molecules on the surface of a receiving neuron. This triggers a momentary response by the recipient. Weak interactions include ionic bonds (weak in water), hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals interactions. Hydrogen bonds form when a hydrogen atom already covalently bonded to a strongly electronegative atom is attracted to another strongly electronegative atom. These strongly electronegative atoms are typically nitrogen or oxygen. Typically, these bonds result because the polar covalent bond with hydrogen leaves the hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge and the other atom with a partial negative charge. The partially positive charged hydrogen atom is attracted to negatively charged (partial or full) molecules, atoms, or even regions of the same large molecule. For example, ammonia molecules and water molecules link together with weak hydrogen bonds. In the ammonia molecule, the hydrogen atoms have partial positive charges and the more electronegative nitrogen atom has a partial positive charge. In the water molecule, the hydrogen atoms also have partial positive charges and the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. Areas with opposite charges are attracted. Even molecules with nonpolar covalent bonds can have partially negative and positive regions. Because electrons are constantly in motion, there can be periods when they accumulate by chance in one area of a molecule. This creates ever-changing regions of negative and positive charge within a molecule. Molecules or atoms in close proximity can be attracted by these fleeting charge differences, creating van der Waals interactions. While individual bonds (ionic, hydrogen, van der Waals) are weak, collectively they have strength.

55 Figure 2.5 Hydrogen Bonds Can Form between or within Molecules

56 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds Are weak bonds; roughly 1/20th the strength of a typical covalent bond. Are fleeting; they form and break with slight changes in the system’s energy. Have a collective strength, as you see in the formation of water ice.

57 Hydrogen bonds “The bond lengths give some indication of the bond strength. A normal covalent bond is Angstroms, while the hydrogen bond length is A.”

58 Hydrogen bonds At 0oC, water becomes locked into a crystalline lattice with each molecule bonded to the maximum of four partners.

59 Hydrogen bonds Remember – bond length of hydrogen bonds is roughly twice as much as typical covalent bond

60 Hydrogen bonds Resulting lattice structure finds molecules farther apart. As a result, the same amount of mass occupies more volume.

61 Hydrogen bonds Water ice is approximately 10% less dense that liquid water.

62 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Since ice floats in water, Life can exist under the frozen surfaces of lakes and polar seas So why is this oddity important to life?

63 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
If ice sank, eventually all ponds, lakes, and even the ocean would freeze solid from bottom up. During the summer, only the upper few inches of the ocean would thaw. Instead, the surface layer of ice insulates liquid water below, preventing it from freezing and allowing life to exist under the frozen surface. The invertebrates shown here are krill, photographed underneath Antarctic ice

64 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds Hydrogen bonds make possible water’s properties: freezing point, cohesion and adhesion, plus its ability to dissolve many substances. Weak bonds like the hydrogen bond are vital in many biological processes

65 Animation – Hydrogen Bonds
Shockwave animation Hydrogen bonds Polar molecules can be attracted to each other much as oppositely charged ions are. The attraction will, however, be much weaker since polarity results in only a partial charge. The weak attraction between the slightly positive hydrogen region of one polar covalent bond (usually the hydrogen is bonded to oxygen or nitrogen) and the negative region of another polar covalently bonded molecule is called a hydrogen bond. Water molecules have such polarity (see polar). The diagram shows how water molecules are linked together by hydrogen bonds. You can think of water molecules as tiny magnets with opposite poles, much like the poles of a magnet. Opposite poles attract each other. Water molecules are stuck to each other by this attracting force. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than ionic bonds and much weaker than covalent bonds. Nevertheless, they are essential in biological systems. Many weak bonds working together can result in a very strong connection. The situation is similar to a strip of Velcro where many tiny and weak links form a remarkably stable attachment. Many of the characteristics of proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are due to hydrogen bonding, as are very important properties of water.

66 Animation – Molecular Water
View animation of the rotating molecule with the charged poles.

67 Video- Hydrogen Bonds

68 Animation – Hydrogen Bonds

69 Animation – Basilisk Lizard

70 Student Misconceptions
COMMON MISCONCEPTION Students often believe that a hydrogen bond can occur between atoms in the same manner as ionic or covalent bonds instead of as a strong, yet transient attraction.

71 Student Misconceptions
COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS Weak bonds play important roles in the chemistry of life, despite the transient nature of each individual bond. The compelling example of the gecko, able to walk on ceilings because of the van der Waals interactions between the ceiling and the hairs on the gecko’s toes. Strong and weak bonds are both important in the chemistry of life. Can you think of any examples?

72 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water molecules form multiple hydrogen bonds with each other—this contributes to high specific heat capacity.

73 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
A lot of heat is required to raise the temperature of water—the heat energy breaks the hydrogen bonds. In organisms, presence of water shields them from fluctuations in environmental temperature.

74 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water moderates air temperature By absorbing heat from air that is warmer and releasing the stored heat to air that is cooler Why can water absorb or release relatively large amounts of heat with only a slight change in its own temperature?

75 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Distinguish Between Heat and Temperature Heat Is a measure of the total amount of kinetic energy due to molecular motion Temperature Measures the intensity of heat due to the average kinetic energy of molecules.

76 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Atoms and molecules have kinetic energy, the energy of motion, because they are always moving. Faster that a molecule moves, the more kinetic energy that it has. As the average speed of molecules increases, a thermometer will record an increase in temperature. Heat and temperature are related, but not identical.

77 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
FYI: There is no measure of cold in science – all objects have heat energy until the object is at absolute zero. Heat passes from the warmer object to the cooler until the two are the same temperature. Molecules in the cooler object speed up at the expense of kinetic energy of the warmer object. Ice cubes cool a drink by absorbing heat as the ice melts.

78 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Biology measure temperature on the Celsius scale (oC). At sea level, water freezes at Oo C and boils at 100o C. Human body temperature averages 37o C.

79 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Convenient unit of measurement of heat energy is the calorie (cal). One calorie is the amount of heat energy necessary to raise the temperature of one g of water by 1oC.

80 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

81 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
In biology, the kilocalorie (kcal), is even more convenient. A kilocalorie is the amount of heat energy necessary to raise the temperature of 1000g (1 kilogram or kg) of water by 1oC. Another common energy unit, the joule (J), is equivalent to cal.

82 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water has a relatively high specific heat The specific heat of a substance Is the amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for 1 gram of that substance to change its temperature by 1ºC Absorbing heat energy will increase temperature Releasing heat energy will decrease temperature

83 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water has a high specific heat compared to other substances. Example: ethyl alcohol has a specific heat of 0.6 cal/g/oC Less energy required to get a temperature increase in alcohol Specific heat of iron is 1/10th that of water.

84 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Due to high specific heat, water resists changes in temperature Takes relatively more heat energy to speed up its molecules Or, water absorbs or releases a relatively large quantity of heat for each degree of change

85 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water’s high specific heat is due to hydrogen bonding between each molecule of water Must absorb heat to break the hydrogen bonds Because so much energy must first be used to break hydrogen bonds… Less energy is actually available to move the molecules faster – to increase its kinetic energy and therefore its temperature.

86 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
When enough energy is added, enough bonds break… That’s when a liquid may change its state of matter – liquid to gas.

87 Heating Curve of Water It takes a lot of energy to force a change of water’s state of matter – solid to liquid to gas. Why? Goes back to hydrogen bonds – added energy goes first to breaking hydrogen bonds before water can be evaporated.

88 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Environmental significance of high specific heat Water’s high specific heat allows water to minimize temperature fluctuations to within limits that permit life. Ever notice how it is cooler near at a beach?

89 Environmental significance of high specific heat
Large bodies of water can absorb a large amount of heat from the sun in daytime and during the summer, while warming only a few degrees. At night and during the winter, the warm water will warm cooler air. Therefore, ocean temperatures and coastal land areas have more stable temperatures than inland areas.

90 High specific heat impact individual organisms
Organisms are mostly water. Water moderates changes in temperature better than if composed of a liquid with a lower specific heat.

91 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Transformation of a substance from a liquid to a gas known as vaporization Molecules now move fast enough to overcome the attraction of other molecules in the liquid. Even in a low temperature liquid (low average kinetic energy), some molecules are moving fast enough to evaporate. Heating a liquid increases the average kinetic energy and increases the rate of evaporation.

92 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Heat of vaporization Quantity of heat a liquid must absorb for 1 gram of it to be converted from a liquid to a gas. Water has a relatively high heat of vaporization. About 580 cal of heat to evaporate 1g of water at room temperature. That’s double the heat of vaporization of alcohol or ammonia. Why?

93 So why is a high heat of vaporization important to biology?
Why? I’ll tell you why! Water’s many more hydrogen bonds must be broken before it can evaporate. So why is a high heat of vaporization important to biology?

94 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Observe same quantities of water and isopropyl alcohol poured onto tables as a thin film. What did you see? The alcohol evaporated much faster than the water. What does this say about alcohols heat of vaporization?

95 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
As a liquid evaporates, the surface of the liquid that remains behind cools - evaporative cooling. Is due to water’s high heat of vaporization. Allows water to cool a surface. Cooling happens because the most energetic molecules are the most likely to evaporate, leaving the lower kinetic energy molecules behind. So why is evaporative cooling important to biology?

96 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Remember, water has a high heat of vaporization—a lot of heat is required to change water from liquid to gaseous state. Thus, evaporation has a cooling effect on the environment. Sweating cools the body—as sweat evaporates from the skin, it transforms some of the adjacent body heat. LINK Evaporation is important in the physiology of both plants and animals; see Concepts 25.3 and 29.4

97 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Hydrogen bonds also give water cohesive strength, or cohesion—water molecules resist coming apart when placed under tension. Bonding of a high percentage of the molecules to neighboring molecules Due to hydrogen bonding Permits narrow columns of water to move from roots to leaves of plants.

98 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Helps pull water up through the microscopic vessels of plants Water conducting cells 100 µm

99 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

100 Cohesion and formation of a meniscus

101 Animation - Cohesion Transport

102 Water has greater surface tension that most liquids.
Related to cohesion, it is a measure of the force necessary to break the surface of a liquid. Water has greater surface tension that most liquids.

103 Water is a versatile solvent due to its polarity.
The Solvent of Life Water is a versatile solvent due to its polarity. It can form aqueous solutions: Solution A liquid that is a completely homogeneous mixture of two or more substances Aqueous solution A solution in which water is the solvent Solvent Dissolving agent

104 The Solvent of Life The different regions of the polar water molecule can interact with ionic compounds called solutes and dissolve them. Negative oxygen regions of polar water molecules are attracted to sodium cations (Na+). + Cl – Na+ Positive hydrogen regions of water molecules cling to chloride anions (Cl–). Cl–

105 The Solvent of Life Each dissolved ion is surrounded by a sphere of water molecules, a hydration shell. Eventually, water dissolves all the ions, resulting in a solution with two solutes, sodium and chloride.

106 The Solvent of Life Polar molecules are water soluble because they can form hydrogen bonds with water. Even large molecules, like proteins, can dissolve in water if they have ionic and polar regions.

107 Water can also interact with polar molecules such as proteins.
The Solvent of Life Water can also interact with polar molecules such as proteins. This oxygen is attracted to a slight positive charge on the lysozyme molecule. This oxygen is attracted to a slight negative charge on the lysozyme molecule. (a) Lysozyme molecule in a nonaqueous environment (b) Lysozyme molecule (purple) in an aqueous environment such as tears or saliva (c) Ionic and polar regions on the protein’s Surface attract water molecules. + –

108 Glucose molecules have polar hydroxyl (OH) groups in them and these attract the water to them. When sugar is in a crystal the molecules are attracted to the water and go into solution. Once in solution the molecules stay in solution at least in part because they become surrounded by water molecules. This layer of water molecules surrounding another molecule is called a hydration shell.  Glucose molecules have polar hydroxyl(OH) groups in them and these attract the water to them. When sugar is in a crystal the molecules are attracted to the water and go into solution. Once in solution the molecules stay in solution at least in part because they become surrounded by water molecules. This layer of water molecules surrounding another molecule is called a hydration shell. 

109 Dissolving leads to a hydration shell which bounds up water molecules – fewer free water molecules, less osmotic potential (more on osmosis in later chapter)  Glucose molecules have polar hydroxyl(OH) groups in them and these attract the water to them. When sugar is in a crystal the molecules are attracted to the water and go into solution. Once in solution the molecules stay in solution at least in part because they become surrounded by water molecules. This layer of water molecules surrounding another molecule is called a hydration shell. 

110 When a sucrose molecule is in water, it is immediately surrounded by water molecules. The sucrose has hydroxyl groups that have a slight negative charge. The positive charge of the oxygen found in the water molecule binds with the sugar. As the hydration shell forms around the sucrose molecule, the molecule is shielded from other sugar molecules so the sugar crystal does not reform.

111 Assuming two solutions of the same molar concentration, one of glucose, the other of sucrose
Glucose, being a smaller molecule with therefore relatively greater surface area than sucrose, will bound up more water molecules.

112 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Any polar molecule can interact with any other polar molecule through hydrogen bonds. Hydrophilic (“water-loving”)—in aqueous solutions, polar molecules become separated and surrounded by water molecules Nonpolar molecules are called hydrophobic (“water-hating”); the interactions between them are hydrophobic interactions. Apply the Concept Atoms interact and form molecules

113 Figure 2.6 Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic

114 Water: exists in nature as three states of matter
Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules Water: exists in nature as three states of matter Water pictured in the three phases of matter – gas (vapor), liquid and solid

115 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

116 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

117 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

118 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

119 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water: exists in nature as three states of matter Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

120 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water: exists in nature as three states of matter Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

121 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water: exists in nature as three states of matter Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

122 Chapter 2 Opening Question
Why is the search for water important in the search for life?

123 Overview Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules Three-quarters of the Earth’s surface is submerged in water. The abundance of water is the main reason the Earth is habitable.

124 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water is most unusual Only pure substance that exists naturally as a gas, liquid and solid. Less dense as a solid than a liquid, unlike almost all other chemicals. Explains why ice floats.

125 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water is the molecule that supports all of life Water is the biological medium here on Earth. All living organisms require water more than any other substance.

126 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Liquids essential to biochemistry because… Biochemical reactions need a liquid medium. In a liquid, molecules can dissolve and chemical reactions can occur. Liquid not stable; it can transport chemical from place to place within a cell, organism, or ecosystem. Imagine trying to transport vital nutrients within a solid or a gas.

127 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Water is the best liquid The best solvent – it dissolves just about everything. Helps maintain the shape of enzymes – essential catalysts of biochemistry – no shape, no chemistry. If water wasn’t the essential liquid, if another liquid could take its place, why haven’t we seen it in any life forms?

128 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Ammonia! Ammonia!

129 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
AP TIP You should be able to describe the properties of water and why these properties are important to life.

130 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Functional groups—small groups of atoms with specific chemical properties Confer these properties to larger molecules, e.g., polarity. One biological molecule may contain many functional groups. Attachments that replace one or more hydrogen atoms to the carbon skeleton. Behave consistently from one organic molecule to another.

131 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Basic structure of testosterone (male hormone) and estradiol (female hormone) is identical. CH3 OH HO O Estradiol Testosterone Female lion Male lion

132 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Both are steroids with four fused carbon rings, but have different functional groups attached to the rings. CH3 OH HO O Estradiol Testosterone Female lion Male lion

133 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
These functional groups then interact with different targets in the body. CH3 OH HO O Estradiol Testosterone Female lion Male lion

134 Male and female mallards

135 Male and female peacocks

136 Male and female sage grouse

137 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Six functional groups are important in the chemistry of life: Hydroxyl Carbonyl Carboxyl Amino Sulfhydryl Phosphate All are hydrophilic and increase the solubility of organic compounds in water.

138 Hydroxyl group -OH, a hydrogen atom forms a polar covalent bond with an oxygen atom, which forms a polar covalent bond to the carbon skeleton. Because of these polar covalent bonds, hydroxyl groups improve the solubility of organic molecules.

139 Hydroxyl group Organic compounds with hydroxyl groups are alcohols and their names typically end in -ol.

140 Carbonyl group >Carbonyl consists of an oxygen atom joined to the carbon skeleton by a double bond. If the carbonyl group is on the end of the skeleton, the compound is an aldelhyde.

141 If not, then the compound is a ketone.
Carbonyl group If not, then the compound is a ketone. Isomers with aldehydes versus ketones have different properties.

142 Compounds with carboxyl groups are carboxylic acids.
-Carboxyl COOH consists of a carbon atom with a double bond to an oxygen atom and a single bond to a hydroxyl group. Compounds with carboxyl groups are carboxylic acids.

143 Carboxyl group Acts as an acid because the combined electronegativities of the two adjacent oxygen atoms increase the dissociation of hydrogen as an ion (H+).

144 Organic compounds with amino groups are amines.
-NH2 consists of a nitrogen atom attached to two hydrogen atoms and the carbon skeleton. Organic compounds with amino groups are amines.

145 Amino group Acts as a base because ammonia can pick up a hydrogen ion (H+) from the solution. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, have amino and carboxyl groups.

146 This group resembles a hydroxyl group in shape.
Sulfhydryl group -SH consists of a sulfur atom bonded to a hydrogen atom and to the backbone. This group resembles a hydroxyl group in shape.

147 Organic molecules with sulfhydryl groups are thiols.
Sulfhydryl groups help stabilize the structure of proteins.

148 Connects to the carbon backbone via one of its oxygen atoms.
Phosphate group -OPO32- consists of phosphorus bound to four oxygen atoms (three with single bonds and one with a double bond). Connects to the carbon backbone via one of its oxygen atoms.

149 Phosphate group Anions with two negative charges as two protons have dissociated from the oxygen atoms. One function of phosphate groups is to transfer energy between organic molecules.

150 Phosphate group ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a type of nucleotide that is the cell’s primary energy transferring molecule

151 Figure 2.7 Functional Groups Important to Living Systems (Part 1)

152 Figure 2.7 Functional Groups Important to Living Systems (Part 2)

153 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
AP TIP You should be able to identify the functional groups most common in biological molecules and explain the characteristics that each functional group confers on molecules.

154 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Macromolecules Most biological molecules are polymers (poly, “many”; mer, “unit”), made by covalent bonding of smaller molecules called monomers.

155 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Proteins: Formed from different combinations of 20 amino acids Carbohydrates—formed by linking similar sugar monomers (monosaccharides) to form polysaccharides Nucleic acids—formed from four kinds of nucleotide monomers Lipids—noncovalent forces maintain the interactions between the lipid monomers

156 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Polymers are formed and broken apart in reactions involving water. Condensation—removal of water links monomers together Hydrolysis—addition of water breaks a polymer into monomers ANIMATED TUTORIAL 2.2 Macromolecules: Carbohydrates and Lipids

157 Figure 2.8 Condensation and Hydrolysis of Polymers (Part 1)

158 Figure 2.8 Condensation and Hydrolysis of Polymers (Part 2)

159 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
Source of stored energy Transport stored energy within complex organisms Structural molecules that give many organisms their shapes Recognition or signaling molecules that can trigger specific biological responses

160 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
Monosaccharides are simple sugars. Pentoses are 5-carbon sugars Ribose and deoxyribose are the backbones of RNA and DNA. Hexoses (C6H12O6) include glucose, fructose, mannose, and galactose. LINK For a description of the nucleic acids RNA and DNA see Concept 3.1

161 Figure 2.9 Monosaccharides (Part 1)

162 Figure 2.9 Monosaccharides (Part 2)

163 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
Monosaccharides are covalently bonded by condensation reactions that form glycosidic linkages. Sucrose is a disaccharide.

164 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
Oligosaccharides contain several monosaccharides. Many have additional functional groups. They are often bonded to proteins and lipids on cell surfaces, where they serve as recognition signals.

165 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
Polysaccharides are large polymers of monosaccharides; the chains can be branching. Starches—a family of polysaccharides of glucose Glycogen—highly branched polymer of glucose; main energy storage molecule in mammals Cellulose—the most abundant carbon- containing (organic) biological compound on Earth; stable; good structural material VIDEO 2.2 Starch: A three-dimensional model VIDEO 2.3 Cellulose: A three-dimensional model

166 Figure 2.10 Polysaccharides (Part 1)

167 Figure 2.10 Polysaccharides (Part 2)

168 Figure 2.10 Polysaccharides (Part 3)

169 Video 2.3 Cellulose: A three-dimensional model

170 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
AP TIP You should be able to describe structure and function of carbohydrates. You should be able to explain how polysaccharides for energy storage differ from structural polysaccharides.

171 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Lipids are hydrocarbons (composed of C and H atoms); they are insoluble in water because of many nonpolar covalent bonds. When close together, weak but additive van der Waals interactions hold them together.

172 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Store energy in C—C and C—H bonds • Play structural role in cell membranes • Fat in animal bodies serves as thermal insulation

173 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Triglycerides (simple lipids) Fats—solid at room temperature Oils—liquid at room temperature They have very little polarity and are extremely hydrophobic.

174 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Triglycerides consist of: Three fatty acids—nonpolar hydrocarbon chain attached to a polar carboxyl group (—COOH) (carboxylic acid) One glycerol—an alcohol with 3 hydroxyl (—OH) groups Synthesis of a triglyceride involves three condensation reactions.

175 Figure 2.11 Synthesis of a Triglyceride

176 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Fatty acid chains can vary in length and structure. Saturated fatty acids – hydrocarbon chains contain only single carbon-carbon bonds; they have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms (hence saturated). Unsaturated fatty acids – hydrocarbon chains contain one or more double bonds. Results in kinks in the chain and prevents molecules from packing together tightly. VIDEO 2.4 Palmitic acid and linoleic acid: A three-dimensional model

177 Figure 2.12 Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids (Part 1)

178 Figure 2.12 Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids (Part 2)

179 Video 2.4 Palmitic acid and linoleic acid: A three-dimensional model

180 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Fatty acids are amphipathic; they have a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic tail.

181 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Phospholipid—two fatty acids and a phosphate compound bound to glycerol. Phosphate group has a negative charge, making that part of the molecule hydrophilic.

182 Figure 2.13 A Phospholipids

183 Figure 2.13 B Phospholipids
In an aqueous environment, phospholipids form a bilayer.

184 Figure 2.13 B Phospholipids
The nonpolar, hydrophobic “tails” pack together and the phosphate- containing “heads” face outward, where they interact with water.

185 Figure 2.13 B Phospholipids
Biological membranes have this kind of phospholipid bilayer structure.

186 Concept 2.4 Lipids are Hydrophobic Molecules
AP TIP You should be able to describe structure and function of lipids. You should be able to explain how lipids form biological membranes and describe why the degree of saturation in the fatty acid tail affects the structure of lipids.

187 Is a miniature factory where thousands of reactions occur
Overview The living cell Is a miniature factory where thousands of reactions occur Converts energy in many ways

188 Convert energy to light, as in bioluminescence
Overview Some organisms Convert energy to light, as in bioluminescence Figure 8.1

189 Graphic Organizer for Concept 2.5
Overview Graphic Organizer for Concept 2.5

190 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Chemical reactions occur when atoms have enough energy to combine, or change, bonding partners. sucrose + H2O glucose + fructose (C12H22O11) (C6H12O6) (C6H12O6) reactants products APPLY THE CONCEPT Biochemical changes involve energy

191 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Metabolism—the sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in a biological system at a given time Metabolic reactions involve energy changes.

192 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
A metabolic pathway has many steps That begin with a specific molecule and end with a product That are each catalyzed by a specific enzyme Enzyme 1 Enzyme 2 Enzyme 3 A B C D Reaction 1 Reaction 2 Reaction 3 Starting molecule Product

193 Animation – Overview of Metabolic or Biochemical Pathways

194 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Two basic types of metabolism: Anabolic reactions Catabolic reactions

195 Catabolic pathways release energy by
Metabolic Pathways Catabolic pathways release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds. Energy stored in the chemical bonds is released. A major pathway of catabolism is cellular respiration, in which the sugar glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to carbon dioxide and water.

196 Build complicated molecules from simpler ones
Metabolic Pathways Anabolic pathways Build complicated molecules from simpler ones Consume energy; require energy input and capturing of some of that energy in newly formed chemical bonds. Also called biosynthetic pathways. The synthesis of protein from amino acids is an example of anabolism. The energy released by catabolic pathways can be stored and then used to drive anabolic pathways.

197 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
All forms of energy can be considered as either: Potential—the energy of state or position, or stored energy Kinetic—the energy of movement (the type of energy that does work) that makes things change Energy can be converted from one form to another.

198 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Chemical energy is a form of potential energy stored in molecules because of the arrangement of their atoms. Breaking or making chemical bonds – covalent or ionic – requires the release or absorption of energy during a chemical reaction

199 Chemical reactions can be classified as either exergonic or endergonic based on free energy.

200 Figure 2.14 Energy Changes in Reactions (Part 1)

201 Figure 2.14 Energy Changes in Reactions (Part 2)

202 (a) Exergonic reaction: energy released
An exergonic reaction Proceeds with a net release of free energy and is spontaneous – negative ∆G Reactants Products Energy Progress of the reaction Amount of energy released (∆G <0) Free energy (a) Exergonic reaction: energy released

203 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
An exergonic reaction The greater the decrease in free energy, the greater the amount of work that can be done Reactants Products Energy Progress of the reaction Amount of energy released (∆G <0) Free energy (a) Exergonic reaction: energy released

204 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
For the overall reaction of cellular respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O G = −686 kcal/mol Reactants Products Energy Progress of the reaction Amount of energy released (∆G <0) Free energy (a) Exergonic reaction: energy released

205 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
The products have 686 kcal less free energy than the reactants. Reactants Products Energy Progress of the reaction Amount of energy released (∆G <0) Free energy (a) Exergonic reaction: energy released

206 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
An endergonic reaction Is one that absorbs free energy from its surroundings and is nonspontaneous Energy Products Amount of energy released (∆G>0) Reactants Progress of the reaction Free energy (b) Endergonic reaction: energy required

207 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
An endergonic reaction stores energy in molecules; G is positive. Energy Products Amount of energy released (∆G>0) Reactants Progress of the reaction Free energy (b) Endergonic reaction: energy required

208 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
If cellular respiration releases 686 kcal, then photosynthesis, the reverse reaction, must require an equivalent investment of energy. Energy Products Amount of energy released (∆G>0) Reactants Progress of the reaction Free energy (b) Endergonic reaction: energy required

209 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
For the conversion of carbon dioxide and water to sugar, G = +686 kcal/mol. Figure 8.6 Energy Products Amount of energy released (∆G>0) Reactants Progress of the reaction Free energy (b) Endergonic reaction: energy required

210 Equilibrium and Metabolism
Reactions in a closed system Eventually reach equilibrium and can do no work (a) A closed hydroelectric system. Water flowing downhill turns a turbine that drives a generator providing electricity to a light bulb, but only until the system reaches equilibrium. ∆G < 0 ∆G = 0

211 Equilibrium and Metabolism
Should a cell reach equilibrium, when G = 0, THAT CELL IS DEAD! (a) A closed hydroelectric system. Water flowing downhill turns a turbine that drives a generator providing electricity to a light bulb, but only until the system reaches equilibrium. ∆G < 0 ∆G = 0

212 Equilibrium and Metabolism
Cells in our body Experience a constant flow of materials in and out, preventing metabolic pathways from reaching equilibrium. (b) An open hydroelectric system. Flowing water keeps driving the generator because intake and outflow of water keep the system from reaching equlibrium. ∆G < 0

213 Equilibrium and Metabolism
Metabolic disequilibrium is one of the defining features of life. Cells maintain disequilibrium because they are open systems. The constant flow of materials into and out of the cell keeps metabolic pathways from ever reaching equilibrium. A cell continues to do work throughout its life.

214 Equilibrium and Metabolism
An analogy for cellular respiration (c) A multistep open hydroelectric system. Cellular respiration is analogous to this system: Glucoce is brocken down in a series of exergonic reactions that power the work of the cell. The product of each reaction becomes the reactant for the next, so no reaction reaches equilibrium. ∆G < 0

215 Equilibrium and Metabolism
Some reversible reactions of respiration are constantly “pulled” in one direction, as the product of one reaction does not accumulate but… becomes the reactant in the next step. Sunlight provides a daily source of free energy for photosynthetic organisms. Nonphotosynthetic organisms depend on a transfer of free energy from photosynthetic organisms in the form of organic molecules.

216 Student Misconceptions
COMMON MISCONCEPTION Let’s double check if you fully grasp the concept of energy, and especially potential energy. Potential energy is not a substance or fuel that is somehow stored in matter. Potential energy is associated with an object’s ability to move to a lower-energy state, thus releasing some of the potential energy.

217 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
The laws of thermodynamics apply to all matter and energy transformations in the universe. First law: Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Second law: Disorder (entropy) tends to increase. When energy is converted from one form to another, some of that energy becomes unavailable for doing work. That “lost” energy contributes to disorder or entropy.

218 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
First law of thermodynamics Energy can be transferred and transformed. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

219 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
First law of thermodynamics The first law is also known as the principle of conservation of energy Total energy in a system before a transformation must equal the total energy in the system after the transformation

220 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
First law of thermodynamics Plants do not produce energy; they transform light energy to chemical energy Animals eat other organisms and catabolize complex nutrient molecules into simple compounds, such as H2O and CO2 Quantity of energy does not change, but the quality of energy does change

221 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
An example of energy conversion First law of thermodynamics: Energy can be transferred or transformed but Neither created nor destroyed. For example, the chemical (potential) energy in food will be converted to the kinetic energy of the cheetah’s movement in (b). (a) Chemical energy

222 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
No process is 100% efficient in using potential energy to do work During every transfer or transformation of energy, some energy is converted to heat, which is the energy associated with the random movement of atoms and molecules Energytotal = Energywork + Energylost as heat

223 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy

224 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Heat can still do work A system can use heat to do work only when there is a temperature difference that results in heat flowing from a warmer location to a cooler one. a.k.a a temperature gradient If temperature is uniform, as in a living cell, heat can only be used to warm the organism.

225 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Inherent inefficiency in energy transformations leads us to the second law of thermodynamics Energy transfers and transformations make the universe more disordered due to this loss of usable energy. Cue the cheetah

226 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
According to the second law of thermodynamics Every energy transfer or transformation increases the disorder of the universe. Second law of thermodynamics: Every energy transfer or transformation increases the disorder of the universe. For example, disorder is added to the cheetah’s surroundings in the form of heat and the small molecules that are the by-products of metabolism. (b) Heat co2 H2O +

227 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
According to the second law of thermodynamics Cheetah breaks down – catabolizes – relatively more complex sugar molecules into simple CO2 and H2O. Second law of thermodynamics: Every energy transfer or transformation increases the disorder of the universe. For example, disorder is added to the cheetah’s surroundings in the form of heat and the small molecules that are the by-products of metabolism. (b) Heat co2 H2O +

228 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
We needed a better way to conceptualize the second law of thermodynamics and the disorder of the universe Hence the concept of entropy

229 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Entropy Quantity used as a measure of disorder or randomness. The more random a collection of matter, the greater its entropy. Let’s update the cheetah

230 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Every energy transfer or transformation increases the disorder (entropy) of the universe. Second law of thermodynamics: Every energy transfer or transformation increases the disorder (entropy) of the universe. For example, disorder is added to the cheetah’s surroundings in the form of heat and the small molecules that are the by-products of metabolism. (b) Heat co2 H2O +

231 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Entropy increases because as the cheetah runs, it adds heat to its surroundings and releases simple by-products from the breakdown of complex chemicals Second law of thermodynamics: Every energy transfer or transformation increases the disorder (entropy) of the universe. For example, disorder is added to the cheetah’s surroundings in the form of heat and the small molecules that are the by-products of metabolism. (b) Heat co2 H2O +

232 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
The universe the cheetah lives in is a closed system (so far as we know). Second law requires that the disorder or entropy of any closed system always increases. Therefore, if there is at one point a decrease in entropy, there must also be somewhere an increase in entropy.

233 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
If the second law of thermodynamics requires an increase in disorder, what form may that disorder take? Catabolism breaks complex molecules into simpler ones, increasing disorder (entropy) Each catabolic reaction will also release heat energy, increasing disorder (entropy) So there are two types of entropy Material Thermal

234 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy Combustion of the fuel releases heat, thereby increasing entropy. Automobiles convert only 25% of the energy in gasoline into motion; the rest is lost as heat.

235 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy The Second Law of Thermodynamics C8H18 + O2  CO2 + H2O + heat There is both an increase in disorder materially – octane to carbon dioxide and water – and thermally – the release of heat energy

236 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Here’s another way of defining entropy Entropy is measured by the number of distinguishable arrangements by the particles of matter The fewer the number of distinguishable arrangements, the lower the entropy The more distinguishable arrangements, the greater the entropy

237 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
An to illustrate distinguishable arrangements ..a card trick How many possible five card hands can be dealt in poker?

238 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Each of the 2,598,960 five-card hands are a distinguishable arrangement When happens when the number of cards is halved to 26?

239 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
With 26 cards, only 65,780 five card arrangements can be made. Now suppose those cards are atoms?

240 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
With fewer atoms, few distinguishable arrangements can be made, the lower the entropy. But then of course, if you increased the number of atoms in each arrangement, from 5 to 10 You get 5,311,735 distinguishable arrangements – fewer atoms but larger molecules – entropy is increased!

241 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Second law of thermodynamics Requires increasing entropy from any closed system Isolated from its surroundings, lacking any input of additional energy, the closed system will (eventually) increase its entropy All things will fall apart

242 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
For a process to occur on its own, without outside help in the form of energy input, it must increase the entropy of the universe. In other words, the process must be spontaneous Spontaneous processes need not occur quickly. Some spontaneous processes are instantaneous, such as an explosion. Some are very slow, such as the rusting of an old car.

243 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
The Second Law of Thermodynamics A spontaneous change is a change that has a tendency to occur without been driven by an external influence e.g. the cooling of a hot metal block to the temperature of its surroundings A non-spontaneous change is a change that occurs only when driven e.g. forcing electric current through a metal block to heat it

244 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
So, another way to state the second law of thermodynamics is for a process to occur spontaneously, it must increase the entropy of the universe You will see that spontaneous processes are absolutely vital to biological processes Diffusion and facilitated diffusion Osmosis and dissolution Evolution

245 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Let’s describe the second law mathematically S = entropy ∆S = change in entropy A spontaneous process will be a positive or negative ∆S? positive

246 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Enthalpy is the total potential energy of a system H – the total enthalpy (in biological systems, equivalent to energy) Enthalpy – the energy and matter within a system that may be exchanged with its surroundings.

247 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Entropy is that fraction of enthalpy that cannot be used to do work – it is always lost to increasing disorder So the amount of energy in any system that can do work is approximately the difference between the two

248 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Total entropy change entropy change of system entropy change of surroundings = + Dissolving disorder of solution disorder of surroundings must be an overall increase in disorder for dissolving to occur

249 Biological Order and Disorder
Now for the apparent paradox of life… Don’t living systems increase order, violating the second law of thermodynamics? 50µm

250 Biological Order and Disorder
Living systems are open systems that absorb energy—light or chemical energy – in the form of organic molecules 50µm

251 Biological Order and Disorder
and release heat and metabolic waste products such as urea or CO2 to their surroundings. 50µm

252 Biological Order and Disorder
Living systems create ordered structures from less ordered starting materials. The structure of a multicellular body is organized and complex. 50µm

253 Biological Order and Disorder
Example: amino acids are ordered into polypeptide chains But living systems must use energy to maintain order. 50µm

254 Biological Order and Disorder
And, in using energy to maintain order an organism takes in organized forms of matter and energy from its surroundings and replaces them with less ordered forms. 50µm

255 Biological Order and Disorder
Example: an animal consumes organic molecules as food and catabolizes them to low-energy carbon dioxide and water. 50µm

256 Biological Order and Disorder
So what is the answer to the paradox? 50µm

257 Biological Order and Disorder
While they can increase order locally and temporarily, there is an unstoppable trend toward randomization of the entire universe. 50µm

258 Biological Order and Disorder
“Living things preserve their low levels of entropy throughout time, because they receive energy from their surroundings in the form of food.” 50µm Entropy in Biology, Jayant Udgaonkar

259 Biological Order and Disorder
“They gain their order at the expense of disordering the nutrient they consume.” 50µm Entropy in Biology, Jayant Udgaonkar

260 Biological Order and Disorder
“Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return" (Genesis 3:19) Death is the inevitable result of increasing molecular entropy 50µm

261 Biological Order and Disorder
The entropy of a particular system, such as an organism, may decrease as long as the total entropy of the universe—the system plus its surroundings—increases. Think of organisms as islands of low entropy in an increasingly random universe. The evolution of biological order is perfectly consistent with the laws of thermodynamics.

262 Biological Order and Disorder
Now how does entropy relate to evolution? Over evolutionary time, complex organisms have evolved from simpler ones. How does this happen?

263 Biological Order and Disorder
Second law of thermodynamics makes certain that a sequence of DNA cannot be maintained forever. Eventually it must fall to disorder and increase its entropy Small random changes in the DNA sequence is inevitable

264 Biological Order and Disorder
Sometime those changes – mutations – lead to changes in a gene which leads to different proteins being produced, which leads to different traits, which allows natural selection to determine the advantageous traits, and so on and so on.

265 Biological Order and Disorder
Evolution therefore does not violate the second law of thermodynamics Individuals and entire species are merely temporary and isolated examples of decreasing entropy Entropy drives the processes of evolution, osmosis, diffusion and other spontaneous processes Not a directed process; there is no goal Evolution is inevitable

266 Biological Order and Disorder
Let’s check your understanding of entropy using this model of osmosis. Assume the dialysis bag contains a saline solution. It is surrounded by pure water. Which direction will the water tend – into or out of the bag?

267 Biological Order and Disorder
Water will tend to go into the bag Osmosis requires water move from an area of high concentration – outside – to an area of low concentration until equilibrium is reached. Now explain what happens in terms of entropy.

268 Biological Order and Disorder
First, we recognize the bag is an open system Second, we know there will be a net flow of water into the bag Third, we know this will be spontaneous By definition, this will increase entropy in the beaker/bag system But wait..there’s more!

269 Biological Order and Disorder
Salt water has greater entropy than pure water Na+ and Cl- ions are spread out through the solution, creating greater disorder Pure water is just water molecules bumping into other water molecules Entropy will seek equilibrium until ∆S = 0

270 Biological Order and Disorder
Solutions have more distinguishable particles With a solute(s), you can see more combinations between molecules of solute(s) and solvent, than just solvent

271 Biological Order and Disorder
1. If we freeze water, disorder of the water molecules decreases , entropy decreases ( -ve S , -ve H) 2. If we boil water, disorder of the water molecules increases , entropy increases (vapour is highly disordered state) ( +ve S , +ve H)

272 Biological Order and Disorder
System in Dynamic Equilibrium A B C D Dynamic (coming and going), equilibrium (no net change) no overall change in disorder  S  0 (zero entropy change)

273 Biological Order and Disorder
Is the second law of thermodynamics responsible for time? Well, not really. Second law and entropy do not require time in the equations, however… Second does imply a direction of time All things must move toward a more disordered state Known as Time’s Arrow

274 Biological Order and Disorder
Constantly increasing entropy in Universe Zero entropy 13.7 billions years ago

275 Biological Order and Disorder

276 Biological Order and Disorder

277 Biological Order and Disorder

278 Biological Order and Disorder

279 Biological Order and Disorder

280 Biological Order and Disorder

281 Figure 2.15 The Laws of Thermodynamics (Part 2)

282 Figure 2.15 The Laws of Thermodynamics (Part 3)

283 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
If a chemical reaction increases entropy, its products are more disordered or random than its reactants. If there are fewer products than reactants, the disorder is reduced; this requires energy to achieve.

284 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
As a result of energy transformations, disorder tends to increase. Some energy is always lost to random thermal motion (entropy).

285 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Metabolism creates more disorder (more energy is lost to entropy) than the amount of order that is stored. Example: The anabolic reactions needed to construct 1 kg of animal body require the catabolism of about 10 kg of food. Life requires a constant input of energy to maintain order.

286 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
AP TIP You should be able to predict the outcome of endergonic and exergonic reactions You should be able to discuss the significance of the second law of thermodynamics.

287 Answer to Opening Question
One way to investigate the possibility of life on other planets is to study how life may have originated on Earth. An experiment in the 1950s combined gases thought to be present in Earth’s early atmosphere, including water vapor. An electric spark provided energy. Complex molecules were formed, such as amino acids. Water was essential in this experiment. ANIMATED TUTORIAL 2.3 Synthesis of Prebiotic Molecules

288 Figure 2.16 Synthesis of Prebiotic Molecules in an Experimental Atmosphere (Part 1)

289 Figure 2.16 Synthesis of Prebiotic Molecules in an Experimental Atmosphere (Part 2)

290 Life Chemistry and Energy CGI Video Summation
2 Life Chemistry and Energy CGI Video Summation

291 Inner Lives of a Cell – Full version with musical score
We have reviewed the basics of biological molecules. This video shows those biological molecules in action. Can you, in your mind’s eye, see the bonds, the interactions?

292 Life Chemistry and Energy Practice Questions
2 Life Chemistry and Energy Practice Questions

293 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
The element magnesium has an atomic number of 12 and a mass number of 24. Working in pairs, and using the Bohr model for atomic structure, draw a magnesium atom. Once you have drawn your magnesium atom, answer the following questions: 1. How many protons and neutrons are in the nucleus? How many electrons are in this atom? 2. Is the magnesium atom likely to bond with other atoms? Why or why not? Take a few minutes to discuss, and then present your drawing and answers to the class. Answers: The magnesium atom should have 12 protons and 12 neutrons in the nucleus. The first electron shell should have 2 electrons; the second shell should have 8 electrons; and the third shell should have 2 electrons. The magnesium atom is likely to bond with other atoms because it has less than the full complement of electrons in its outermost shell. 293

294 Concept 2.1 Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry
Select the false statement about elements: a. An element contains only one kind of atom. b. Isotopes are variants of an element with additional neutrons in the nucleus. c. Atoms of different elements can have the same number of protons. d. All the atoms of a particular element contain the same number of protons. e. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur are the main elements found in living organisms. Answer: c (The atoms of an element differ from those of other elements in number of protons.) 294

295 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Chemical bonds Working in pairs, compare the following bonds with respect to their basis of interaction and strength: Ionic Covalent Hydrogen Draw an example of each type of bond. Answers: Ionic bonds are formed by the transfer of electrons whereas covalent bonds are formed by the sharing of electrons. Covalent bonds are strongest. Hydrogen bonds represent an attraction between a hydrogen atom with a slight positive charge and another atom (often oxygen) with a slight negative charge. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Students might draw the following examples: NaCl (ionic bond); CH4 (covalent bonds); two water molecules (hydrogen bond between them). 295

296 Concept 2.2 Atoms Interact and Form Molecules
Which of the following statements about water is false? a. Water helps to prevent dramatic changes in body temperature because it has a high heat capacity. b. Sweating cools the body because water has a high heat of vaporization. c. Not counting bones, water makes up about 70% of the weight of your body. d. During condensation, the addition of water breaks a polymer into monomers. e. Molecules with polar covalent bonds are attracted to water. Answer: d (During hydrolysis, not condensation, the addition of water breaks a polymer into monomers.) 296

297 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
Working in pairs or small groups, discuss the polysaccharides starch, glycogen, and cellulose. In your discussion, consider the following questions: 1. Where are these polysaccharides found? 2. What biological role does each polysaccharide play? 3. What do these molecules have in common? 4. How do these molecules differ? Present your answers to the class. Answers: and 2. Starch is the major energy storage molecule of plants. Glycogen is an energy storage molecule in animals. Cellulose is a structural polysaccharide in plants. All are polysaccharides of glucose. The glycosidic linkages in cellulose make it a more stable molecule than either starch or glycogen. Also, whereas starch and glycogen are branched, cellulose is linear. 297

298 Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
a. can have the same chemical formula, but distinct chemical properties and different biological roles. b. such as polysaccharides are formed when monosaccharides are ionically bonded by condensation reactions. c. are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. d. are always linear, unbranched molecules. e. Both a and c Answer: e 298

299 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Triglycerides Working individually, compare saturated and unsaturated fatty acids with respect to the following characteristics: 1. Presence of double bonds between carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain 2. Ability to pack tightly together 3. State of lipid at room temperature 4. Melting point of lipid 5. Typical source Compare your answers with your classmates and discuss. Answers: In a saturated fatty acid, all the bonds between the carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain are single. In contrast, one or more double bonds is present in the hydrocarbon chain of an unsaturated fatty acid. Molecules of saturated fatty acids pack tightly together. Molecules of unsaturated fatty acids have kinks and do not pack tightly. Lipids with saturated fatty acids are usually solid at room temperature whereas those with unsaturated fatty acids are usually liquid. Lipids with saturated fatty acids tend to have high melting points whereas those with unsaturated fatty acids have low melting points. Many animal fats have saturated fatty acids. The triglycerides of plants tend to be unsaturated. 299

300 Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
Which of the following statements about phospholipids is false? a. The phosphate functional group and glycerol form the hydrophobic head of a phospholipid. b. A phospholipid has two fatty acids whereas a triglyceride has three fatty acids. c. Phospholipids are amphipathic (i.e., they have two opposing chemical properties). d. The phosphate functional group and glycerol form the hydrophilic head of a phospholipid. e. Biological membranes are characterized by a phospholipid bilayer structure. Answer: a (The phosphate functional group and glycerol form the hydrophilic head.) 300

301 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Chemical reactions Working in pairs, consider the following chemical reaction and answer the questions below: glucose + galactose  lactose + water 1. Is this a condensation or hydrolysis reaction? 2. What are the reactants? What are the products? 3. Is this an anabolic or catabolic reaction? 4. Is energy required or released? Answers: Condensation reaction The reactants are glucose and galactose. The products are lactose and water. Anabolic reaction Energy is required. 301

302 Concept 2.5 Biochemical Changes Involve Energy
Which of the following statements about energy is false? a. Exergonic reactions release energy. b. The energy released in anabolic reactions is often used to drive catabolic reactions. c. Potential energy is stored energy. d. Endergonic reactions require energy e. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement. Answer: b (The energy released in catabolic reactions is often used to drive anabolic reactions.) 302

303 Science, Technology and Society
While waiting at an airport, Neil Campbell once overheard this claim: “It’s paranoid and ignorant to worry about industry or agriculture contaminating the environment with their chemical wastes. After all, this stuff is just made of the same atoms that were already present in our environment.” How would you counter this argument?

304 Review – Online Quiz by Campell/Reece

305 Practice Problems You are studying a cellular enzyme involved in breaking down fatty acids for energy. Looking at the R groups of the amino acids in the following figures, what amino acids would you predict to occur in the parts of the enzyme that interact with the fatty acids? * non-polar polar electrically charged polar and electrically charged all of these Answer: a Source: Campbell/Reece - Biology, Sixth Edition, EOC Process of Science Question 2 Discussion Notes for the Instructor This question can be used several ways. The main discussion revolves around the non-polar nature of fatty acids. Leading to the simple choice of “non-polar” amino acids. A more involved discussion might be guided by the following questions: What is the overall polarity of a fatty acid? Is this consistent along the entire molecule? How would you structure the active site of the enzyme to hold the fatty acid in a particular orientation? In this latter case Choice E is correct as both non-polar and polar/charged amino acids would be involved.

306 The 20 Amino Acids of Proteins

307 The 20 Amino Acids of Proteins (cont.)

308 Scientific Inquiry Let’s begin with the condensation reaction that lead to the 1-4 glycosidic linkage

309 Scientific Inquiry Repeated many times results in a polysaccharide known as starch

310 Scientific Inquiry Hydrolysis breaks the glycosidic linkages, leaving behind glucose monomers, reinserting a water molecule H2O Note one hydrogen bonds with the oxygen of carbon-1; the remaining hydroxyl group OH bonds with the carbon 4

311 Scientific Inquiry If hydrochloric acid used to break glycosidic linkages.. HCl Cl The hydrogen will bond with carbon-1, as before, but the chlorine Cl- will bond with the carbon-4, resulting in only one glucose monomer, not two

312 Scientific Inquiry

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