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8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 1 06 Nov ‘03 EoI 2003 EoI Report Upload process DEMv7.

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Presentation on theme: "8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 1 06 Nov ‘03 EoI 2003 EoI Report Upload process DEMv7."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 1 06 Nov ‘03 EoI 2003 EoI Report Upload process DEMv7

2 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 2 06 Nov ‘03 EoI 2003 : EoI report Status Use of DEM Transmission

3 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 3 06 Nov ‘03 EoI Report : Status 28 countries reported 2 more countries expected Oct.1st : 75 % received

4 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 4 06 Nov ‘03 EoI Report : Use of DEM DEM reports: 85 % (EMEP: 4 MS) Problems using DEM: –adding/modifying meta information –adding results of new measurements –... Reasons not using DEM: –problems using DEM –lack of time

5 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 5 06 Nov ‘03 EoI Report : Transmission ETC ftp-site CD ReportNet/CDR

6 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 6 06 Nov ‘03 EoI 2003 : Upload process Procedure Report checks Communication Time schedule

7 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 7 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Procedure Report/quality checks Upload DEM into AirBase Report results checks to Member States Process reply Member States Preparing for Report

8 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 8 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Re-submitted raw data Deleted meta data Missing essential meta data Outliers

9 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 9 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Re-submitted data (general report)

10 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 10 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Re-submitted data (detail report)

11 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 11 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Deleted meta data (stations)

12 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 12 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Deleted meta data (measurements)

13 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 13 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Missing essential meta data

14 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 14 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Outliers (general report)

15 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 15 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Report checks Outliers (detail report)

16 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 16 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Communication Status upload EoI 2003 on website reply results upload reports: –re-submission raw data -> confirmation –outliers -> re-submission –deleted meta data with data stored in AirBase -> confirmation –missing essential meta data -> updated DEM Technical/AQ report 2002

17 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 17 06 Nov ‘03 Upload process: Time schedule

18 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 18 06 Nov ‘03 EoI 2003 : DEMv7 Integration with New Ozone Directive (2002/3/EC) dataflow Integration with Reportnet (Upload to CDR) Solving bugs and other problems in DEMv6

19 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 19 06 Nov ‘03 Data flows Ozone Directives 92/72/EEC and 2002/3/EC WhatFormatoldnew monthly <1/n+2ex1ex1 summer31/10-ex 8, aot40, 1hmax annual30/9ex1/8/24ex1/8, [stat], stat[prec], aot40

20 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 20 06 Nov ‘03 Experiences with Directive 92/72/EEC data flows Major problems: Station meta information not complete Linking info between files (which data belongs to which station)

21 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 21 06 Nov ‘03 Proposal Spreadsheet based Link between files based on EU station code New stations: station sheet Existing stations: meta info from AirBase Annual data combining with EoI (DEM)

22 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 22 06 Nov ‘03 Sheets: Exceedance sheet (monthly, summer, year) Summer statistics Annual statistics (aot40, [mean, percentiles, max]) Precursor sheet [ann mean, percentiles, max] Station sheet (new stations) [station info]

23 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 23 06 Nov ‘03 Sheets-import in DEM: Only in the annual (30/9) delivery Annual exceedance, statistics and precursor sheets can also be imported in DEMv7 The annual statistics and precursor data can also be imported in DEM with standard DEM import formats At the annual report new station information can be processed directly in the DEM.

24 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 24 06 Nov ‘03 Dataflows Sheet monthly Exceedance(Station) summerExceedance(Station) Statistics annualExceedance [Statistics][DEM] [Precursor][DEM]

25 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 25 06 Nov ‘03 AQ-DEM and ReportNet AQ-DEM 1.Supports dataflow from MS national database to European data warehouse's AirBase 2.QC on meta information (networks, stations, meas. Conf.) 3.QA/QC on measurement data Data flow 1.ETC-ACC receives AQ-DEM’s (MS Access mdb files) on CDrom or by FTP 2.The MS load the AQ-DEM also in the CDR Availability of data 1.Airbase (available via Internet (AirView)) 2.XML-dumps of complete AirBase on ETC/ACC-ftp 3.Factsheets 4.Meta-data in techn. report on national data reporting Data Dictionary 1.AQ-DEM can support the development of a data dictionary format derived from the data model of Airbase according the requirements of the decisions and directives. Legal basis EoI decision Ozone directive EuroAirnet EMEP/CCC AQ reporting requirements, formats and guidances Indicator production 1.Air pollution indicators by using air quality data from Airbase

26 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 26 06 Nov ‘03 Transmitting data from EU-countries to Commission, EEA, ETC/ACC and EMEP/CCC EoI/EuroAirnet (+ EMEP) data –CDROM to EU-Commission (Inform ETC/ACC and EEA) or: –CDROM to ETC/ACC (Inform EU-Commission and EEA) or: –Upload to EEA’s CDR (Inform EU-Commission and ETC/ACC) if CDR failed then: Upload to ETC/ACC FTP (Inform EU-Commission And EEA) Only EMEP data in DEM: –Upload to ETC/ACC FTP (Inform EMEP/CCC)

27 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 27 06 Nov ‘03 Transmitting data from non-EU-countries to EEA, ETC/ACC and EMEP/CCC EoI/EuroAirnet (+ EMEP) data –CDROM to ETC/ACC (Inform EEA) or: –Upload to EEA’s CDR (Inform ETC/ACC) if CDR failed then: Upload to ETC/ACC FTP (Inform EEA) Only EMEP data in DEM: –Upload to ETC/ACC FTP (Inform EMEP/CCC)

28 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 28 06 Nov ‘03 Bugs Demv6 It is not possible to add new measurement configurations and to modify existing measurement configurations ( NL, GR, BU, RO, SE ) The station identification in the mark-file should be not only the station name but also the station code (DE)

29 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 29 06 Nov ‘03 Other problems (1) The generation of the NASA Ames header file gives problems when importing EMEP-info by means of DEM-file (NL). When exporting the NASA Ames files the quality flags are not correct. Comboboxes of the Station and Measurement configuration screens do not work properly. The Meta Information, Measurement Configuration report does not work. Visualisation of weekly and annual means is not ok. Timing day samples can start at another time than 0:00 hour. (When importing the samples the time is default set at 0:00 hr) (NL) Missing some components in the component list (iso-hexane, benzo(a)pyrene, nitrogen monoxide). Benzene in the main list. (UK, NL, AT).

30 8th EIONET Workshop AQ,Oslo 30 06 Nov ‘03 Other problems (2) When on a station a component is measured with two measurement methods, only one method is in the Mark-file (NL). When a station is shut down during a year, this is not identified in the Mark-file (NL). Some small problems with QA/QC module (NL). Unable to enter 2-week benzene means since some of the data is 13, 14 or 15-day samples. (UK) In the MeteoPar. tab also the possibility: “no meteo measured”. (NL). The.mdb DEM-file can be very big: > 1 Gb. Add a warning and the access option “compact database” (=standard access tool) (UK, NL). Problems with decimal symbol in the coordinates (AT). Changing the manager info changes automatically the data supplier info (NL).

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