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The Great Depression and the New Deal,

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1 The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939
AP US History East High School Mr. Peterson Spring 2011

2 Focus Questions What caused the Great Depression, and how did President Hoover respond? What strategy guided the early New Deal, and what problems and challenges arose in 1934–1935? What key measures and setbacks marked the course of the New Deal from 1935 on? How did the depression and the New Deal affect specific social groups in the United States? What key developments shaped American culture in the 1930s?

3 Crash and Depression,

4 Black Thursday and the Onset of the Depression
Stock prices rise Speculation “margin” buying Interest rates increased “Black Thursday-”Oct. 24, 1929 Stock market crash Key industries collapse Fed-tight money policies Global economic crisis

5 FIGURE 24.1 CONSUMER BORROWING IN THE 1920s Americans plunged heavily into debt in the 1920s to play the stock market and to buy their new Fords, Chevrolets, and consumer products. By 1929, their total debt stood at about $8 billion. Fig. 24-1, p. 731

6 Hoover’s Response Bold response “recovery just around the corner”
Encourages businesses to maintain wages and employment Emergency Committee for Employment-voluntary relief coordination Tax increase Reconstruction Finance Corporation $4 billion Make loans to banks “recovery just around the corner”

7 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

8 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

9 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

10 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

11 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

12 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

13 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

14 FIGURE 24.2 THE STATISTICS OF HARD TIMES Figures on the gross national product, personal income, unemployment, the stock market, and business failures all show the Depression’s shattering impact, with gradual and uneven improvement as the 1930s wore on. Fig. 24-2, p. 732

15 Mounting Discontent and Protest
Central Park-“Hoover Valley” “Hoovervilles” Farmers’ Holiday Association Force prices up Refuse to sell, dump milk “Bonus march” Broker up by Gen. Douglas MacArthur

BURNING SHANTIES OF BONUS MARCHERS, WASHINGTON, D.C., JULY 1932 When President Herbert Hoover ordered the army to evict jobless veterans who had come to Washington seeking early payment of promised bonuses, it reinforced his public image as aloof and uncaring amid a worsening depression. p. 733

17 The Election of 1932 Republicans re-nominate Hoover
Democrats choose Franklin Roosevelt “bold persistent experimentation” Attacks Hoover’s “reckless spending” FDR wins in landslide Democrats win control of Congress

18 The New Deal Takes Shape
PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT This idealized painting captures the exuberance FDR projected, and the hope his optimism inspired.

19 Roosevelt and His Circle
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” “brain trust” Not ideologically driven Eleanor Roosevelt plays key role Frances Perkins-first female cabinet member (Labor) The New Deal


21 “The only thing we have to fear
is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified fear.” --Franklin Roosevelt’s first inaugural address (March 1933)

22 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT VISITS A NURSERY SCHOOL IN DES MOINES OPERATED BY THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION, JUNE 1936 Intensely shy as a young woman, Mrs. Roosevelt played an active, infl uential, and highly visible role during her years as First Lady. p. 735

23 The Hundred Days Major legislation-more than a dozen Alphabet agencies
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) National Recovery Administration (NRA) Voluntary support Price and production codes Federal Emergency Relief Act Harry Hopkins Money to state and local relief agencies

24 Table 24-1, p. 736

25 “WE DO OUR PART” Companies that cooperated with the National Recovery Administration displayed this banner. The NRA, a centerpiece of the early New Deal, soon ran into difficulties. p. 738

26 BUILDING NORRIS DAM ON THE CLINCH RIVER IN TENNESSEE This massive engineering project, named for Senator George Norris, was carried out by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), one of the New Deal’s most innovative agencies. p. 739

27 Problems and Controversies Plague the Early New Deal
Supreme Court rules National Recovery Act unconstitutional AAA provided for crop reductions, hurt farm workers and sharecroppers Southern Tenant Farmers’ union protests Dust Bowl Civil Works Administration (CWA) funds short-term work projects Public Works Administration (PWA) funds large-scale projects

28 FIGURE 24.3 AGRICULTURE DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION The depression hit rural America with brutal ferocity, as the statistics on commodity prices and farm mortgages show. Fig. 24-3, p. 738

29 MAP 24.1 THE DUST BOWL From the Dakotas southward to the Mexican border, farmers in the Great Plains suffered from a lack of rainfall and severe soil erosion in the 1930s, worsening the hardships of the Great Depression. Map 24-1, p. 740

30 Table 24-2, p. 743

31 1934-1935: Challenges from the Right and Left
Conservatives call New Deal socialism Al Smith forms anti-New Deal American Liberty League Father Charles Coughlin attacks FDR with ant-Semitism, calls for nationalizing banks Frances Townsend calls for guaranteed paycheck of $200 per month Gov. Huey Long of Louisiana calls for “Share the Wealth” program confiscating income over $1 million Roosevelt and New Deal remain popular

32 The New Deal Changes Course, 1935-1936
A FEDERAL MUSIC PROJECT EVENT IN NEW YORK’S CENTRAL PARK. Musicians employed by the New Deal’s Federal Music Project (FMP) taught classes in addition to giving concerts. These young singers were participating in a children’s music festival sponsored by the FMP.

33 Expanding Federal Relief
Works Progress Administration (WPA) Federal Writers’ Project (FRP) and Federal Music Project (FMP) PWA completes major projects Resettlement Administration makes loans to farmers National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) Guarantees collective bargaining in private sector NLRB created Favors unions, unions flourish

34 The Social Security Act: End of the Second New Deal
Old-age pensions Survivor benefits Money for disabled Long-term impact New Deal enlarged government role in life

35 The 1936 Roosevelt Landslide and the New Democratic Coalition
Republicans nominate Alfred Landon FDR wins big Democratic coalition established White South, parts of West, urban white ethnics, union members, blacks

36 Table 24-3, p. 745

37 MARIAN ANDERSON AT THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL, PAINTING BY BETSY GRAVES REYNEAU In the 1950s, Reyneau did a series of paintings of notable black Americans for a touring exhibit. This painting portrays Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday, 1939, where her concert drew an audience of 75,000 and was broadcast nationally. Eleanor Roosevelt and Harold Ickes arranged the event after the Daughters of the American Revolution denied the use of Constitution Hall. p. 746

38 The Environment and the West
Soil Conservation Service New national parks Olympic National Park Shenandoah National Park Wilderness preservation movement Large dams Grand Coulee Shasta

39 The New Deal’s End Stage: 1937-1938
A CAMERA’S-EYE VIEW OF DEPRESSION-ERA AMERICA This 1937 image by Dorothea Lange, a photographer with the Farm Security Administration, pictures migrants from the Texas dust bowl gathered at a roadside camp near Calipatria in southern California.

40 FDR and the Supreme Court
FDR proposes court packing bill Press and public react with hostility FDR drops idea Supreme Court changes views Several new justices appointed

41 The Roosevelt Recession
Partial recovery Economy slides in 1937 New relief spending in 1938 17% unemployment in 1939

42 Final Measures: Growing Opposition
Farm Security Administration (FSA) Low-interest loans to farmers Fair Labor Standards Act Banned child labor Minimum wage (40¢ per hour) Federal farm price support system established New Deal over after 1938 election

43 Social Change and Social Action in the 1930s

44 The Depression’s Psychological and Social Impact
¼ of all farm families sought assistance Unemployment never fell below 14% “dull misery in the bones” Women faced discrimination in workplace, even though more married women worked Families often torn apart Birthrate fell Difficult for children Blacks, Hispanics, sharecroppers hit especially hard

45 Industrial Workers Unionize
Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) formed within AFL Organized all workers-blacks, women, unskilled Steel strike results in union at US Steel “sit-down” strikes work to unionize GM CIO breaks away from AFL AFL adapts and welcomes low-skilled workers Union memberships rises dramatically Organizers often radicals

46 FIGURE 24.4 THE GROWTH OF LABOR UNION MEMBERSHIP, 1933–1946 The CIO’s industrial unions grew rapidly with passage of the pro-union National Labor Relations Act in Union membership increased still more as war plants hired workers in the early 1940s. Fig. 24-4, p. 751

47 LABOR ORGANIZING, 1930s-STYLE Walter Reuther (left) and Richard Frankensteen of the United Auto Workers, after their beating by Ford Motor Company security guards, Detroit, May 1937. p. 752

48 Black and Hispanic Americans Resist Racism and Exploitation
Lynching continued to haunt blacks Supreme Court orders new trial for “Scottsboro Boys” NAACP battles in courts “don’t shop where you can’t work” campaign Strikes by farm workers Two killed by shots into union hall in Pixley, CA

49 A CARAVAN OF PICKETERS DURING A 1933 STRIKE OF COTTON WORKERS IN CORCORAN, CALIFORNIA Protesting low wages and appalling working conditions, agricultural workers from Mexico went on strike across California’s rich San Joaquin Valley in the early 1930s. In some cases, Communist Party members helped organize these strikes. p. 753

50 A New Deal for Native Americans
American Indian Defense Association formed Aimed to reverse Dawes Act Indian Reorganization Act-1934 Halted tribal land sales No provision for self-government and cultural renewal Tribes split over law

51 The American Cultural Scene in the 1930s
THE VITAPHONE Technicians test the Vitaphone, an early machine for adding sound to movies by synchronizing disk recordings with filmed images.

52 Avenues of Escape: Radio and Movies
Movies remained popular during depression Favored New Deal Gangster movies favored G-men Stereotypes Virtuous heroes represent “the people” Color movies Gone with the Wind (1939) The Wizard of Oz (1939)

53 GONE WITH THE WIND (1939) An early triumph of the new technology of color film.

54 The Later 1930s: Opposing Fascism: Returning to Traditional Values
Popular Front Communists and Socialists Come together against fascists in Italy and Spain, Nazis in Germany Many went to Spain to fight in Spanish Civil War Collapsed after Hitler and Stalin sign non-aggression pact in 1939

55 LET US NOW PRAISE FAMOUS MEN (1941) Journalist James Agee and photographer Walker Evans created a memorable record of a month spent with Alabama sharecroppers in 1936. p. 758

56 GRANT WOOD’S PARSON WEEMS’ FABLE, 1939 The story of George Washington and the cherry tree first appeared in the 1806 edition of a popular biography by the Rev. Mason Weems. Grant Wood’s whimsical representation of the tale reflected a late-1930s tendency in the arts to portray American themes in a positive and affirmative way. p. 759

57 Streamlining and a World’s Fair: Corporate America’s Utopian Vision
“The World of Tomorrow”-New York World’s Fair War of the Worlds


59 ORSON WELLES DIRECTS WAR OF THE WORLDS CBS radio’s dramatization of an invasion from Mars in October 1938 terrified many listeners already jittery over worsening world conditions. p. 760

60 p. 761

61 The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939
AP US History East High School Mr. Peterson Spring 2011

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