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What is the author’s purpose?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the author’s purpose?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the author’s purpose?
All authors have a reason, or purpose, for writing. The details and information that they present demonstrate their purpose. Ask yourself, “What does the author want me to learn or think as a result of reading or viewing their work?”

2 Four Main Purposes To persuade To entertain To inform To describe
A piece of writing can have more than one purpose When reading… Start by asking why you think the author wrote this piece. Determine if you think the author achieved the purpose or purposes. Support you opinion by looking at direct evidence, like quotes from the text.

3 Name the author’s purpose:
A comic book A weather report An editorial article The sports section of the newspaper

4 Comic books are typically written to entertain.
Answer: To Entertain: Comic books are typically written to entertain. Some exceptions may be graphic novels like Maus, which is based on the Holocaust and it informs the reader about history.

5 Name the author’s purpose:
A comic book A weather report An editorial article The sports section of the newspaper

6 Answer: Weather reports, like other sections of the news, intend to inform the audience.

7 Name the author’s purpose:
A comic book A weather report An editorial article The sports section of the newspaper

8 Answer: In an editorial, the author writes an article to express his/her opinion on a subject. The author’s purpose in writing an editorial is to persuade the audience to agree with his/her opinion.

9 Name the author’s purpose
A comic book A weather report An editorial article The sports section of the newspaper

10 Answer: The sports section of a newspaper can serve two purposes: to inform and to entertain.

11 What is the author’s purpose? A Tabloid Newspaper Writer

12 Answer: To Entertain!!!

13 What is the author’s purpose? A propaganda poster:
What are these images supposed to do to the reader? Why do you think that the Star of David has been represented as a snake? Notice the dark colors and threatening facial expressions in “The Eternal Jew.” Why did the artist portray Jews with menacing eyes and evil looks? Do you think that these posters were effective in portraying the author’s intent? “The Eternal Jew”

14 Answer: TO PERSUADE

15 Night by Elie Wiesel A memoir based on Wiesel’s experience during the Holocaust and having lost his faith in God and humanity. Elie Wiesel describes living in the ghetto, surviving the concentration camps, and finally being liberated. His purpose: to inform and to describe.

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