Global Learning Outcomes at Pensacola State College (GLOs)

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Presentation on theme: "Global Learning Outcomes at Pensacola State College (GLOs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Learning Outcomes at Pensacola State College (GLOs)

2 What Are Global Learning Outcomes? Global: Abilities the Assessment Committee has determined are applicable across the curriculum, not course- or department-specific Learning: Universal skills students learn through courses, activities, and interactions with others throughout the A.A. General Education program Outcomes: Seven qualities faculty and administration agree Pensacola State College A.A. students should learn before graduation

3 PSCs Seven Global Learning Outcomes Descriptions and Rubrics Updated and Approved in 2013 by the PSC Assessment Committee

4 I. Critical Thinking The Student evaluates the validity of his/her own and others ideas through questioning, analyzing, and synthesizing results into the learning process.

5 GLO I: Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric (Approved 2/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based Upon Students Performance MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student evaluates the validity of his/her own and others ideas through questioning, analyzing, and synthesizing results into the learning process. The students conclusions are well-supported and logically consistent. The students products and/or end results are well- articulated and innovative. The students conclusions are mostly consistent with appropriate information. The students products and/or end results are mostly clear and coherent. The students conclusions are consistent but lack structural sophistication with notable information gaps. The students products and/or end results are organized but lack refinement. The students conclusions are inconsistent, inaccurate or inappropriate. The students products and/or end results are fragmented, disjointed, or irrelevant.

6 II. Communication The student develops effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

7 GLO 2: Communication Assessment Rubric (Approved 2/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based Upon Students Performance MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student develops effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The students message is purposeful, clearly organized, accurately supported with evidence, and effectively delivered. The students message is generally purposeful, organized, supported with evidence, and delivered without major errors. The students message shows promise but has major problems with purpose, organization, use of evidence, or delivery. The students message lacks purpose, organization, and/or acceptable evidence. Overall the delivery detracts from the message.

8 III. Scientific and Mathematical Literacy The student applies an understanding of natural, mathematical and behavioral scientific principles and methods to solve abstract and relevant problems, using appropriate technology with inclusion of necessary scientific and mathematical language.

9 GLO 3: Scientific and Mathematical Literacy Assessment Rubric (Approved 2/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based Upon Students Performance MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student applies an understanding of natural, mathematical and behavioral scientific principles and methods to solve abstract and relevant problems, using appropriate technology with inclusion of necessary scientific and mathematical language. The student uses relevant techniques, demonstrates excellent observation skills for trends and patterns, collects reliable data, reaches valid conclusions from it, performs accurate computations, and uses results to predict outcomes of similar phenomena. The student uses some relevant techniques, demonstrates good observation skills, collects appropriate volume of data, reaches acceptable conclusions with a few exceptions, and performs computations with good accuracy. The student uses questionable techniques, demonstrates fair observation skills, collects insufficient data, reaches marginal or invalid conclusions, and performs some inaccurate computations. The student uses faulty techniques, demonstrates poor observation skills, exhibits unreliable data collection skills, reaches inappropriate conclusions, and performs inaccurate and improper computations.

10 IV. Information Management The student will use effective strategies to collect, verify, document, and manage information using a variety of sources, techniques and technology.

11 GLO 4: Information Management Assessment Rubric (Approved 3/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based on Performance Indicators MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student uses effective strategies to collect, verify, document, and manage information using a variety of sources, techniques and technology. The student consistently uses advanced research strategies to collect, verify, ethically document, and manage information. The student generally uses advanced research strategies to collect, verify, ethically document, and manage information. The student occasionally uses effective research strategies to collect, verify, ethically document, and manage information with minimal understanding of plagiarism. The student does not use effective research strategies to collect, verify, ethically document, and manage information, with no demonstrated understanding of plagiarism.

12 V. Cultural Literacy The student evaluates issues relevant to cultural diversity and culturally diverse populations.

13 GLO 5: Cultural Literacy Assessment Rubric (Approved 2/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based Upon Students Performance MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student evaluates issues relevant to cultural diversity and culturally diverse populations. The student demonstrates insight into issues relevant to cultural diversity and the connections among culturally diverse populations. The student demonstrates adequate awareness of issues relevant to cultural diversity and the connections among culturally diverse populations. The student demonstrates minimal awareness of issues relevant to cultural diversity and the connections among culturally diverse populations. The student demonstrates a lack of awareness of the issues relevant to cultural diversity and the connections among culturally diverse populations.

14 VI. Social Skills The student will develop and use skills and attitudes that integrate the individual into society.

15 GLO 6: Social Skills Assessment Rubric (Approved 3/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based Upon Students Performance MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student develops and uses skills and attitudes that integrate the individual into society. The student consistently exhibits appropriate language and behavior, accepts responsibility for actions, displays ethical behaviors, and practices good citizenship. The student exhibits moderate language and behavior, acts with responsibility and integrity most of the time, and exhibits some citizenship skills with guidance. The student exhibits a fundamental understanding of appropriate behavior and with some guidance will assume responsibility for actions taken; generally displays integrity in actions; displays poor citizenship qualities. The student exhibits inappropriate interactions with others, will not assume responsibility for actions, and lacks citizenship qualities.

16 VII. Personal Management Students will develop habits of conduct that result in fulfilling personal goals.

17 GLO 7: Personal Management Assessment Rubric (Approved 3/15/13) Global Learning Outcome/ Performance Indicator Students Level of Achievement Based Upon Students Performance MasteryCompetentDevelopingBeginning The student develops habits of conduct that result in fulfilling personal goals. The student is consistently prepared and participates fully. The student is generally prepared and participates as required. The student lacks preparation and demonstrates inconsistent participation. The student demonstrates no indication of preparation and does not participate.

18 Any Questions? Thanks for watching! Please contact any of us if you have any further questions. Assessment Committee – John Holder, Chair Academic Department Heads Dean, Baccalaureate Studies & Academic Support Dean, Workforce Education & Vocational Support Prepared by Julia Ruengert, Professor, English/Communications, May 2013, as partial fulfillment of my Professional Development Plan

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