Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services

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Presentation on theme: "Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services
Wakefield High School Wendy Maitland, Resource Teacher for the Gifted Introduce myself. AT THE END OF THE POWERPOINT IS ANOTHER PLACE FOR YOU TO PROVIDE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND WELCOME PARENTS TO THE MEETING. “Tonight’s presentation will be divided into two parts. The first half will provide a brief presentation of how Arlington Public Schools’ curriculum and curriculum materials are differentiated in the core areas of English, math, science, and social studies. This presentation is provided as an overview. More detailed information can be obtained from your child’s classroom teacher or from the school’s content lead teachers. During the second part of tonight’s presentation, I will describe how Gifted Services supports differentiation to meet the learning needs of the highly able students in Arlington Public Schools.” Refer parents to the handout provided, beginning with the side “Differentiation of Curriculum in the Arlington Public Schools.” THIS PRESENTATION WILL BE POSTED ON THE GIFTED SERVICES WEB PAGES FOR DOWNLOAD BY FAMILIES. YOU CAN MENTION THIS AT THE START OF THE PRESENTATION AND THEN WHEN YOU GET TO THE END WHERE THERE IS THE LINK TO THE APS GIFTED SERVICES WEB PAGE YOU CAN MENTION IT AGAIN.

2 Agenda Part 1: Gifted Services and Resources
Part 2: Gifted Identification The first part of the evening will discuss gifted services here at Wakefield. Those parents who already have identified students are welcome to leave after this portion of the evening and I will continue with the identification process and timeline part of the presentation.

3 Professional Responsibilities
Promote differentiation strategies in the classroom Provide enrichment and supplemental resources for teachers and students Inform staff about gifted education training opportunities Facilitate the identification process

COLLABORATION FOR EFFECTIVE DIFFERENTIATION Classroom Teacher Resource Teacher for Gifted Student “In Arlington schools, the Resource Teachers for Gifted collaborate with classroom teachers and students in order to provide differentiated instruction. Student growth is the focus of this collaborative effort. You can see here that classroom teachers, RTGs, and students collaborate and interact in a variety of combinations.”

5 Instruction Classroom Environment Professional Responsibilities
Planning and Preparation “This graphic shows that collaboration may occur in four different domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Professional Responsibilities, and Instruction. A collaborative effort in any of these areas can enhance student growth. ” Like these different colored puzzle pieces the support is going to look different based on the diverse needs of the teachers, students and school community but the important message is that I am here to support gifted learners and teachers in a variety of ways Professional Responsibilities

6 Wakefield Gifted Services
County/State Enrichment Programs: PRIME Summer Residential Governor’s School Programs Fine Arts Apprentice Program Superintendent’s Seminar Virginia Space Coast Scholars Independent Study Dual Enrollment SLIDE NEEDS TO BE CUSTOMIZED - THIS IS A PLACE WHERE YOU WILL WANT TO PERSONALIZE THE SLIDE TO REFLECT WHAT YOU DO AT YOUR SCHOOL. You are encouraged to add in slides that demonstrate specific things you do at your school. This is also the place where you would highlight other programs or have students or teachers share work. This should be as school specific as possible. HIGHLIGHT THE GOOD THINGS AT YOUR SCHOOL. YOU MAY WANT TO INVITE A STUDENT WHO PARTICIPATED IN SOME OF THE ACTIVITIES LISTED ABOVE TO SPEAK ABOUT HIS/HER EXPERIENCES PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES YOU WILL WANT TO DROP EXAMPLES THAT ARE NOT RELEVANT FOR YOUR SCHOOL .

7 School-based Extension Activities
HS Power Point School-based Extension Activities It’s Academic Daniel Alpert French Honor Society Kathryn Wheelock National Honor Society Michelle Harris Newspaper Amy Wathan Math League Team Daniel Alpert Spanish Honor Society Sra. Magaly Reder World Affairs (formerly Model UN) Denis Babichenko VJAS (VA Junior Academy of Sciences) Jessica Baker Personalize this slide to include extra-curricular extension activities that can enrich student interest beyond the classroom. This list will vary from school to school.

8 Role of Parent – Supporting Differentiation for Student
Resources for Parents: Parent Resource Center Materials National Association for Gifted - Virginia Association for Gifted - Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted - 2e Newsletter – Support your child’s interest to pursue social and cultural opportunities within and beyond his/her strength area(s) Maintain communication with your child’s classroom teachers, RTG, and counselor to monitor social and academic progress “You may ask yourself as a parent of a gifted child what you can do for your highly able child.” READ FROM SLIDE

9 Parent Resources Further information about APS Gifted Services is located on the APS website Click on Curriculum and Instruction Click on Programs Click on Gifted Services A paper version of this information can be provided on an as-needed basis as well if necessary.

10 Cohort & UMG Co-Sponsor
Support over 120 minority boys in the Cohort program Support over 50 minority girls in the United Minority Girls (UMG) group Advise, support, monitor, and routinely meet with students on a daily basis. Advocate for students when needed College Trip

11 Part II “For the second portion of our evening, I’m going to discuss how gifted services are provided in Arlington Public Schools. We’ll touch on the identification process, types of services that are offered, and the RTG’s role in supporting the differentiated curriculum. “Those of you who are already familiar with Arlington Public School’s Gifted Services please be aware that there have been some changes in Arlington Gifted Services to comply with changes in VA regulations.”

12 Virginia Gifted Regulations
Virginia Department of Education regulations state that each school district must develop a plan to identify and provide services to those students who have learning needs beyond the regular instructional program.

13 Arlington Public Schools
Identify students who require gifted services Train teachers in ways to provide services Establish continuous educational services to match the needs of gifted learners Support differentiated instruction to meet the needs of gifted students

14 Gifted Services Identification
Specific Academic Aptitude (Grades K-12) English Mathematics Science Social Studies Visual or Performing Arts (Grades 3-12) Visual Art Vocal Music Instrumental Music (instruments taught in APS)

15 Screening for Gifted Services
Each year, the total population is screened by school staff to create a pool on candidates based on students’ need for gifted services Screening is formal-review of testing information Screening is informal-teacher feedback, parent information, honors, awards, student population in school events, competitions, etc. Screening is both formal and informal. It is not necessarily all done by testing or all done by student products/observations.

16 Referrals for Gifted Services
Students may be referred for services by their classroom teacher, school personnel, parents/guardians, community leaders, and self or other students until April 1st of the current school year Identification decisions are sent to parents or guardians by letter within 10 school days of the Identification Committee meeting Referral forms can be found here: Spring identification (usually January-February). Print versions of the referral forms can be made available if necessary. Please contact myself or the main office if necessary.

17 Eligibility Criteria Gifted Services in Specific Academic Areas
National Named Testing Information Ability testing Achievement testing Teacher checklist School-based Data Parent Information Work Samples

18 Eligibility Criteria Visual Arts or Vocal/Instrumental Music Areas (Grades 3-12) Art and Music Teacher Referral: Observations of Artistic Behaviors Student Products Grades Parent Information

19 Appeals Process An Appeal is available to families following the eligibility process Appeals begin at the school level with the principal A second level of appeal is countywide Gifted Services Administrative Appeals Committee (must be submitted within 30 days of the school level committee decision)

20 Contact Information Wendy Maitland, Resource Teacher for the Gifted Phone: (703) Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor of Gifted Services Phone: (703)

21 Gifted Services Advisory Committee (GSAC)
Arlington Public School’s Parent Advocacy Group Part of Advisory Council of Instruction Monthly meetings If interested in serving on this committee, please contact Cheryl McCullough (Supervisor, Gifted Services)

22 Questions and Exit Cards
On each table you will find index cards that can be used if you have any specific questions. Please write the question, your name, your child’s name and your contact information as well as the best time for me to contact you I am happy to contact you to answer specific questions. In the interest of time, please use the exit cards on the table for any questions that develop. There is a yellow basket by the door where you can place your exit cards as you leave.

How did you apply/become involved in the program? When was the program held and for how long– i.e. residential for a month, weekly, throughout the school year, etc.? What was the schedule for a typical day / meeting? What were/are some of the highlights of your experience? What do you think parents and students should know about this program before they apply or decide to participate in it? DISTRIBUTE THE HS ENRICHMENT BROCHURE.

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