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Title The Care Act 2014 Summary for Providers ©MHPF (2014)

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1 Title The Care Act 2014 Summary for Providers ©MHPF (2014)

2 Summary for providers – impact on LA’s ©MHPF (2014) Be aware of the significant changes the local authority must implement in April 2015 In particular The requirements for assessment The national eligibility criteria Right to assessment for carers Care Planning and review

3 ©MHPF (2014) Summary for providers – for provider action The major change for providers in general are Availability of deferred payments Intermediate care not chargeable up to six weeks

4 ©MHPF (2014) Summary for providers – for provider action The new areas for providers are Market Shaping interaction with LA’s Market Overview Business Failure regime Statutory Safeguarding Information Advice and Guidance Duty of Candour (to be consulted on later in 2014)

5 ©MHPF (2014) Summary for Providers – New Opportunities Services aimed at prevention such as the different forms of intermediate care Independent advocacy Personal budgets and direct payments New services as a result of integration Delegation of local authority functions

6 ©MHPF (2014) Summary for providers - 2016 Extended financial support through new charging framework Capital limits raised Care account commences Protecting everyone from catastrophic care costs through the cap Power to establish an appeals mechanism

7 ©MHPF (2014) What Providers should do 1.Providers in your area should be aware of the Care Act and its implications for them. 2.Enable their access to implementation guidance and advice 3.Ensure they are clear about how to interface with your (LA) Information and Advice Service 4.If they have not formed a local association / grouping, encourage them to do so in order to have the dialogue about market Shaping and the other consequences of the Act 5. Ensure they have access to both the nationally produced guidance and any local guidance so that they can play a full role in the implementation of the Act.

8 ©MHPF (2014) Summary for providers – additional guidance This presentation on the Care Act 2014 for providers Articles explaining the Care Act 2014 How to comply with the Act and interact with the LA on the safeguarding system How to interact with the LA on market shaping Choice of accommodation rights for residents Providing information to the LA about your service Helping your service users access the new system

9 Care Act 2014

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