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What Do Customers Want? SWaMFest VI October 13, 2010 Ed Hess Professor of Business Administration Batten Executive-in-Residence

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1 What Do Customers Want? SWaMFest VI October 13, 2010 Ed Hess Professor of Business Administration Batten Executive-in-Residence


3 3 Research Findings 5 research projects The Organic Growth Index ( “OGI”) The Characteristics of High Organic Growers (“HOGS”) The Challenges of Managing Private Company High Growth The Myths of Growth The Risks of Growth

4 WORKING ON YOUR BUSINESS Peter Drucker said it concisely, clearly, and compellingly: “The sole purpose of business is to serve customers.” 4

5 WHAT DO CUSTOMERS WANT? All customers no matter what you are selling want the same 3 things:  Defect-free products & services  On-time delivery  Great caring service 5

6 CUSTOMERS WANT  Consistency  Reliability  Ease of doing business  Responsiveness  Needs met 6

7 SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES  FOCUS on what they can do very, very well “2 inches wide, 2 miles deep”  Are EXECUTION CHAMPIONS  Have a CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT DNA- they get better each day 7

8 HOW?  PROCESSES – the recipes, checklists, the how to do every step in the customer experience  Better, Faster, & Cheaper becomes the objectives everyday  Execution is the blocking & tackling of business  Business is like farming 8

9 YOUR DAILY GOAL  FOCUS everyday on doing what you do EXCEPTIONALLY WELL 99% of the time and quickly fix the other 1% in a caring apologetic manner.  Quality comes first  Reputation comes first  Customers and employees come before you 9

10 THE BIG “W”- WHY YOU?  WHY is a customer going to buy from you?  What do you do differently than the competition that really matters to your customer?  What makes you different?  What does your customer need? “Listen till it hurts” “You can’t listen while your talking” 10

11 DIFFERENTIATORS  Quality  Speed  Ease of doing business  On-time and quality guarantees  Great service  Reliability  Consistency 11

12 YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE  Unique products or services  Most innovative products  Cheapest products But you must have EXECUTION EXCELLENCE & GREAT SERVICE That comes from people, processes, and leadership. 12


14 EXECUTION EXCELLENCE TOOLS  Morning & afternoon huddles  MBO: Manage by Objectives daily  MBE: Manage by Exceptions daily  “Leave a fire extinguisher” behind  Measure what is important  Reward what is important  Communicate, communicate, communicate 14

15 THE SECRET SAUCE 15 EmployeesClients $$$

16 ENABLING EXECUTION EXCELLENCE  The Outback Way: “Teach don’t punish”  Teams not stars  Money is not enough  Celebrate success  Help people be all they can be  Everyday is SHOWTIME!!!  Cross-train: no single point of failure 16

17 THE 4 PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP  Take care of your people  The Golden Rule  Lead by example  Always do what is right It is NOT about you – it is about THEM. 17

18 4 WAYS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS  Improvements: Better, faster, cheaper  Innovation: Doing something new  Scaling: Doing more of what you are doing  Strategic Acquisitions 18

19 4 WAYS TO SELL MORE STUFF  Expand geographically  Sell complimentary or adjacent products to existing customers  Sell complimentary services to existing customers  Deliver a scaled down version to a different customer segment 19

20 WAYS TO BECOME MORE PROFITABLE  Technology to increase quality, efficiency & productivity  Just-in-time inventory  Reduce waste & mistakes  Discounts for fast payments- get cash faster  Reduce employee turnover  Preferred provider networks to reduce costs  UPS model 20

21 THE KILLERS OF BUSINESS  Commoditization  Complacency  Arrogance  Taking your customers & employees for granted  Losing your personal edge-laziness & lack of personal discipline  Bad quality; bad reputation; bad conduct 21

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