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Westernization Easternization African renaissance Islamization.

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2 Westernization Easternization African renaissance Islamization



5 How would you define the term "Great Commission"? Mathew 28:18-20; LUKE 24:45- 49; JOHN 20:21-23 AND ACTS 1:7-8 Identify the key words in the passages. Q. Describe the scope and responsibilities of the church's total mission in the world.

6 The role of Campus Crusade for Christ. How would you define Campus Crusade for Christ's role in the Great Commission with respect to its Mission, Vision, Values and Purpose?

7 Our calling: To help fulfill the Great Commission by Winning, Building and Sending in the power of the Holy Spirit and Helping the body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship. Our Mission: Launching spiritual movement by Winning, Building and Sending Christ centered multiplying disciples. Our Vision: Movement everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. Values: Faith, Growth, fruitfulness

8 Purpose: Fulfill, Winning, Building, Sending Values: Faith, Growth and Fruitfulness Vision : Everywhere, Everyone, Someone, Mission: Launching Spiritual Movement, Christ Centered Multiplying Disciples

9 How to use your personal vision for the overall vision Pray for Gods Favor Before Men. God has always worked to grant favor to His people, even in the eyes of non believers.God grants His people favor before men. In the case of the nation of Israel Exodus 3:21, In the case of the early church. Acts 2:47 Prepare Thoroughly. Identify your target area:

10 Ask yourself: What is the most appropriate way to initiate a first meeting with a students or influencers on campus? Is there a right way or wrong way to go about it? Are there any rules of behavior, dress and speech I should be aware of? Are there certain things I should always do or never do in these areas? What is appropriate to talk about in our first conversation? Do those in official positions have official titles is there a right and wrong way to dress when I meet these men and women? Thinking through these questions beforehand can help you avoid unnecessary stumbling blocks between you, your target audience and the gospel


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