RUBRICS. Probably a good help for grading! Road Map for this session.

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Presentation on theme: "RUBRICS. Probably a good help for grading! Road Map for this session."— Presentation transcript:



3 Probably a good help for grading!

4 Road Map for this session

5 Let’s chat about the challenges YOU find in grading?

6 DIS Overview of Grades

7 Incoming and outgoing GPA at DIS



10 How I became a believer…

11  Made me think through what I was looking for in the assignment RUBRICS: Begin with the End in Mind -- for both faculty and students

12  Made me think through what I was looking for in the assignment  Made the assignment “clearer” to the students RUBRICS: Begin with the End in Mind -- for both faculty and students

13  Made me think through what I was looking for in the assignment  Made the assignment “clearer” to the students  Helped the students know what I wanted from them RUBRICS: Begin with the End in Mind -- for both faculty and students

14  Made me think through what I was looking for in the assignment  Made the assignment “clearer” to the students  Helped the students know what I wanted from them  Lead to less, if at all, discussion about why I gave a certain grade RUBRICS: Begin with the End in Mind -- for both faculty and students

15  Made me think through what I was looking for in the assignment  Made the assignment “clearer” to the students  Helped the students know what I wanted from them  Lead to less, if at all, discussion about why I gave a certain grade  Made it more how you earned a certain grade. RUBRICS: Begin with the End in Mind -- for both faculty and students

16  “Class discussion is worth… 15 points” Some Rubrics which work for me

17 Reflective Journals

18  Don’t reinvent the wheel  Make good use of the resources on Other Sample Rubrics

19 Pre-thinking  What kind?  Grid  Behavioral  Your own design (e.g. rubric for my journal)  What are the skills -- the HOW  What is the content – the WHAT  How much weight to each? Now YOUR turn

20  Put up your hand when you get stuck… and  We will all chime in with ideas for you Build a Rubric !

21 Exhibition of our Rubrics

22 Graded Assignments?


24  That calls for a RUBRIC! Graded Assignments?

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