Developing an Aerial Workflow for UAVs Jon Skiffington, Director of Product Management Robert Parker, Sales Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing an Aerial Workflow for UAVs Jon Skiffington, Director of Product Management Robert Parker, Sales Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing an Aerial Workflow for UAVs Jon Skiffington, Director of Product Management Robert Parker, Sales Engineer

2 Overview Why UAVs? Orthoimagery production workflow UAV specific concerns Post-production workflow Storage and distribution

3 Why UAVs? Autonomy (potentially) 3Ds: Dull, dirty, dangerous Price Endurance Launch and land from virtually anywhere Potential to drastically reduce image acquisition costs

4 Why not UAVs? Airspace regulation EUROCONTROL has adopted general regulations FAA has yet to have a structured plan for US National Airspace System Privacy concerns Varies by region and country

5 Orthoimagery workflow UAV and camera capabilities Mission planning Launch, acquisition, and recovery Ground control, orthorectification, and georeferencing QC Release image

6 UAVs and support software UAV providers Trimble senseFly Silent Falcon Eurodrone Many, many (many) more UAV support software Pix4D Trimble TBC Photoscan Open source tools

7 Mission planning What are you trying to acquire? What route will you fly? What airspace concerns are in the area? How many passes will be required? Flying remotely or autonomously? How will the UAV be recovered?

8 Launch/acquisition/recover Launch How much space is required for launch? Acquisition Typically a grid or back and forth pattern How long will the vehicle be airborne? Recovery

9 Image production Ground control points Orthorectification Corrects for surface of the earth, tilt of the sensor, etc. Correct/warp the image to match know ground control points Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Georeferencing QC

10 Now what? You’ve got your imagery… Storage GeoTIFF, MrSID, JPEG 2000, etc. Analysis Esri, Erdas, QGIS, etc. Distribution Express Server, ArcGIS Server, Image Server, etc.

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