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Step By Step Lei Yang Computer Science Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Step By Step Lei Yang Computer Science Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step By Step Lei Yang Computer Science Department

2 Create A Table-1 Create a table named Employee Attribute Set ◦ ID: Auto Number(primary key) ◦ Name: Text ◦ Gender: Text(Lookup Wizard) ◦ Salary: Money ◦ DptName: Text

3 Populate Data-2 1 Simple Method 2 Using Forms 3 Import Data From File

4 Query-3 Q1 ◦ Find all information of female employees Q2 ◦ Find all information of employees whose salaries are greater than 5000 Q3 ◦ Find the names of male employees from HR department Q4 ◦ Find the names starting with “J”

5 Query-4 Q4 ◦ Compute the average salary of the company Q5 ◦ Compute the number of female employees Q6 ◦ Compute the average salary of male and female employees

6 Report-5 1 Basic Report 2 Chart Report

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