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F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Participating In A Faith Community 13:1-8, 12-19.

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Presentation on theme: "F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Participating In A Faith Community 13:1-8, 12-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Participating In A Faith Community 13:1-8, 12-19

2 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Do you believe Americans are becoming more and more isolated and less social?

3 Jonathan Franzen

4 61% of twenty somethings were involved in church as teens but are now disengaged 20% of twenty somethings have maintained a level of spiritual activity consistent with their high school experience 78% of twenty somethings say they are Christians Twenty somethings were nearly 70% more likely than older adults to strongly assert that if theycannot find a local church that will help them become more like Christ, then they will find people and groups that will and connect with them instead of a local church. Barna Research



7 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.Identify the characteristics of a healthy faith community in (Heb. 13:1-9). a. (v. 1)Brotherly love b. (v. 2)Hospitality to newcomers c. (v. 3)Have concern for those in prison

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE d. (v. 4)Healthful, God honoring homes e. (v. 5)Have a right relationship to material things f. (v. 7)Submit to the spiritual leaders in the church g. (v. 9)Stay true to Gods Word 1.Identify the characteristics of a healthy faith community in (Heb. 13:1-9).

9 2.How are you doing in each of the 7 characteristics listed? Rate yourself Great/Good/Needs work. a. Brotherly love b. Hospitality to newcomers c. Concern for those in prison d. Healthful, God honoring homes e. Have a right relationship to material things f. Submit to the spiritual leaders in the church g. Stay true to Gods Word PersonalLife Group

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.Now use the graph above to rate how your Life Group is doing as a whole.

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.On the areas that need improvement, what can be done personally?

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.On the areas that need improvement, what can be done as a Life Group?

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What is meant by the references togoing outside the gate or camp as Jesus did in (vs. 12-14)? Jesus established the New Covenant and went outside dead religious tradition, He lived for things to come not present, we must follow Him not religion

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Are there any religious traditions that your church practices for tradition sake that could be eliminated?

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. Identify the 2 spiritual sacrifices that we should offer listed in (vs. 15-16). a. The sacrifice of praise b. The sacrifice of doing good works of sharing

16 9. How do you offer the sacrifice of praise to God? DISCUSSION GUIDE

17 10. How do you offer the sacrifice of doing good works of sharing with others? DISCUSSION GUIDE

18 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 11. What charge is given in (v. 17)? To obey the leaders of the church and let them serve in joy, without grief

19 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 12.Have you ever wondered how to pray for your Church Staff or Life Group Teacher, (v. 18)? Outline it… Pray for your leaders to have a clear conscience, and to live honorably in all things.

20 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 13. Summarize the major divisions and flow of Hebrews. Key Theme –Flesh out your Faith Press on to maturity Key Verse – Heb. 6:1 Outline – (Chapters 1-6) - A superior Person – Christ (Chapters 7-10) - A superior Priesthood – The order of Melchizadek (Chapters 11-13) - A superior Principle – Faith

21 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 14. What has impacted you the most from the study of Hebrews?

22 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Sam Rayburn "Because in Bonham, Texas, they know if you're sick, and they care when you die."


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