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Indefinite Articles in Italian A or An. Indefinite Articles In English,the words a, an and the are indefinite articles. The concept is the same in Italian,

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Presentation on theme: "Indefinite Articles in Italian A or An. Indefinite Articles In English,the words a, an and the are indefinite articles. The concept is the same in Italian,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indefinite Articles in Italian A or An

2 Indefinite Articles In English,the words a, an and the are indefinite articles. The concept is the same in Italian, however, just like definite articles, the word will change based upon gender and number.

3 Singular Forms un - used in front of singular, masculine nouns which begin with a consonant. For example: un libro a book

4 Singular Forms uno – used with singular, masculine nouns that begin with the letter z or s impure. For example: uno sbaglio a mistake

5 Singular Forms un – used in front of masculine, singular nouns that begin with a vowel. For example: un albero a tree

6 Feminine Forms un – used in front of feminine, singular nouns that begin with a vowel. For example: un amicaa friend

7 Singular Forms una – used with singular, feminine nouns that begin with a consonant. For example: una ragazza a girl

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