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Rebecca B. Holloway Park Forest Middle School.  The two main types of substances that are removed from Earth to produce electrical energy are uranium.

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Presentation on theme: "Rebecca B. Holloway Park Forest Middle School.  The two main types of substances that are removed from Earth to produce electrical energy are uranium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebecca B. Holloway Park Forest Middle School

2  The two main types of substances that are removed from Earth to produce electrical energy are uranium (nuclear energy) and fossil fuels (energy from coal, gas, and oil).

3 NUCLEAR ENERGY COAL ENERGY  Nuclear energy comes from power plants where uranium is extracted from rocks and processed to produce electricity.  Coal comes from deep underground or near the surface where it is also removed and processed to produce electricity.


5 NUCLEAR ENERGY At the Uranium One Willow Creek Project in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming, uranium is extracted from underground in sandstone aquiferous deposits.

6 Geologists, scientists who study the composition of the Earth, carefully map out selected areas to dig for uranium so that they can collect suitable amounts.

7 At the Uranium One Willow Creek Project, scientists carefully extract uranium from water and rocks and process it so that we can have electricity. Look at me, I’m a scientist!

8 The process begins with geologists who operate huge drills that burrow deep in Earth to gather samples of the rocks that will hopefully contain Uranium ore.

9 CORE SAMPLES Next, they examine their findings and make careful obser vations. Finally, a good sample ! It contains uranium ore that will eventually be used to produce electricity!

10  Nuclear energy comes from power plants where uranium is extracted from rocks and processed to make electricity. Below is the Uranium One Willow Creek Project. Below is a picture of the Uranium One station processing and well area.

11 The final product is a uranium “yellow cake” product. Sorry, you can’t eat this cake.



14 Take out your devices! You now have electricity!

15 Advantages of Nuclear Energy  *1. 1250g of uranium produces 20000 times more electricity than 250g of coal and is far less polluting, especially to our atmosphere, as no harmful greenhouse gases like are emitted. (carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc.).  *2. One barrel of uranium concentrate (900 lbs.) has the equivalent electric generating capacity of 13,600,000 pounds of coal, or 24,000 barrels of oil.  *3. It is generally a reliable process that can be counted on to produce electricity for many years (average availability over three years is about 80%).  *4. The amount of waste produced each year is minimal.  *5. Uranium can produce 3.7million times as much energy as the same amount of coal.

16 Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy  *1. There is pollution in the form of radioactive waste but with new technologies the process is becoming cleaner and safer each year.  *2. The possibility of radiation leakage or plant meltdown is very unlikely. There are procedures in place to ensure safety.  *3. There are problems and dangers, which could lead to accidents. Many parts of the plant are computerized with some manual work and little error..  *4. The reactors are very expensive in the beginning, but costs are cheaper in the long run.  *5. Uranium can produce 3.7million times as much energy as the same amount of coal.


18  At the Dry Fork Station in Gillette, Wyoming, coal is extracted and processed on-site to support consumer electricity use.


20 At Dry Fork Mine, and other mines, huge trucks are sent underground to remove the coal. Notice the size of the miner in comparison to the wheels of the trucks!

21 The coal is then transported to a shack.





26 All steps in the coal mining process are actively monitored.

27 On-site scientists carefully observe every aspect of coal mining for safety and smooth plant operation. I’m a smooth operator!

28 Most of the coal that is produced in the United States is produced in Wyoming… Where the Buffalo roam and the deer and antelope play!

29 Advantages of coal  *1. Coal is located almost universally.  *2. Coal is a reliable long term source of power and can be generated easily.  *3. Investing in coal is low cost and mines can be built easily.  *4.The potential to produce energy is high compared to other fossil fuels.

30 Disadvantages of coal .  *1. Burning coal releases harmful substances in the air and water causing health hazards and acid rain.  *2. Coal mining results in quite a few human deaths per year although conditions and technology have improved.  *3. Habitat destruction and loss of landscape may result as trees are removed.  *4. Coal is combustible and may cause fires.

31 What do you think is the best energy source?

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