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This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Romans barrier.

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Presentation on theme: "This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Romans barrier."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Romans barrier games Clue cards Subject:History Age groups:8 – 11 Topic:The Romans EAL Nexus resource Licence information | This resource is free to use for educational purposes. © British Council 2014 Source | This resource was originally developed by Jenny Rhodes and has been adapted by EAL Nexus.

2 This is a furry animal with long ears. The Romans used to eat them.

3 The Romans used letters like X, V and M to make these.

4 The Romans brought these animals to England to kill the mice.

5 These were pictures the Romans made using lots of little stones. They used them to decorate their houses.

6 The Roman _______ used to have 10 months in it. Then they added July and August.

7 The Romans built these to carry water from one place to another.

8 The Romans made these out of clay and sand and used them for building.

9 The Romans built very good __________ in Britain. They were made of stone and were usually straight.

10 January is the first ________ of the year. It is named after a Roman God called Janus.

11 This is a small red fruit that the Romans brought to Britain.

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