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What If Anything is Wrong Task – Absorption of Light by a Filter.

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Presentation on theme: "What If Anything is Wrong Task – Absorption of Light by a Filter."— Presentation transcript:

1 What If Anything is Wrong Task – Absorption of Light by a Filter

2 A student is holding a red and a green filter in front of a bright white light. The light passes through the red filter first. She states: “If I look through the red and green filter at the same time, I will see yellow light since red and green light add together to make yellow light.”

3 Answer the following question on your own

4 What if anything is wrong with the student’s statement? A. Nothing the statement is fine B. If you mix red and green paint you get brown not yellow C. The light will be red since the green was absorbed by the red filter D. The light will be green since it passes through the green filter last E. No light will pass through that combination of filters.

5 Consult with your neighbors. Try to see if you can reach a consensus and then answer again

6 What if anything is wrong with the student’s statement? A. Nothing the statement is fine B. If you mix red and green paint you get brown not yellow C. The light will be red since the green was absorbed by the red filter D. The light will be green since it passes through the green filter last E. No light will pass through that combination of filters.

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