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Alessia Donà, University of Trento1 Active Citizenship for Youth Environment Childcare 13-19 September 2010 Trento (Italy)

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Presentation on theme: "Alessia Donà, University of Trento1 Active Citizenship for Youth Environment Childcare 13-19 September 2010 Trento (Italy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alessia Donà, University of Trento1 Active Citizenship for Youth Environment Childcare 13-19 September 2010 Trento (Italy)

2 Alessia Donà, University of Trento2 Goals: Create opportunities to meet, to communicate, to discuss and to elaborate on issues such as participative democracy, active citizenship; Improve your social competences Increase awareness of your being a EU citizen Identify best practices for active citizenship of young people Use the instruments for introducing changes: shoot a spot + write a policy report

3 Alessia Donà, University of Trento3 Structure: TRENTO (I) Youth involvement FLORINA (G) Environment EGER (U) Childcare Program Coordinator Ideas, documents, experiences…

4 Alessia Donà, University of Trento4 Key topics: Annual priorities: Fight poverty and social exclusion (2010 European Year) Promote youth occupation Global environmental challenges Permanent EU issues: European citizenship Young people participation Cultural diversity Social inclusion Equal opportunities and antidiscrimination

5 Alessia Donà, University of Trento5 Work program: EU level 1. Which is the role of the EU in the area of youth involvement, roma minority inclusion and environment protection? 2. Which are the best practices across the EU member states? National/local level 1.How the 3 countries/local municipalities govern and manage the 3 issues? And broad issues to deal with: Poverty & social inclusion Youth participation Global challenges Final result: A POLICY REPORT with clear, justified and realistic indications and suggestions to foster the young people participation

6 Alessia Donà, University of Trento6 Schedule of the activities for the next months: October – December 2010: 3 months to collect data and information on the 3 policy areas; January 2011: second meeting. Elaborate the preliminary structure of the report. February- April 2011: preparation of the preliminary version of the report May 2011: third meeting. Discussion of the content of the report June 2011: preparation of the final version of the report July 2011: public presentation of the report (and of the spot) in front of local policy-makers and MEPs.

7 Alessia Donà, University of Trento7 TO start with…EU useful links: Roma minority: 8&langId=en Environment- European Commission nsumers_health_en.htm European Youth Portal:

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