Objective 12.02 Examine tools related to the animal science industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 12.02 Examine tools related to the animal science industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 12.02 Examine tools related to the animal science industry

2 Tools for use in animal science Candling light is used to view the interior of eggs to detect blood spots

3 Tools for Breeding Management Castration tools used to prevent male animals from breeding –Burdizzo –castrator

4 Steps in using Burdizzo on a Goat






10 The kid on the left is in tact, the kid on the right was castrated 5 weeks prior.

11 Artificial insemination tools Artificial vagina to collect semen from the male animal Insemination straw for the disposition of semen into the female.

12 Tools for Management A syringe is used to give injections or draw bodily fluids A dehorner is used to remove horns from cattle

13 Dehorning

14 Tools for Management A rectal thermometer is used to take the temperature of animals –Cattle 100-103 –Hogs 102.6 –Sheep 102.3 –Horse 100.5 –Chicken 106

15 Tools for Management A “V” notcher is used to notch the ears of swine for identification

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