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Vocabulary Notebook.

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1 Vocabulary Notebook

2 Vocabulary Word: narrative writing
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: narrative writing Definition: writing that entertains (tells a story) Root: narrate (to tell) narration (re-telling) Graphic Representation:

3 Vocabulary Word: archetype
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: archetype Definition: Is a character, symbol, story pattern, or other element that is common across cultures and that occurs frequently in literature. Synonyms: Common impression or belief Graphic Representation: Examples: damsel in distress; mad scientist; the wise old man; the hero; ill-fated or star-crossed lovers (Romeo and Juliet)

4 Vocabulary Word: stereotype
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: stereotype Definition: Commonly held belief about a particular group of individuals Synonyms: judgments; labels Generalizations Examples: gender stereotypes age stereotypes racial/ethnic stereotypes

5 Vocabulary Word: imagery
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: imagery Definition: Descriptive or figurative language used to create word pictures in a reader’s mind Synonyms: Mental image Graphic Representation:

6 Vocabulary Word: details
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: details Definition: Words that describe a character, setting, or event Synonyms: Specifics, fine points, technicalities Graphic Representation:

7 Vocabulary Word: Context
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Context Definition: the circumstances or facts that surround a particular event or situation Synonyms: background situation surroundings Graphic Representation:

8 Vocabulary Word: setting
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: setting Definition: Time and place in which a narrative occurs Examples: England 1506 NYC 2004 Graphic Representation:

9 Vocabulary Word: point of view
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: point of view Definition: The perspective from which a story is told First person: story told from character’s own perspective Third person: story is told by a narrator Graphic Representation:

10 Vocabulary Word: conflict
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: conflict Definition: A struggle between opposing forces, either internal or external Common Examples: man vs. self man vs. man man vs. society man vs. nature Graphic Representation:

11 Warm up 9/12/14 Write four sentences using four different vocabulary words from your VCNB and/or Word Wall. Use context clues to show me you know the meaning of the words. Use a minimum of 3 different coordinating conjunctions throughout your sentences.

12 Vocabulary Word: technique
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: technique Definition: A way of carrying out a particular task Synonyms: approach, manner, mode Graphic Representation:

13 Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: visual technique Definition:
Ways images can be used to convey narration Types of visual techniques: framing, angles, point of view, and lighting Graphic Representation:

14 Graphic Representation:
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: mood Definition: the overall emotion, which is created by the author’s language and tone and the subject matter Synonyms: feeling, Emotion attitude Graphic Representation:

15 Vocabulary Word: protagonist
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: protagonist Definition: the leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text Graphic Representation:

16 Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: plot Definition:
the sequence of related events that make up a story Five main elements: Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution Graphic Representation:

17 Vocabulary Word: pacing
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: pacing Definition: A narrative technique that refers to the amount of time a writer gives to describing each event and the amount of time a writer takes to develop each stage in the plot Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

18 Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: epic Definition:
a long narrative about the deeds of heroes or gods Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

19 Vocabulary Word: concise
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: concise Definition: to be brief and to the point Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

20 Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Tone Definition:
a writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject Synonyms: Attitude, feeling, mood Graphic Representation:

21 Vocabulary Word: Diction
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Diction Definition: refers to the writer’s choice of words & use of language Synonyms: Vocabulary, writing style, word choice Graphic Representation:

22 Vocabulary Word: Connotation
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Connotation Definition: the emotional or imaginative meaning of a word or words Synonyms: meaning, association Graphic Representation:

A stubborn person may be described as being either strong-willed or pig-headed. Although these have the same literal meaning (i.e. stubborn), strong-willed suggests admiration for the level of someone's will  , while pig-headed suggests frustration in dealing with someone  .

24 Vocabulary Word: Denotation
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Denotation Definition: the direct or dictionary definition of a word or words Synonyms: Definition, literal meaning Graphic Representation:

25 Vocabulary Word: nuance
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: nuance Definition: A subtle difference or distinction in meaning Synonyms: variation Graphic Representation:

26 DOVE denotation: connotation:
EXAMPLES DOVE denotation: connotation:

27 DOVE denotation: a small, white bird connotation:
EXAMPLES DOVE denotation: a small, white bird connotation:

28 DOVE denotation: a small, white bird connotation: peace
EXAMPLES DOVE denotation: a small, white bird connotation: peace

29 HOME denotation: connotation:
EXAMPLES HOME denotation: connotation:

30 HOME denotation: a building where you live connotation:
EXAMPLES HOME denotation: a building where you live connotation:

31 EXAMPLES HOME denotation: a building where you live connotation: a place of warmth & comfort

32 SUNSHINE denotation: connotation:
EXAMPLES SUNSHINE denotation: connotation:

33 SUNSHINE denotation: the sun’s rays connotation:
EXAMPLES SUNSHINE denotation: the sun’s rays connotation:

34 EXAMPLES SUNSHINE denotation: the sun’s rays connotation: cheerfulness & happiness & warmth

35 RAT denotation: connotation:
EXAMPLES RAT denotation: connotation:

36 RAT denotation: a rodent, larger than a mouse connotation:
EXAMPLES RAT denotation: a rodent, larger than a mouse connotation:

37 EXAMPLES RAT denotation: a rodent, larger than a mouse connotation: disgusting, dirty, sneaky, etc.

38 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult

39 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging

40 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap

41 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive

42 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive Stubborn

43 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive Stubborn Determined

44 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive Stubborn Determined Picky

45 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive Stubborn Determined Picky Particular

46 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive Stubborn Determined Picky Particular Loud

47 EXAMPLES  Negative Positive  Difficult Challenging Cheap Inexpensive Stubborn Determined Picky Particular Loud Outspoken

48 Graphic Representation:
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: definition essay Definition: a type of expository writing that explains, or defines, what a topic means Graphic Representation:

49 Vocabulary Word: function
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: function Definition: Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

50 Vocabulary Word: negation
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: negation Definition: Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

51 Vocabulary Word: allegory
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: allegory Definition: Allegory is an extended metaphor, in which objects, persons, & actions in a narrative have meanings outside the narrative itself Synonyms: Extended metaphor Graphic Representation:

52 Vocabulary Word: oxymoron
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: oxymoron Definition: A figure of speech in which the words contradict each other Examples: Jumbo shrimp Friendly fire Cold sweat Graphic Representation:

53 Vocabulary Word: rhyme scheme
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: rhyme scheme Definition: A consistent pattern of rhyming words at line endings throughout a poem Example: There once was a big brown cat      a That liked to eat a lot of mice.         b  He got all round and fat                   a   Because they tasted so nice.            b Graphic Representation:

54 Vocabulary Word: free verse
Definition: Poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme Example: Heroes Are sometimes courageous collaborators, sometimes originators of opportunities, sometimes champions of coincidence or circumstance. Sometimes heroes act through intelligence and at other times through ignorance. Graphic Representation:

55 Vocabulary Word: formal style
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: formal style Definition: school or academic writing that shows care and appropriate language Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

56 Vocabulary Word: informal style
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: informal style Definition: less formal language used in texting or conversation Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

57 Vocabulary Word: coherence
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: coherence Definition: the clear and orderly presentation of ideas in a paragraph or essay Roots and Affixes: Coherence contains the Latin root –her-, meaning “to stick” and the prefix co- meaning “together.” Graphic Representation:

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