MRSA Is it serious? Is it serious?. Infections caused by MRSA Boils – red, swollen, painful, pus bump Located back of neck groin buttock, armpit, beard.

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Presentation on theme: "MRSA Is it serious? Is it serious?. Infections caused by MRSA Boils – red, swollen, painful, pus bump Located back of neck groin buttock, armpit, beard."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRSA Is it serious? Is it serious?

2 Infections caused by MRSA Boils – red, swollen, painful, pus bump Located back of neck groin buttock, armpit, beard of men, visible skin trauma (cuts and abrasions)

3 How is MRSA Transmitted  Direct skin to skin contact  Contact with shared items or surfaces that have come in contact with infected with someone else’s infection (towels, used bandages)

4 Settings where MRSA Skin Infections Occur Factors that make it easier for MRSA to spread 5 C’s Crowding Contact – skin to skin Compromised skin (cuts or abrasions) Contaminated items and surfaces Cleanliness ( lack of)

5 5 C’s common locations Schools Dormitories Military barracks Households Correctional Facilities Daycare centers ANYWHERE

6 Protect yourself from MRSA Good hygiene – wash hands with soap and water, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, showering after exercises Cover cuts or abrasions Avoid sharing personal items Use a barrier between skin and shared equipment ( weight bench) Clean environment ( wipe off frequently touched surfaces.)


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