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Preparation for Childbirth and Parenting. Childbirth Education  Childbirth educators and teaching methods  Childbirth education classes  Cultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for Childbirth and Parenting. Childbirth Education  Childbirth educators and teaching methods  Childbirth education classes  Cultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for Childbirth and Parenting


3 Childbirth Education  Childbirth educators and teaching methods  Childbirth education classes  Cultural and socioeconomic factors

4 Childbirth Education  Expectant parent classes  Sibling education classes

5 Childbirth Education  Preparation  Perineal and abdominal exercises  Tailor sitting  Squatting  Kegel exercises  Abdominal muscle contractions  Pelvic rocking

6 Childbirth Education  Pain management methods  Bradley  Psychosexual  Dick-Read

7 Pain Management Methods  Lamaze  Gait control  Conditioned reflexes  Conscious relaxation  Cleansing breath  Conscious controlled breathing  Effleurage  Focusing  Second-stage breathing


9 The Birth Setting  Appropriate setting  Birth attendant and support person  Hospital births  Postpartal birth


11 The Birth Setting  Alternative birthing centers  Home birth  Children attending the birth



14 Alternative Methods of Birth  Leboyer method  Birthing room is darkened  Soft music  Infant placed immediately into a warm- water bath  Hydrotherapy and water birth

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