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Body sections are divided by planes

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1 Body sections are divided by planes

2 Body Sections Sagittal Plane Transverse Plane Coronal Plane
lengthwise (head-to-toe) divides body into left and right sections Median – along midline; midsagittal Transverse Plane horizontal divides body into superior and inferior sections Coronal Plane Frontal Divides body into anterior and posterior sections

3 Fig. 1.11 You can draw stick people with a dividing line through each.

4 Body Regions of the Abdominal Area
Epigastric Region – upper middle portion Left and Right Hypochondriac Regions – to the sides of the epigastric region Umbilical Region – middle portion Left and Right Lumbar Regions – to the sides of the umbilical regions Hypogastric Regions – lower middle portion Left and Right Iliac Regions – to the sides of the hypogastric region Draw a tic-tac-toe grid on your paper, and label these sections in the squares. (Answers on the next slide)

5 Fig. 1.13a

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