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Who Was the No Name Maddox Child By: Tim Schnitker & Wesly Nissen.

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1 Who Was the No Name Maddox Child By: Tim Schnitker & Wesly Nissen

2 Charles Manson or No Name Maddox First known as "no name Maddox,” Manson was born to unmarried, sixteen-year- old Kathleen Maddox in Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; no more than three weeks after his birth, he was Charles Milles Maddox. Young Manson's mother, allegedly a drinker, once sold him for a pitcher of beer to a childless waitress, from whom his uncle retrieved him some days later.

3 Manson’s Prison Record By burgling a grocery store, Manson obtained cash that enabled him to rent a room. A string of burglaries of other stores, from one of which he stole a bicycle, ended when he was caught in the act and sent to an Indianapolis juvenile center. By burgling a grocery store, Manson obtained cash that enabled him to rent a room. A string of burglaries of other stores, from one of which he stole a bicycle, ended when he was caught in the act and sent to an Indianapolis juvenile center. Pleading guilty in September 1959 to a charge of attempting to cash a forged U.S. Treasury check, he received a ten-year suspended sentence and probation after a young woman with an arrest record for prostitution tearfully told the court she and Manson were in love and would marry if Manson were freed. Pleading guilty in September 1959 to a charge of attempting to cash a forged U.S. Treasury check, he received a ten-year suspended sentence and probation after a young woman with an arrest record for prostitution tearfully told the court she and Manson were in love and would marry if Manson were freed. He was arrested by the LAPD for stealing cars and using stolen credit cards, but the charges were dropped for lack of evidence. He was arrested by the LAPD for stealing cars and using stolen credit cards, but the charges were dropped for lack of evidence.

4 Terry Melcher Terry Melcher was an American musician and record producer. On November 19, 2004, Terry Melcher died at his home after a long battle with melanoma. He was 62 years old. In 1968, Beach Boy Dennis Wilson introduced Melcher to ex- con and aspiring musician Charles Manson. Manson and his "family" had been living in Wilson's house after Dennis had picked up two girls from the "family" hitchhiking.

5 Nixon in Ties with Manson???  On August 4, despite precautions taken by the court, Manson flashed the jury a Los Angeles Times front page whose headline was "Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares," a reference to a statement made the previous day when U.S. President Richard Nixon had decried what he saw as the media's glamorization of Manson.

6 Sharon Tate During the night they were murdered by members of Charles Manson's "Family" and their bodies discovered the following morning by Tate's housekeeper, Winifred Chapman. Police arrived at the scene to find the body of a young man, later identified as Steven Parent, shot to death in his car, which was in the driveway. Inside the house, the bodies of Tate and Sebring were found in the living room; a long rope tied around each of their necks connected them.Charles Manson Steven Parent On the front lawn lay the bodies of Frykowski and Folger. All of the victims, except Parent, had been stabbed numerous times. The coroner's report for Tate noted that she had been stabbed sixteen times, and that "five of the wounds were in and of themselves fatal". coroner

7 Roman Polanski Polanski met rising star Sharon Tate shortly before filming The Fearless Vampire Killers (she was known to producer Martin Ransohoff), and during the production the two of them began dating. On January 25, 1968, Polanski married Sharon Tate in London. In his autobiography, Polanski described his brief time with Tate as the best years of his life.

8 The Tate Murders As Watson whispered to Atkins, Polanski's friend Wojciech Frykowski awoke on the living-room couch; Watson kicked him in the head. When Frykowski asked him who he was and what he was doing there, Watson replied, "I’m the devil, and I’m here to do the devil’s business." On Watson’s direction, Atkins found the house's three other occupants and, with Krenwinkel's help, brought them to the living room. The three were Tate, eight and a half months pregnant; her friend and former lover Jay Sebring, a noted hairstylist; and Frykowski’s lover Abigail Folger, heiress to the Folger coffee fortune. Polanski, Tate's husband, was in London, at work on a film project. Watson began to tie Tate and Sebring together by their necks with rope he'd brought and slung up over a beam. Sebring's protest — his second — of rough treatment of Tate prompted Watson to shoot him. After Folger was taken momentarily back to her bedroom for her purse, which proved to hold about $70, Watson stabbed the groaning Sebring seven times. Frykowski, whose hands had been bound with a towel, freed himself and began struggling with Atkins, who stabbed his legs with the knife with which she had been guarding him. As Frykowski fought his way toward and out the front door, onto the porch, Watson, who joined in against him, struck him over the head with the gun multiple times (breaking the gun's right grip in the process), stabbed him repeatedly, and shot him twice. Around this time, Kasabian, drawn up from the driveway by "horrifying sounds," arrived outside the door and, in a vain effort to halt the massacre, told Atkins falsely that someone was coming. Inside the house, Folger had escaped from Krenwinkel and fled out a bedroom door to the pool area. She was pursued to the front lawn by Krenwinkel, who stabbed and, finally, tackled her, and was dispatched by Watson; her two assailants stabbed her a total of 28 times. As Frykowski struggled across the lawn, Watson finished him off as well, with furious stabbing that brought his total stab wounds to 51. Back in the house, Atkins, Watson, or both killed Tate, who was stabbed a total of sixteen times. Tate pleaded to be allowed to live long enough to have her baby; she cried, "Mother... mother..." — until she was dead.

9 LaBianca Murders The next night, six Family members — the four from the Tate murders as well as Leslie Van Houten and Steve "Clem" Grogan — rode out at Manson’s instruction. Displeased by the panic of the victims at Cielo Drive, Manson accompanied the six, "to show [them] how to do it." After a few hours’ ride, in which he considered a number of murders and even attempted one of them, Manson gave Kasabian directions that brought the group to 3301 Waverly Drive, home of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, a dress shop co-owner. Located in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles, the LaBianca home was next door to a house at which Manson and Family members had attended a party the previous year. The next night, six Family members — the four from the Tate murders as well as Leslie Van Houten and Steve "Clem" Grogan — rode out at Manson’s instruction. Displeased by the panic of the victims at Cielo Drive, Manson accompanied the six, "to show [them] how to do it." After a few hours’ ride, in which he considered a number of murders and even attempted one of them, Manson gave Kasabian directions that brought the group to 3301 Waverly Drive, home of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, a dress shop co-owner. Located in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles, the LaBianca home was next door to a house at which Manson and Family members had attended a party the previous year. After walking up the driveway and looking in a window, Manson took Watson with him through the unlocked back door. This would be reported in Watson's autobiography, although Atkins and Kasabian had told prosecutors Manson went up to the house alone, returned to say he had tied up the house's occupants, and sent Watson up with Krenwinkel and Van Houten.Watson explained that, at trial, he "went along with" the women's account, which he figured made him "look that much less responsible." After walking up the driveway and looking in a window, Manson took Watson with him through the unlocked back door. This would be reported in Watson's autobiography, although Atkins and Kasabian had told prosecutors Manson went up to the house alone, returned to say he had tied up the house's occupants, and sent Watson up with Krenwinkel and Van Houten.Watson explained that, at trial, he "went along with" the women's account, which he figured made him "look that much less responsible." Rousing the sleeping Leno LaBianca from the couch at gunpoint, Manson had Watson bind his hands with a leather thong. After Rosemary LaBianca was brought briefly into the living room from the bedroom, Watson followed Manson’s instructions to cover the couple’s heads with pillowcases, which he bound in place with lamp cords. Manson left, sending Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten into the house with instructions that the couple be killed. Rousing the sleeping Leno LaBianca from the couch at gunpoint, Manson had Watson bind his hands with a leather thong. After Rosemary LaBianca was brought briefly into the living room from the bedroom, Watson followed Manson’s instructions to cover the couple’s heads with pillowcases, which he bound in place with lamp cords. Manson left, sending Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten into the house with instructions that the couple be killed. Before leaving Spahn Ranch, Watson had complained to Manson of the inadequacy of the previous night's weapons. Now, sending the girls from the kitchen to the bedroom, to which Rosemary LaBianca had been returned, he went to the living room and began stabbing Leno LaBianca with a chrome-plated bayonet, the first thrust going into the man's throat. Before leaving Spahn Ranch, Watson had complained to Manson of the inadequacy of the previous night's weapons. Now, sending the girls from the kitchen to the bedroom, to which Rosemary LaBianca had been returned, he went to the living room and began stabbing Leno LaBianca with a chrome-plated bayonet, the first thrust going into the man's throat.

10 LaBianca Murders cont. Sounds of a scuffle in the bedroom drew Watson there to discover Mrs. LaBianca keeping the girls at bay by swinging the lamp tied to her neck. Subduing her with several stabs of the bayonet, Watson returned to the living room and resumed attacking Leno, whom he stabbed a total of twelve times. After Watson was done, he carved "WAR" on the man's exposed abdomen, as he would state in his autobiography. Atkins, who did not enter the LaBianca house, told prosecutors she believed Krenwinkel had carved the word. Sounds of a scuffle in the bedroom drew Watson there to discover Mrs. LaBianca keeping the girls at bay by swinging the lamp tied to her neck. Subduing her with several stabs of the bayonet, Watson returned to the living room and resumed attacking Leno, whom he stabbed a total of twelve times. After Watson was done, he carved "WAR" on the man's exposed abdomen, as he would state in his autobiography. Atkins, who did not enter the LaBianca house, told prosecutors she believed Krenwinkel had carved the word. Returning to the bedroom, where Krenwinkel was stabbing Rosemary LaBianca with a knife from the LaBianca kitchen, Watson — heeding Manson’s instruction to make sure each of the girls played a part — told Van Houten to stab her too. She did, on the exposed buttocks and elsewhere. At trial, Van Houten would claim, uncertainly, that Rosemary LaBianca was dead by the time she stabbed her. Evidence showed that many of Mrs. LaBianca's forty-one total stab wounds had, in fact, been inflicted post- mortem. While Watson cleaned off the bayonet and showered, Krenwinkel wrote "Rise" and "Death to pigs" on the walls and "Healter [sic] Skelter" on the refrigerator door, all in blood. She gave Leno LaBianca fourteen puncture wounds with an ivory- handled, two-tined carving fork, which she left jutting out of his stomach; she also planted a steak knife in his throat. Returning to the bedroom, where Krenwinkel was stabbing Rosemary LaBianca with a knife from the LaBianca kitchen, Watson — heeding Manson’s instruction to make sure each of the girls played a part — told Van Houten to stab her too. She did, on the exposed buttocks and elsewhere. At trial, Van Houten would claim, uncertainly, that Rosemary LaBianca was dead by the time she stabbed her. Evidence showed that many of Mrs. LaBianca's forty-one total stab wounds had, in fact, been inflicted post- mortem. While Watson cleaned off the bayonet and showered, Krenwinkel wrote "Rise" and "Death to pigs" on the walls and "Healter [sic] Skelter" on the refrigerator door, all in blood. She gave Leno LaBianca fourteen puncture wounds with an ivory- handled, two-tined carving fork, which she left jutting out of his stomach; she also planted a steak knife in his throat. Hoping for a double crime, Manson had gone on to direct Kasabian to drive to the Venice home of an actor acquaintance of hers, another "piggy." Depositing the second trio of Family members at the man's apartment building, he drove back to Spahn Ranch, leaving them and the LaBianca killers to hitchhike home.[ Kasabian thwarted this murder by deliberately knocking on the wrong apartment door and waking a stranger. As the group abandoned the murder plan and left, Susan Atkins defecated in the stairwell. Hoping for a double crime, Manson had gone on to direct Kasabian to drive to the Venice home of an actor acquaintance of hers, another "piggy." Depositing the second trio of Family members at the man's apartment building, he drove back to Spahn Ranch, leaving them and the LaBianca killers to hitchhike home.[ Kasabian thwarted this murder by deliberately knocking on the wrong apartment door and waking a stranger. As the group abandoned the murder plan and left, Susan Atkins defecated in the stairwell.

11 Beatles Song Lyrics  Piggies  Blackbird  Happiness is like a warm gun Manson thought that the lyrics to piggies meant that the rich people needed to be whacked and that the rich people were stirring up the dirt. Manson thought that the lyrics to Blackbird meant he was superior to jump the gun and that he was waiting for this moment to kill. Manson thought that the lyrics to Happiness is a Warm Gun meant that he needed a fix cause his life was sinking very fast.

12 Dennis Wilson and his relationship with Charles Manson Dennis Wilson’s relationship with Charles Manson was that he let Charles and his family stay at his house for six months. Charles and his family got to stay with Dennis Wilson because two of his members hitch hiked to find a place where they could stay while they were killing people.

13 Manson’s Family Is currently a prisoner at the California Institution for Women, Frontera. On October 10, 2001, Watson was turned down again for parole at his thirteenth parole hearing and was told not to apply for another four years. "I don't have to just make amends to the victims and families, I have to make amends to society. I sinned against God and everything this country stands for." Is also serving life in prison at California Institution for Women at Frontera. She did not appear at her last parole hearing in 1997. An illegitimate and unplanned child, he was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 12, 1934 to Kathleen Maddox, a promiscuous sixteen-year-old drunk.

14 Who is Sadie Atkins? While she was awaiting trial for the murder of Gary Hinman, Susan Atkins was placed in the Sybil Brand Institute, L.A.'s women's house of detention. Her bed was next to that of 31-year-old Ronnie Howard. Another inmate, Virginia Graham, was a close friend of Ronnie's. Susan Atkins was a real talker. She had an almost unbelievable story that Ronnie and Virginia listened to with absolute amazement.

15 Who is Tex Watson? Is also serving a life sentence for the Tate/LaBianca murders, and is currently housed in Mule Creek State Prison in Northern California. During his time in prison, Watson has converted to Christianity, written several books, married, fathered four children and trained as a minister of religion. His wife, Kristin and their family live close to the prison where she operates a Web site for their ministry called Abounding Love Ministries, Inc.

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