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Sun Yixian Sun was the leader of China's republican revolution. He did much to inspire and organize the movement that overthrew the Manchu dynasty in 1911.

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Presentation on theme: "Sun Yixian Sun was the leader of China's republican revolution. He did much to inspire and organize the movement that overthrew the Manchu dynasty in 1911."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sun Yixian Sun was the leader of China's republican revolution. He did much to inspire and organize the movement that overthrew the Manchu dynasty in 1911. A family of rulers that reigned over China for nearly three hundred years. Through the Kuomintang Party he paved the way for the eventual reunification of the country.

2 His Political Ideology Sun's chief legacy resided in him developing a political philosophy known as the Three Principles of the People. Which were The People's Relation and Connection, The People's Power, and the People's Livelihood and Welfare, or even sometimes known as nationalism, democracy, sovereignty, and socialism, populism, livelihood depending on the translation.

3 His Legacy Though the guiding spirit of the Chinese revolution, Sun was widely criticized during his lifetime. His involvement in warlord politics combined with frequent heralding new ventures had won him the epithet of "Big Gun Sun." After his death, however, he became the object of a cult that elevated him to a sacrosanct position.


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