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Chromosomes, Mitosis, and Meiosis 6.1

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosomes, Mitosis, and Meiosis 6.1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosomes, Mitosis, and Meiosis 6.1

2 Autosomes – Chromosomes 1-22
Karyotype – Image of all the chromosomes in a cell Autosomes – Chromosomes 1-22 Sex Chromosomes – #23 Homologous chromosomes – pair of matching chromosomes

3 Somatic cells -Body cells Gametes -Reproductive cells

4 Life Cycle of a cell

5 Diploid Cell – Cell that has 2 copies of each chromosome (2n).
Mom gave Dad gave Chromatid 1 Chromatid 2 You Interphase Asexual reproduction: identical cells Involved in Sexual reproduction: Produces genetically unique cells Results in Diploid cells Results in Haploid cells Mitosis Meiosis Diploid Cell – Cell that has 2 copies of each chromosome (2n). Haploid Cell – Cell that has 1 copy of each chromosome (n).

6 “Houston, we have touchdown”
Oogonia Diploid cells in ovary of females make eggs Spermatogonia Diploid cells in testies of males produce sperm Meiosis “Houston, we have touchdown”

7 Zygote- A fertilized egg

8 Please leave the lab in the bag. Thank you 


10 Teacher Using whiteboards and chromosome beads. Ask questions and have 1 student draw and hold up board. Other represent with beads.

11 12. What process is this Meiosis

12 13. What is another name for asexual reproduction

13 14. Draw a Diploid cell showing chromosome 1 inside it.

14 15. Draw a Haploid cell showing chromosome 1 inside it.

15 16. What is produced when an egg and a sperm combine?

16 17. What is meiosis called when it occurs in females?

17 18. How many chromosomes does a human have?

18 19. Draw Meiosis using chromosome 1 and 2

19 20. Using only 1 chromosome, draw a picture of a Karyotype for a diploid cell.

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