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8.L.1 – L IFE S CIENCE 8.L.1.1 8.L.1.2. 8.L.1.1 Basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites related to the spread, treatment, and.

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Presentation on theme: "8.L.1 – L IFE S CIENCE 8.L.1.1 8.L.1.2. 8.L.1.1 Basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites related to the spread, treatment, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 8.L.1 – L IFE S CIENCE 8.L.1.1 8.L.1.2

2 8.L.1.1 Basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites related to the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease.

3 M ICROBIOLOGY Explores microscopic organisms Viruses Bacteria Protozoa Parasites Fungi Algae Lack tissue differentiation, are unicellular, very diverse

4 V IRUSES Non-living Need host cells to reproduce Invade healthy cells, use them to make more viruses, this kills the healthy cells Viral disease is one of the most widespread illnesses in humans Range from mild fevers to cancer Spread through a variety of things Human contact, water, insect bites, etc. Vaccines and anti-viral drugs are used to help control their spread

5 C OMMON V IRUSES Chicken Pox Hepatitis Herpes HIV HPV Influenza (Flu) Rabies Yellow Fever

6 B ACTERIA Single celled, prokaryotic organisms Can live in many different environments Grow asexually, and it can be rapid Treated with antibiotics Some antibiotics have been overused and have caused resistance to their treatment

7 F UNGI Eukaryotic Can attack tissues of living plants and animals and cause disease Fungal disease is a major concern for humans Example: Mold

8 P ARASITE An organism that feeds on another individual (known as the host) Example: Leech, Tapeworm They can also cause infectious disease Can take up residence in the blood stream, intestines, or tissues

9 8.L.1.2 Explain the difference between epidemic and pandemic related to the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease.

10 D ISEASE O UTBREAK When a disease occurs in greater numbers than expected in a community or region during a season Can last days or even years Can be considered an epidemic or pandemic Epidemic – a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time Pandemic – indicates a far higher number of people affected, over a much larger region

11 E PIDEMIC Refers to rate of infection An illness or health-related issue that shows up in more cases than normal Occurs when an infectious disease spreads rapidly to many people Example – 2003 – SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) Took the lives of nearly 800 people worldwide Example – Malaria, which is basically confined to Africa, but not spread across the world

12 P ANDEMIC Even more of the population is affected than an epidemic Usually a worldwide issue rather than a regional issue Example – Swine Flu: started in Mexico and spread worldwide Example – Black Plague: Disease spread by fleas and rodents (mice) Flu pandemics have occurred several times.

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