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By: Bailey Wing, Kaylie Deswart

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1 By: Bailey Wing, Kaylie Deswart
Invertebrate Phylum By: Bailey Wing, Kaylie Deswart

2 Cnidaris/Jellyfish *Definition-a animal with tentacles that’s able to sting its prey or predators. *Body System-they have a bowl head and long tentacles. *Reproduction-They give off sperms and it swims and lands and it grows into a jellyfish. *Food-meat in the sea and it goes to the waist and then pukes it out. *Habitat-they don’t live in a home they are pack animals they travel in groups. *Predator problems-Turtles eat jellyfish. They grab them by the bowl and chow down. *Adaptations/Fun Facts- some jelly are bigger then humans. People in some country's eat jellyfish B.W

3 Platyhelminthes/Escarus
*Definition-Flatworms have a flattened body, a digestive system with only one opening and a simple nervous system. *Body System-they are cross eyed. They have a tube to eat there food. *Reproduction-Flatworms are capable of reproducing sexually or by building fragmentation reveres osmosis. *Food-to eat they extend a tube that sucks up particles into there stomach. They eat particles that go through the tube. *Habitat-During the daylight the y are under rocks at the fresh water streams some live in coral wreaths. *Predator/Problems-creature that eat flatworms are dragon. *Fun/Facts-they are cross eyed. Some are less them an inch long. There eyes are on the top of there head. Platyhelminthes/Escarus B.W

4 Mollusks/slugs *Definition-A animal that has a soft body with no bones. Like a slug. *Body system- they have a tube to eat there food. They have a shell. Mollusks also have gills. *Reproduction-they reproduce sexual a egg go into the ocean and it fertilizes. *Food-mollusks are filter feeders. Mollusks eat from a tube. Mollusks eat small particles for food. *Habitat-Mollusks live in coral wreaths in the south part of the pacific ocean and the coral can be blue or green. *Predator Problems-The predators are birds when they are out of there shell they get them. When there in a she the birds can’t pick them up. *Fun Facts-Mollusks have a Shell. They don’t have any bones. They have a foot that helps them move. B.W

5 Echinoderms/Sea urchin/Starfish
*Definition-Invertebrates that have internal skeletons and spines that sticks out from there body’s. *Body System-They have spines that sticks eat from there body it pretexts them from. *Reproduction-they reproduce sexually male or female has a sex organ. They release millions of egg cells *Food-Sea urchin have five teeth they eat algae from the small pools that they live in. *Habitat-They live in only the ocean they live in pools that are found at the sea shore. *Predators Problems- Nothing would eat them because they have spines that protect them from predators *Fun Facts-They get oxygen from the sea water.

6 Sources *Student Text Book *Google *

7 My Invertebrate Phylum's
By: Kaylie Deswart , Bailey Wing KD

8 Annelids/Segmented worms Example: Earth worms
*Definition: An animal, such as the earth worm, whose body is made up of connected sections, or segments. *Body Systems: Circulatory system, five enlarged tubes act as hearts, nerve center, or brain, major vessels that pump there blood. *Reproduction: sex organs, after worms mate, both partners lay eggs and produce slimy covering that forms a cocoon that protects the eggs. *Food: Two sets of muscles enable the worm to move through soil, where it takes in its food through its mouth. *Habitat: they live in most soil or usually under ground. *Predators & Problems: moles and birds eat earth worms. *Adaptations & Fun Facts: They breath through there thin moist skin. KD

9 Arthropods Example: Scorpions
*Definition: An animal that has a jointed exoskeleton. *Body Systems: Digestive system, Circulatory system, two openings, and a brain. *Reproduction: Sexual reproduction, female lays fertilized eggs. *Food: Most Arthropods eat other animals. *Habitat: some arthropods live in water. *Predators & Problems: we (humans) eat arthropods such as, sea food like, lobster. *Adaptations & Fun Facts: There exoskeleton does not get bigger as the animal grows. KD

10 Porifera/Sponges Ex: Venus-flower basket sponge
*Definition: A type of animal that filters the water it lives in to get food. *Body Systems: Round or finger like. Has an inner and an outer layer of cells, the skeleton is made up of tough protein called spicules. *Reproduction: most often they reproduce asexually, buds break of and grow new sponges, some sponges reproduce sexually , forming the cells , an egg forms a larva that leaves and attaches to the sea bottom. *Food: they eat small food particles, they filter the water around them to get food. A jelly like layer caries food to other cells. *Habitat: They live at the bottom of the ocean in shadowy areas. (lakes, ponds, streams growing on heard surfaces. *Predators & Problems: divers pull them out of the water and let them dry. *Adaptations & Fun Facts: They can blend into the sea bottom and don’t look like animals. Many people didn’t know they were animals and there food comes from the water. KD

11 Nematodes/Round worms Example: Hook Worms
*Definition: An animal with a round tube like body, that has a digestive system with 2 openings. *Body Systems: Has a nerves system with a brain, and other simple sense organs. *Reproduction: Nematodes reproduce sexually… it has sex organs that enable it to reproduce sexually. *Food: It feeds on other animals or organisms. They have one whole in the front for eating and one in the back for leaving waist. *Habitat: They live in soil or dirt, and some live in other animals. *Predators & Problems: fungus, other nematodes, and anything bigger than it Eats it or is its predators. *Adaptations & Fun Facts: living in animals help them survive and get food. A shovel of soil can contain about 1 million round worms. KD

12 Sources * Harcourt Science Textbook * (It was realistic information.) * KD

13 There are many Invertebrates!

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