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Chapter 2 B: Fitness Principles. Review  How did you do on the quiz?  Topics discussed thus far:  Health vs. Wellness  Wellness Dimensions  Benefits.

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1 Chapter 2 B: Fitness Principles

2 Review  How did you do on the quiz?  Topics discussed thus far:  Health vs. Wellness  Wellness Dimensions  Benefits of PA  1900 – 2000 Timeline  PA/Exercise/PF  Health & Skill related fitness components

3 Today: Fitness Principles  The basic Principles of a Fitness Program:  Progressive Overload  Consistency  Specificity  Diminishing Returns  Reversibility  Individuality  Safety

4 Progressive Overload  For physical components to improve, the system must work harder than it is used to working!  Body is subjected to stress and overloads of varying intensities, it will gradually adapt, over time, to overcome these demands.  Key! Even though overload is important, the stress must not be great enough to produce injury/damage!  Therefore: use the FITT principle

5 FITT Principle FITT principle for overload:  Frequency—How often  Intensity—How hard  Time—How long (duration)  Type—Mode of activity Without overloading the system, progression does not occur!

6 Consistency  Big issue for college students = finding time!  Best time = when you have time and motivation  Creating a daily routine is important  Least desirable times: after a meal, before bedtime.  # of days varies but you should try to workout at least 3 times per week to see minimal improvements

7 Specificity  The body adapts to the particular type and amount of stress placed on it  To develop a particular fitness component, perform exercises specifically designed for that component  E.g. Running vs. Skiing

8 Diminishing Returns  Greatest gains: beginning of program  After initial increase: gains will continue at slower pace.  Benefits are only sustained if you maintain your exercise program.  Gains may be lost if you stop exercising!

9 Reversibility  Fitness improvements are lost when demands on the body are lowered  If you stop exercising, up to 50% of fitness improvements are lost within 2 months

10 Individuality  Everyone is NOT created equal from a physical standpoint  There are large individual differences in ability to improve fitness, body composition, and sports skills  A person’s exercise prescription needs to be based on individual goals, needs, functional capabilities, and interests.

11 Safety  “Train, don’t strain”  Progress no more than 10 % increase per week in training program (FITT)  Warm-up? Yes or no?  Increase body temperature  Stretch ligaments and muscles  Increase flexibility  Prepare for you workout! (specificity)

12 Guidelines for Training  Train the way you want your body to change  Train regularly  Get in shape gradually; do not overtrain  Warm up before exercise  Cool down after exercise  Exercise safely  Add variety and have fun  Try training with a partner  Listen to your body!

13 Next class  Computer Lab!  Go straight there  Be there on time!

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