 Activity:  1. Begin by talking about pets and what kinds the students have.  2. Ask each student to write a story about their favorite moment with.

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2  Activity:  1. Begin by talking about pets and what kinds the students have.  2. Ask each student to write a story about their favorite moment with their pet.  3. Once they are done, ask each student to come up front and tell their story. Make sure they say by, and their name.  4. Make a chart on the board and make a tally for each type of animal each student talks about  5. Create a bar graph on paper and ask the students to come up and color in the boxes that correspond to their animals. M-K.1.6 Record and organize information and answer questions about data using objects and pictures in context. K.1.17 Read their own names. Gardner-Logical-Mathematical

3  Activity:  1. Read Skippyjon Jones aloud. Have students identify the front and back of the book.  2. On pages 12-13, count together how many Los Chimichangos there are.  3. On page 9, Skippyjon sings a song to the tune of the Mexican Hat dance.  4. Discuss the origin of the Hat Dance and then teach it to the students.  5. Have them get into a circle in the middle and dance around the sombrero. S-K.2.1 Use whole numbers, up to 10, in counting, identifying, sorting, and describing objects and experiences. LA-K.1.1 Concepts about Print: Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. Gardner-Musical

4  Activity:  1. Reread Skippyjon Jones.  2. Discuss how Skippyjon likes to jump on his big boy bed.  3. Have a few students share a time when they were jumping on their bed.  4. Ask the students to go back to their seats and draw a picture of their experiences.  5. When they are done, hang them around the room. S-K.2.2 Draw pictures and write words to describe objects and experiences K.7.5 Tell an experience or creative story in a logical sequence (chronological order, first, second, last). Gardner- Intrapersonal

5  Activity:  1. Re-read Skippyjon Jones.  2. Discuss the many types of beans that the bad Bumblebeeto takes.  3. Pass out a hand full of beans to eat child and have them separate them by size, color, or texture.  4. Ask the students to compare and contrast 2 of the beans.  5. Ask the students what else could you do with beans?(Eat, plants, create something) S-K.6.1 Describe an object by saying how it is similar to or different from another object. LA- K.4.8 Organize and classify information into categories of how and why or by color or size. Gardner-Naturalistic

6  Activity:  1. Read the book CATS, by Seymour Simon.  2. Read the book DOGS, by Seymour Simon.  3. Compare and contrast dogs and cats based on the books as a group.  4. Make a list as a class of other types of animals. S-K.4.1 Give examples of plants and animals LA- K.1.3 Understand that printed materials provide information. Gardner- Interpersonal

7  Activity:  1. Read Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble.  2. Ask the students to identify the main characters.  3. Explain how mummies used to be made and what materials they used.  4. Providing toilet paper rolls, have 2 students pair up and take turns wrapping themselves up like mummies.  Once everyone is wrapped, take a class picture and then clean up. S-K.3.1Describe objects in terms of the materials they are made of, such as clay, cloth, paper, etc. LA-K.3.3 Identify characters, settings, and important events in a story Gardner- Bodily Kinesthetic

8  Activity:  1. Have the students sit in a circle at their desks. Pick one student to write down a sentence about a dog and cat racing.  2. Pass the paper and have the next student add another sentence. Continue until the story goes all the way around the room.  3. Give all directions orally.  4. Once the story is complete, have the students draw a picture. S-K.3.2 Investigate that things move in different ways, such as fast, slow, etc. LA K.7.1Understand and follow one and two-step directions Gardner-Visual/Spatial, Linguistic

9  Activity:  1. Re-read Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble  2. Talk about Pyramids and how they were constructed.  3. Have students get into groups of 3 or 4 and build a pyramid using foam cups.  4. Students should color the cups first using markers.  5. While students are building, the teacher should walk around and ask questions such as who is the main character?, where did he travel to?, etc. S-K.5.1 Use shapes to describe different objects LA-K.2.3 Generate and respond to questions Gardner- Bodily-Kinesthetic

10  Activity:  1. Have the students sit on the carpet in front of the teacher.  2. Take turns coming up with ideas for a story about Skippyjon Jones doing an experiment.  3. Talk about how everyone can do science and learn about the world around them. LA-K.4.2 Tell a story that the teacher or some other person will write. S-K.1.2 Begin to demonstrate that everyone can do science

11  Activity:  1. Have the students go to www.skippyjonjones.comwww.skippyjonjones.com  2. Let them explore the website and do the activities there.  3. After, re-read the story and discuss rhyming words.  4. Say a word like cat, and have as many students come up with a rhyming word. LA-K.1.10 Say rhyming words in response to an oral prompt

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