Microsoft Settlement Info updated. Help the poorer schools in acquiring technology to assist with implementation of the ICC The money is not to supplant.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Settlement Info updated. Help the poorer schools in acquiring technology to assist with implementation of the ICC The money is not to supplant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Settlement Info updated

2 Help the poorer schools in acquiring technology to assist with implementation of the ICC The money is not to supplant current technology funds… it must supplement. Must show how to implement and must have an evaluation Must have pre- and post-assessment to prove the value of the investment Intention of the Disbursement

3 Who/How is Money Disbursed Money (in the from of vouchers) will be disbursed at the building level, but applied for by district. Disbursement was based on F/R lunch percentage in the building. Numbers were based on Fall 07-08 Certified Enrollment figures. BEDS indicate participation Amount: HS - $168 EL - $126

4 Timeline The funds will be disbursed over a 4 year timeframe. Funds will be disbursed in the form of vouchers Apr. 15 – May 15, 2009 deadline for online submission of application Aug.17, 2009 - Aug.16, 2013 to expend funds Recommendation: File for a 180 or 360 day extension

5 Procedure IF the building has qualified for the funding, then must apply for ‘vouchers’. The application tips: Draft of the application will be available on the DE website on March 1, 2009 Application limited to 2000 characters including spaces Only items on eligibility list will be reimbursed If you file for xyz, can only be reimbursed for xyz

6 Procedure continued One page application for each expenditure: Must link to the Iowa Core Curriculum Must specify how the purchase will be implemented Must specify how the building will know internally that the intended area of the Iowa Core Curriculum was addressed There will be an on-site interview Assurances must be signed by board president, superintendent, principal and IT person.

7 The money is not to supplant funds… it must supplement. There are two types of vouchers: General - Hardware 50% Software - 50% Professional Development - 30% PD must be done by certified DE provider such as the AEAs. The infrastructure to support the project will be in place before the project is started. Be sure to check approved list before purchasing!

8 Important Websites Keystone AEA Microsoft Help Wiki Iowa School Microsoft Settlement List of Eligible Schools /1412/#EligibleSchools

9 ICN Sessions Planned Math Literacy Science Social Studies 21st Century Skills Upcoming ICN planning sessions… Do you want to have one global ICN session on all topics or break out sessions by content area? What additional assistance do you need?

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