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Terrain derivatives Derived from the 1 second resolution SRTM DEM-S and DEM-H SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE FLAGSHIP John Gallant and Jenet Austin | Terrain.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrain derivatives Derived from the 1 second resolution SRTM DEM-S and DEM-H SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE FLAGSHIP John Gallant and Jenet Austin | Terrain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrain derivatives Derived from the 1 second resolution SRTM DEM-S and DEM-H SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE FLAGSHIP John Gallant and Jenet Austin | Terrain Analysis Team, CSIRO Land and Water 7th November 2012

2 Data Source Terrain derivatives all based on the national SRTM-derived 1 second DEM-S or DEM-H Australia wide coverage Consistency Users working from the same version Accuracy Best practice methods DEM geometry properly addressed Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 2 |

3 Available Datasets Aspect MrVBF Plan and profile curvature Slope (percent and degrees) Median slope over 300 m radius circle Relief (elevation range) over 300 m and 1000 m radius circle Slope-relief classification Topographic position index Contributing area Topographic wetness index Cell area (varies with latitude due to geographic projection) Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 3 |

4 Location of example datasets North-central Tasmania Some flat areas and some hilly areas for contrast Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 4 |

5 Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 5 | Slope (%) Relief (300 m radius)

6 Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 6 | Slope-relief Class Topographic Position Index

7 Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 7 | MrVBFTopographic Wetness Index

8 Resolutions and Coordinate System Terrain derivatives are available at two resolutions 1 second – approximately 30 m 3 second – approximately 90 m The 3 second versions have been aggregated from the 1 second versions using methods that suit the characteristics of each dataset Geographic coordinate system Datum WGS84 Derivatives can be projected to other coordinate systems at a comparable cell size 9 second resolution versions do not currently exist Not suitable for some derivatives (e.g. TWI, aspect) If genuinely required, contact John Gallant to discuss an appropriate method of aggregation Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 8 |

9 Data Format Terrain derivatives are in ESRI grid format 1 second resolution datasets are available only as 1x1 degree tiles 3 second datasets are available as 1x1 degree tiles and as an Australia-wide mosaic in an ESRI file geodatabase Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 9 |

10 Data Access Portal Terrain derivatives will be available via the Data Access Portal 3 second resolution mosaic Some metadata publicly viewable now Public download of large datasets in next release of DAP (early November) Currently waiting on confirmation of CC-BY licence before all terrain derivative datasets will be approved and available through the DAP Link from the TERN Data Discovery Portal Soil and Landscape Facility 1 second resolution datasets – size constraints Available within CSIRO Most have been distributed to a number of agencies via external hard drive Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 10 |

11 Future Datasets Solar radiation surfaces SRAD model, accounts for topography and climate 1 second resolution Monthly averages Testing complete for Tasmania Estimated completion date for Australia – March 2013 Prescott Index Requires radiation surfaces as input Terrain derivatives | John Gallant and Jenet Austin 11 | January July

12 CSIRO Land and Water David Jacquier In charge of toilet paper and other consumables t+61 2 6246 5916 w CSIRO Land and Water John Gallant Terrain Analysis Team Leader t+61 2 6246 5734 w CSIRO Land and Water Jenet Austin Spatial Analyst t+61 2 6246 5707 Landscape-Science SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE FLAGSHIP

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