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Good Governance in Licensed Clubs

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Presentation on theme: "Good Governance in Licensed Clubs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Governance in Licensed Clubs
Governance Matters Kate Costello

2 Effective Governance understand the role of the Board
get the right skills and encourage the right behaviour introduce effective processes

3 Understand the Role of the Board
Governance is what the Board does or should do to be a “value-adder” to the organisation rather than just a “cost-centre”. It is different from what management does or should do.

4 What is Governance? “The Board’s role is to create the future of the organisation, not just mind the shop”. John Carver

5 Monitoring and Supervision
The Role of the Board Strategy Formulation Outward Looking Accountability Compliance Roles Appoint CEO Performance Roles Inward Looking Monitoring and Supervision Policy Making Past & Present Future *adapted from Tricker, RI: International Corporate Governance (1994) p149

6 Those you can’t say no to!
Accountability Those you can’t say no to! the law and regulation constituent document or empowering legislation creditors (eg. bank; suppliers) other contractors (eg government funding; sponsors)

7 Those you need to listen to!
Accountability Those you need to listen to! owners (shareholders; members; government) customers staff the community

8 Good Governance in Accountability
“listening” to stakeholders risk management organisational culture

9 Strategy Formulation what is “Strategy”? – Michael Porter
the gut, the head, the heart answer the hard questions

10 Good Governance in Strategy
longer term strategic plan (with measures) aligned operational/business/annual plan (with measures) aligned budgets

11 Good Governance in Strategy
dedicate some board meetings to strategic matters spend the first hour on a strategic issue reorganise the agenda (decision; discussion; noting)

12 Policy “I define policy as the value or perspective that underlies action. Of course that means everyone in the organisation makes policy including staff members, but boards must make the broadest and most inclusive policies in order to control the organisation. The trick is for the board to make distinctions between the types and sizes of policy, so that what is delegated is clear”. Carver J: Reinventing Your Board, P41

13 Good Governance in Policy
Carver argues that the board only has one employee, the CEO. “The board will: instruct only the CEO view all organisational performance as that of the CEO view any organisational failure to comply with board policy as the failure of the CEO require that the CEO keep the organisational performance within policy criteria and restore it to this state should there be policy violations never in its official capacity, help the CEO manage” John Carver

14 Good Governance in Policy
Matters reserved for the board Policy separated from minutes Board Manual

15 Monitoring and Supervision
By strategic KPIs By annual KPIs By compliance with board policy By agreeing what information will come to the board, in what format

16 CEO and Succession “hire and fire” the CEO remunerate and reward
assess performance plan for succession

17 Get the Right Skills size of the board board skill set committees
the right ones? clear terms of reference? reviewed, or task forces? amend constituent document to make right

18 Board Member Knowledge
induction management update sessions expert reports expert development sessions Board and director performance evaluation

19 Encourage the Right Behaviour Board Effectiveness Research
Shey Newitt Compliant but not contributing: why Australian boards are being under-utilised

20 Working Relationships
Chair – CEO relationship critical behaviour and teamwork a “living” Code of Conduct

21 Introduce Effective Processes
calendar papers before meeting clear, concise, precise papers duration of meetings calibre of minutes plus action list receipt of minutes after meeting

22 Effective Governance understand the role of the Board
get the right skills and encourage the right behaviour introduce effective processes

23 Good Governance in Licensed Clubs

24 Structure and Skills Constitution/Rules; “management committees”
size of board skills of board; elected or appointed

25 Structure and Skills maximum terms?
committees; governance or operational? review committees?

26 Accountability A lot of law and regulation! gambling liquor licensing
employment occupational health and safety food safety standards

27 Accountability risks – legal, financial, operational
communication with, and from, major stakeholders eg members member/customer attitude community support directors’ duties

28 Strategy a highly competitive environment: restaurants, hotels, gyms, sports facilities enough time on the future? what’s the point of true differentiation?

29 Policy may be clear at operational level but board level?
make accessible review

30 Chief Executive Officer
who governs the Club – CEO/GM or board? performance management system succession

31 Leadership and Teamwork
choose the right chair succession of chair code of conduct/statements of behaviour

32 Processes board calendar time and duration of meeting
content and style of papers minutes

33 In Summary A skills-based board A strategic emphasis
The right processes Your checklist

34 Understanding Good Governance in Licensed Clubs
Governance Matters

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