American Reform. Education Public schools throughout the US, but few finished Kindergartens est. for working mothers Schools very different for whites.

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Presentation on theme: "American Reform. Education Public schools throughout the US, but few finished Kindergartens est. for working mothers Schools very different for whites."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Reform

2 Education Public schools throughout the US, but few finished Kindergartens est. for working mothers Schools very different for whites & blacks  Excluded from high schools Basic skills taught

3 Industrial Age New emphasis on advanced skills New courses offered (drafting, mechanics, etc.) Immigrants & school  Encouraged to finish school  Became immersed in American lifestyle  Catholics start to est. religious schools

4 Growth of Higher Education 1900- 2.3% of Americans attended college #’s increasing due to industry Research, law, medicine, social sciences Increase for Blacks also  Est. schools (Fisk & Howard)

5 Race Issues 13 th, 14 th & 15 th Amendments grant more rights Early years- blacks able to exercise their rights… changes after Reconstruction (1877) Many Southern white determined the limit the movements and rights  Voting Literacy test Poll tax Grandfather clause

6 Jim Crow Laws Laws passed in southern states to limit the rights... Supreme Court doesn’t overturn these laws Separate the races in all aspects of society... known as Jim Crow laws  Old minstrels song “Jump, Jim Crow”Jump, Jim Crow


8 Library Of Congress


10 Plessy v. Ferguson eblect/lec02/02_05.htm

11 Discrimination Occurred in all areas! Early 1900’s many blacks start to move to N. cities ($$) Segregated neighborhoods, low paying jobs (if any), difficult to join Unions

12 Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. Du Bois Washington- wanted fellow blacks to obtain useful skills  Tuskegee Normal & Industrial Institute W.E.B. Du Bois- disagreed with Wash.  Pushed for liberal arts ed. For future leaders  Est. Niagara Movement  Talented 10 th

13 Progressive Era 1900 reforms a hot issue (middle class) Progressive Mov’t goals:  Protect social welfare  Promote morality  Economic reform  Fostering efficiency  Video! Video!

14 1. Social Welfare Attempts to help the poor (remember the settlement houses??) Organizations- YMCA & Salvation Army est. community centers, soup kitchens, nurseries Work to decrease the hours for women & children in factories

15 2. Promote social improvement Reformers want people to take the initiative to change their lot Prohibition- outlaw alcohol  Feared American morals were declining  1874 Women’s Temperance Mov’t  Entered saloons singing & preaching about the evils  Sometimes seen as anti- Immigrant….why??

16 US Marshals destroying alcohol

17 3. Economic Reform 1893 Panic & unequal distribution of wealth worries many Turn to Socialism Eugene V. Debs org. American Socialist Party 1901

18 Muckrakers Journalists try to expose the corrupt practices Known as muckrakers  Ida M. Tardell- History of Standard Oil looks at Rockefeller’s practices  Upton Sinclair  Video! Video!

19 4. Efficiency Factory work isn’t efficient b/c of long hours, fatigue, and fast work Introduction of Assembly line  Makes a product faster, but wears down on workers  Henry Ford est. 8 hour work day to help the problem

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