REGIONAL FOOD AND HEALTH Claire Glazzard. Good Nutrition Good nutrition helps protects against diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL FOOD AND HEALTH Claire Glazzard. Good Nutrition Good nutrition helps protects against diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and some cancers."— Presentation transcript:


2 Good Nutrition Good nutrition helps protects against diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and some cancers * A balanced diet can promote good mental health and well-being It can improve the quality of life of older people, and those on the margins of society Taken together with physical activity; a healthy diet has the potential to enhance the length and quality of an individual ’ s life

3 National Food and Health Action Plan Part of a commitment within the SSFF: Improve the health of the population of England through better nutrition Support the production, manufacture and preparation of healthier foods Improve access to the range of foods needed for a health diet Develop the provision of information to consumers about healthy eating and nutrition Promote the acquisition of skills necessary for good nutrition.

4 Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives 1. Children – healthy growth and healthy weight 2. Promoting Healthier Food Choices 3. Building physical activity into our lives 4. Creating incentives for better health 5. Personalised advice and support

5 Challenges Facing the East Midlands Levels of Health in the East Midlands are close to the national average and are improving - But there are wide variations in Region Poor Diet is a problem facing the region Inequalities Cost Access Rural



8 National Food Initiatives

9 Regional Activity Food in schools School fruit and vegetable scheme 5 A DAY Food for Life Healthy Start Food safety East Midlands Food and Health Network Regional Food and Health Action Plan

10 Regional Food and Health Network Northamptonshire Derbyshire and Derby City Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City

11 Benefits of membership Membership of a development group and/or access to development days Learning Sets with specific focus and time limited Separate websites as part of “Emphasis” in Food & Health with links to SFVS & 5 A Day and sign posting to other useful sites Access to a directory/database of food & health projects within the East Midlands & contact details & the completed Regional Food Problem Analysis. Accessible contact details of network members Opportunity to participate in a wider reference group for the development of a Regional Food & Health Action Plan

12 EMPHasis Website Newsletters Good practice examples Case studies Events National Updates Funding sources Podcasts Blogs


14 2. Aims of East Midlands Food and Health Action Plan 1.To improve the diet of pregnant women and pre-school children 0-4yrs 2.To improve the diet of children and young people 3.To improve the diet of older people 4.To promote healthy eating within the workplace 5.To ensure all NHS premises offer appropriate food choices to support healthy lifestyle 6.To improve the cooking skills of the population 7.To ensure that food in the home is safe to eat 8.To ensure that all residents within the East Midlands have easy access to affordable healthy food 9.To ensure the effective co-ordination and implementation of the EMFAHAP



17 1. Develop and support regional Food and Health Network 2. Lead, drive and facilitate implementation of East Midlands Food and Health Action Plan (FAHAP) 3. Initial focus on: Healthy Early Years Workplace Health Change4Life sub brands Priorities

18 3. Early Years agenda Healthy weight, healthy lives –Children: healthy weight healthy growth Healthy early years standard Nutritional analysis for day provision Basic healthy eating training Food policy development

19 3. Workplace agenda National and Local Strategies  Improving Health and Work: Changing Lives  Working Well East Midlands Pilot Sites  FAHAP impact assessment 1.Engage and consult partners 2.Pilot new set of guidance from FSA in range of organisations e.g. Prisons, NHS organisation 3.Catering companies – local analysis


21 Year One: Interventions CLUSTER 1: 13.3% of families CLUSTER 2: 18.2% of families CLUSTER 3: 15.6% of families I kind of make it up as I go along, a lot of it is from the way mum brought me up. We’re not like organic types and mums that have the time to cook all day. Touch wood, my children will not put on weight so I let them have what they want. 1.6 million high risk families with children 2-11 1.4 million families with children 0-2 0.59 million pregnant women 4.7 million families with children 0-11 || | Pregnant women 0.59m Parents of 0-2s 1.4m High risk families 1.6 m Clusters 1, 2 & 3

22 Me Size Meals Portion sizes Resources Raise awareness Change behaviour Re-educate families

23 Addressing barriers i.e. time Breakfast clubs Links to healthy schools, early years, workplace agendas Toolkit available online:



26 Get involved locally Can you think of an initiative in your area?

27 Claire Glazzard East Midlands Food and Health Manager Government Office for the East Midlands The Belgrave Centre Stanley Place Talbot Street Nottingham NG1 5GG Tel: 0115 971 4760 Email: Website:

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