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Welfare Reform and the Strategic Housing Partnership

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1 Welfare Reform and the Strategic Housing Partnership
David Cummins Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods City West Housing Trust

2 Evolution of the wheel circa 1994

3 Data Sharing Debt Advice Credit Unions Research Allocations Social Fund/Ctax

4 Welfare Reform Data Sharing Aim
To be able to obtain data which will allow us to target our efforts on customers where it will impact most.  To be raised at the HB liaison meeting – Info/offer from Manchester, Bury and Bolton to be shared with Salford HB. Aspirational that RP’s become ”accountable organisations” in respect of DWP data sharing. This can be escalated if required following the next meeting.

5 Welfare Reform Debt advice Aim
Debt advice Aim For Registered Providers to be part of the new delivery model across the City.    . ·         Individual members in the group are part of the review and we anticipate a proposal for RP involvement to come to us within the next few months. Essentially by working together we can make better use of the resources we commit to this service in the City. GP to look at joint offer on training and advice Link directly in with CAB lottery bid

6 Welfare Reform Credit Union Aim
For there to be a viable Credit Union offer for residents of Salford By 2013. ·         Traditional (cross authority) RSL’s are working towards creating organisational common bonds. ·         Salix/City West –to pursue River Valley potential over the next 2 -3 months with a view to finding an alternative (possibly organisational common bond arrangements) if River Valley does not prove viable.

7 Welfare Reform Research Aim
To ensure that we make use of potential and emerging research to understand the impact of Welfare Reform for our businesses and our customers.

8 Welfare Reform  Allocations Aim To share our approaches to allocations that result as a consequence of welfare changes. but that any negotiations about allocations policy would  be outside the scope of the group.

9 Welfare Reform Social Fund/Council Tax Aim
Social Fund/Council Tax Aim To ensure that the changing nature of the Social Fund and Council Tax is developed in the best interests of our customers. ·         Mike Wright to champion this on behalf of the Housing Partnership.

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