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Supporting People Update and Savings Proposals Glyn Meacher Supporting People Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting People Update and Savings Proposals Glyn Meacher Supporting People Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting People Update and Savings Proposals Glyn Meacher Supporting People Manager

2 Savings Proposals - Background Over the last three years the City Council has needed to save 97 million Over the next three years this will increase by £25 million per year As a result the Directorate were asked to analyse each service area against an emerging new offer to vulnerable people All proposals were then fed through the Councils budget setting process including detailed conversations with Elected Members and the City Mayor

3 Vulnerable Persons Offer New vulnerable persons offer based on funding those services which – Are contributing to meeting the statutory needs of the Council – Are meeting the priorities contained within the Health and Wellbeing strategy – Where there are no alternative funding sources available – Are impacted by welfare reform

4 Consultation process 4 of the savings proposals form part of the Councils consultation process on the vulnerable persons offer and its impact in 14/15 Consultation began on 3 rd March and lasts until May 25 th. Individual support is being given to users of services and stakeholder events organised. SP focused stakeholder events 3 rd and 10 th April Results of consultation, CIA and proposals, with any revisions will then be considered by Commissioning Body in May and then the Assistant Mayor – Services for adults and older people in June

5 The proposals Proposals detailed below are subject to consultation within the Vulnerable persons offer – Withdraw all Supporting People funding from the Home Improvement Agency service, leaving a reduced amount of City Council funding available for the service – Withdraw all SP funding from Salford Offender service, leaving a small amount of Probation funding available to support a service – Withdraw all Supporting People funding for a support service for deaf/blind people where people who fit into substantial/critical FACS criteria are likely to be able to continue to access individual support – Withdraw all funding for tenancy and floating support thereby relying on Landlords supporting their own tenants

6 Additional proposals A number of other proposals have been, or have been previously been approved, and will support delivering the necessary savings. These are – Completion of the transfer of services for Domestic Abuse to the management of the City Council and re-designing accommodation provision – Re-modelling of support and care in extra-care housing and tendering part of the service provision – Reducing the capacity within Supported Lodgings – Redesigning mental health supported accommodation provision – From April 15 – Re-designing temporary accommodation provision for homeless families – Removing funding for groups for the visually impaired which will continue to be supported by the existing provider through their own business model – Transfer of money from public health to the SP programme for Domestic Abuse and Drug and Alcohol services

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