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What is the purpose of screening? Screening identifies areas of deficit that Increase your risk of injury Reduce your performance.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the purpose of screening? Screening identifies areas of deficit that Increase your risk of injury Reduce your performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the purpose of screening? Screening identifies areas of deficit that Increase your risk of injury Reduce your performance

2 Running Screening Core Stability Measured using a single leg ¼ squat Looking for maintenance of level pelvis, knee and foot in a straight line, minimal trunk lean Rated as good, average and poor

3 Running Screening Hamstring Length Lying on back, lift leg up, keeping knee straight Optimal is greater than 70° hip flexion Dont allow pelvis or lower back to move Keep foot in plantargrade >70°

4 Running Screening Hip Extension Range Perch on edge of bed/table and roll back taking both knees up to chest Lower down one leg at a time, leg should drop below the horizontal Optimal greater than 5° extension > 5°

5 Running Screening Dorsiflexion Lunge Knee to wall, keeping heel on ground Measure distance from big toe to wall – 10-15cm optimal Knee must track over top of foot Pelvis square 10 – 15 cm

6 Running Screening Single Leg Calf Raise On one leg perform as many calf raises on one leg 20 reps optimal Maintain weight over big toe Look for cheating with pelvis, body sway, bending/straightening

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