Pupil of the month Primary 1BM December 2012 For being a helpful, well-mannered girl who consistently carries out her tasks quietly, carefully and with.

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Presentation on theme: "Pupil of the month Primary 1BM December 2012 For being a helpful, well-mannered girl who consistently carries out her tasks quietly, carefully and with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pupil of the month Primary 1BM December 2012 For being a helpful, well-mannered girl who consistently carries out her tasks quietly, carefully and with good concentration.

2 Pupil of the month Primary 1M December 2012 for being very brave on stage as a narrator and for excellent behaviour during our Nativity.

3 Pupil of the month Primary 2 December 2012 His teachers are very proud of how well he did taking part in our nativity play. He has made lots of progress since starting Primary 2 and we can see how hard he tries every day in school.

4 Pupil of the month Primary 2/3 December 2012 For working hard to improve all his class work, for being polite and helpful in class and for his super concentration with his percussion in the Nativity. Ding! Ding!

5 Pupil of the month Primary 3 December 2012 For making us smile everyday! For his perseverance and attitude! he has achieved a lot this term!

6 Pupil of the month Primary 4 December 2012 for making a big effort in all aspects of her writing. She has been trying her best to always include super sentence openers and cool connectives to vary her writing. Her sentences are now really exciting to read, well done!

7 Pupil of the month Primary 5 December 2012 Works hard during all lessons and has been making good progress in maths due to hard work and determination. A very pleasant girl with lovely manners. A good friend to all in our class.

8 Pupil of the month Primary 5/6 December 2012 For always working to her best and giving 100% in everything she does. Well done my little Christmas Angel!

9 Pupil of the month Primary 7 December 2012 for consistently producing superb work, being helpful and sensible and becoming our first Mathethon champion, answering 83 multiplication tables correctly in 2 minutes.

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