Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient. The collective weight of scientific evidence has found homeopathy to be no more effective than a placebo.

2 Homeopathic treatments should be freely available to everyone who wants it. Many millions of people claim that homeopathy medicine have worked for them, but they cannot explain why. The first homeopaths gave herbs and minerals to healthy people. The people kept detailed records of how they felt. The homeopaths used the data to write lists matching drugs to the symptoms they could treat. People continue to use homeopathy. They have not rejected it, even though scientists have found evidence that does not support its theories.

3 Doctors and pharmacists have collected sets of data about medicines. The data show that the greater the dose the, the more powerful the effect. Homeopaths say you get ill when there is an imbalance in our vital force. This is not a logical explanation. Homeopaths, when testing their treatment, scientists found had not analysed the data critically.

4 Homeopathic treatment should be freely available for everyone who wants it. However it is not backed up by any data and is scientifically proven not to work. Also, the people that have used it say that it does not benefit them as it only works for certain people. Due to this, us as a group have made the decision that we would not use homeopathy. By Mark Barrion Zaid Hammoudeh Will Taylor And with thanks to Arwel Poacher

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