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Chris Sherwood SIMS Exams. SIMS Exams – Summer 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Sherwood SIMS Exams. SIMS Exams – Summer 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Sherwood SIMS Exams

2 SIMS Exams – Summer 2014

3 Performance tables updated Early Entry rule applied Discounting rules updated Improved Student Filter

4 KS4 Summary Reports Cohort Information – 3 measures Progress Measures – 4 measures GCSE & Equivalent Achievements – 5 measures English Baccalaureate – 3 measures English Baccalaureate Subjects – 10 measures The Basics – 3 measures Averages – 5 measures

5 KS4 Cohort Information number of pupils on roll at end of KS4 number and % of eligible pupils split by gender KS2 Average Points Score of cohort

6 KS4 Progress Measures % pupils making at least the expected level of progress in English between KS2 and KS4 % pupils included in the English progress measure (coverage) % pupils making at least the expected level of progress in maths between KS2 and KS4 % pupils included in the maths progress measure (coverage)

7 GCSE & Equivalent Achievements % pupils attaining 5+ GCSEs at A*-C (or equivalent) including English and maths GCSEs % pupils attaining 5+ GCSEs at A*-C including English and maths GCSEs (excluding equivalences) % pupils attaining 5+ GCSEs at A*-C (or equivalent) % pupils attaining 5+ GCSEs at A*-G (or equivalent) % pupils with at least one qualification

8 English Baccalaureate number and % of cohort entered for EBacc number and % of cohort achieving the EBacc number and % achieving A*-G grades in all EBacc subjects

9 English Baccalaureate Subjects number & % entered for English number & % cohort attaining A*-C in English number & % entered for maths number & % cohort attaining A* -C in maths number & % entered for two sciences number & % entered attaining A* -C in two sciences number & % entered for a language number & % entered attaining A* -C in a language number &% entered for a humanities subject number &% entered attaining A* -C in a humanities subject

10 The Basics number & % pupils attaining A*-C grades in English and maths number & % pupils attaining A*-G grades in English and maths

11 Averages average number of qualifications per pupil average number of GCSEs per pupil APS per pupil (capped at best 8) APS per pupil (GCSEs only) APS per pupil (uncapped)

12 KS5 Summary Reports Cohort Information – 3 measures A levels – 7 measures A level and other academic qualifications – 5 measures Vocational qualifications – 5 measures

13 Cohort Information number of students at end of KS5 number of A level students at end of KS5 number of A level full-time equivalent students at end of KS5

14 A Levels average point score per A level student (full-time equivalent) average point score per A level entry Threshold measures % A level students achieving at least 3 A levels at A*-E % A level students achieving at least 2 A levels at A*-E % A level students achieving at least 1 A level at A*-E AAB attainment measures % A level students achieving A levels at grades AAB or higher in at least 2 “facilitating subjects” % A level students achieving A levels at AAB or higher in at least 3 “facilitating subjects”

15 A level and other academic qualifications average point score per academic student (full-time equivalent) average point score per academic entry number & % of academic students achieving qualifications equivalent to at least 3 A levels at A*-E number & % of academic students achieving qualifications equivalent to at least 2 A levels at A*-E number & % of academic students achieving qualifications equivalent to at least 1 A level at A*-E

16 Vocational qualifications average point score per vocational student (full-time equivalent) average point score per vocational entry number & % of vocational students achieving at least 3 substantial vocational qualifications number & % of vocational students achieving at least 2 substantial vocational qualifications number & % of vocational students achieving at least 1 substantial vocational qualifications

17 SIMS Exams FAQs QLast summer there were a few issues with subject codes not recognising against each other for discounting purposes. AWe are updating the PI calculations in line with new DfE rules and as part of that work these issues will be resolved QWith the changes to KS4 discount codes this year, will the system be able to discount previous codes against new codes? AYes QWith the news that the first attempt of GCSE English and Maths will only count, will the system also be calculating this? AYes, this now covers all Ebacc subject areas see;

18 SIMS Exams FAQs QCan you tell me if these performance calculations and discounting are part of the Performance Measures XML file or is it coded elsewhere in the system? AA combination of the above. QIs there a new Performance Measures XML file in the pipeline and if so will it be included in the SIMS Spring 2014 release? AYes – to coincide with summer release as additional fields will be included in the import to support some of the new DfE rules.

19 SIMS Exams FAQs QMy understanding is that the “first entry only counts” is from September 2013, so June 2013 results can be improved upon for both student and school in Nov 2013 OR June 2014. ACorrect QFor students who sat the Nov 2013 exam, the results stand for the school but the student could hopefully improve their result in June 2014. ACorrect

20 SIMS Exams FAQs QWill SIMS be able to calculate school performance (first entry only counts) for the headline Performance Tables PI Cohort Summary data? ASIMS will calculate best result where the Exam has been sat prior to Sept 2013 and first result where sat after 2013 the rules above QFor Expected Progress measures, does the “first entry only counts” rule apply? AExpected Measures will take whichever result has been included in PI based on the rules above

21 SIMS Exams FAQs QI understand that SIMS now uses First Result rule, how can I calculate the Best result statistics? AThere is currently no way to automatically calculate Best result but you could manually amend the discounting and re-run the calculation routine or export the broadsheet for all seasons and calculate the measures in XL.

22 JCQ A2C Project We are continuing our work with the JCQ on their A2C Data Exchange Project The A2C Data Exchange Programme is an innovative programme bringing significant improvements to the way data is shared between awarding organisations and schools, colleges and other examination centres. We are currently aiming for a Summer 2015 release to schools, for use from September 2015


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